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Mixed Methods Ryan Rominger, Ph.D., LCPC-PIT

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1 Mixed Methods Ryan Rominger, Ph.D., LCPC-PIT
Associate University Research Chair Center for Leadership Studies and Educational Research Adjunct Research Faculty: Sofia University, CIIS Renew Wellness Center, therapist-in-training

2 Mixed Methods Brief introduction & why I am interested in Mixed Methods research Own research past and current, Sage Pub, dissertations, Agenda for today: Context for today’s discussion Main ‘types’ of MM designs Those pesky, yet informative, symbols & boxes Examples Questions

3 Mixed Methods First textual overview of MM designs was in 2003 – Tashakkori & Teddlie’s Handbook of Mixed Methods in the Social & Behavioral Sciences However, MM have been used much longer than that Some point back to Campbell & Fisk, 1959 within psychology Campbell, D. T., & Fiske, D. W. (1959). Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Psychological Bulletin, 56(2), Key textbook authors: Creswell & Plano-Clark




7 Mixed Methods Assumptions
Often, philosophical foundation is pragmatism (use the method that gets the data which answers your questions) If not, know what it is and how it influences method strands Combining Qual and Quant help minimize problems within both But if poor quality, can include problems of both Combining helps ‘triangulate’ phenomenon to better understand what is happening If not well coordinated, rather than 2 blind people feeling same elephant, can be 1 feeling elephant, another feeling a lion – i.e., need to have purposeful, meaningful coordination

8 Mixed Methods qual QUANT MM Strategies
Important concepts: Timing, Weighting, Mixing, Theory + = concurrent data collection = sequential data collection Capitalization = weight/priority Quan = quantitative Qual = qualitative QUAN/qual = qualitative embedded in quantitative design QUANT qual

9 Mixed Methods Main Strategies/Models Sequential mixed methods
Researcher “seeks to elaborate on or expand on the findings of one method with another method” (C&PC, p. 14) Quan  Qual or Qual  Quan Concurrent mixed methods Researcher “merges quantitative and qualitative data” (C&PC, p. 14) collection Collects both forms of data at same time Integrates the information during analysis & interpretation

10 Mixed Methods Transformative mixed methods
Uses overarching theoretical lens (or umbrella) which provides framework (C&PC, p. 15) Collect multiple types of data to answer questions about the topic Particularly important in interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary studies Ex: In psychology, lens could be queer theory, investigating the expression of gender among transgender individuals in early adolescence

11 Mixed Methods Research Questions in MMR
Think about order of data collection If sequential, ask first RQ first, second second If concurrent, ask RQ based on weight or importance – if quant more heavily weighted, start w/quant research hypothesis. If qual more heavily weighted, start with qual research question. Include a specific MM question Addresses mixing of data; could focus on procedures or content At what point do you merge? Data collection, analysis, synthesis, conclusions

12 Mixed Methods QUANT qual Data collection Data analysis
Sequential Explanatory Designs Interpretation of entire analysis Example: Studying “significant life events” during college of recent college graduates. QUANT – 500 college students complete survey. qual – 30 “exemplar” students chosen and interviews about their experience. Interpretation done after all data collected and analyzed.

13 Mixed Methods QUAL quant Data collection Data analysis
Sequential Exploratory Designs Interpretation of entire analysis Example: Studying “significant life events” during college. QUAL – 30 college students complete interview. Quant – 500 students given survey based on results of qual interviews. Interpretation done after all data collected and analyzed.

14 Mixed Methods Sequential Transformative Design (c) QUAL  quan
Example: Transformational Leadership as umbrella. QUAL is interviewing business leaders who are identified as holding a transformational stance – decision making process. Based on answers, select/create survey(s) and administer to 200 business leaders. QUAL  quan Specific theoretical overview/umbrella QUAN  qual Specific theoretical overview/umbrella

15 Mixed Methods Concurrent Triangulation Design (a) QUAN QUAL QUAN QUAL
Data Collection Data Collection   QUAN Data results compared QUAL Data Analysis Data Analysis Example: Desire to know more about use of expressive arts within therapy. Simultaneously collect survey data from 500 counselors in private practice regarding EA use (how often, for what issues, etc.). Also recruit 15 counselors to interview about their use of EA to find out more about specifics of how it is utilized within therapy. Weighted equally. Compare results. QUAN QUAL

16 Mixed Methods Concurrent Embedded Design (b) #1 QUANT QUAL #2 qual
Analysis of Findings Analysis of Findings Ex #1: Efficacy based RCT experiment on meditation with 6th graders to help increase focus (QUANT). Interview several of these students to find out what it was like for them (qual).

17 Mixed Methods Concurrent Transformative Design (c) Triangulation
Embedded #1 QUANT QUAL Overarching theory QUANT Overarching theory #2 qual

18 Mixed Methods Challenges Can take more time
Can take more resources (money, personnel) Need skills for both Qual and Quant methods Individual Team Trouble determining when to merge/synthesize strands Trouble with unclear research questions – note suggestion to have one overall ‘mixed method’ RQ and within that, method specific RQs Some combinations do not mix well Methods – classical phenom & large scale quant Theories – positivist (RCT) and constructivist (narrative)

19 Article Review Additional examples:
Forrest et al. (2013). Training Directors’ Perceptions of Faculty Behaviors When Dealing With Trainee Competence Problems: A Mixed Method Pilot Study. Quant survey – descriptive data & survey questions Qual interviews (based on grounded theory, questions based on survey responses) THUS: Sequential, explanatory model with strong theoretical overlay (grounded theory & constructivism) ’Mixing’ occurred between strands – quant into qual – and during final discussion on effective and ineffective strategies for addressing problematic faculty behaviors

20 Additional Current Issues
Hesse-Biber, S. (2015). The problems and prospects in the teaching of mixed methods research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18(5), Proposes need for multiple teachers when teaching mixed methods, esp. one well versed in qual and one well versed in quant Fox, N. J., & Alldred, P. (2018). Mixed methods, materialism and the micropolitics of the research- assemblage. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(2), “new materialism” response to integrating mixed methods.

21 Mixed Methods on the Hub
Go to: Research Community  Special Interest Group (SIG)  Research Method  Mixed Methods ch-methodology-group Blog – methodology discussions

22 Next Webinar May 10th – Quantitative Experimental Designs
Dr. Brian Sloboda, Univ. Research Chair, Center for Management and Entrepreneurship methodology-group/calendar?date=

23 Questions?

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