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Meet our faculty & TAs Visit our web site

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Presentation on theme: "Meet our faculty & TAs Visit our web site"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet our faculty & TAs Visit our web site
Welcome to ENGR10 Meet our faculty & TAs Visit our web site

2 Lecture Faculty Jack Warecki Ken Youssefi Professor of Record
8:00 am Lecture Ken Youssefi Professor of Record 1:30 pm Lecture

3 Lab Faculty Javier Valencia Jack Warecki Ken Youssefi Ahmed Banafa
Smita Duorah Chuck Foster Steven Sepka Farshid Marbouti

4 Graders and Lab Assistants
HW Graders Denise Gip Akshay Goel Twisha patel Akash Vachhani Sundhanshu Dangi Hiren Kummar Sarang Padda Anish Patel Pradnya Sham Thorat Sayalee Bhusari

5 Adding E10 Fill out the form on the E10 web site You will be contacted during the first week

6 Who Are We? Turn to your neighbor: Introduce yourself
Name, major, anything else you might want to share Tell your neighbor why you are studying engineering What is one goal you have this semester

7 San Jose State University College of Engineering Departments
Mechanical Engineering (ME) Electrical Engineering (EE) Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) Computer Engineering (CMPE) Biomedical, Chemical & Material Engineering (BCME) Aviation and Technology (AVTech) Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE) Software Engineering (SE) General Engineering Aerospace Engineering (AE)

8 Course Goals - Engineering
At the end of this course students will be able to: Understand the steps of the engineering design process Apply basic physics concepts to the design and analysis of built systems Apply teamwork skills and resolve team conflict Write a simple engineering report and present the report orally Use tools such as spreadsheets, C++ programming, and CAD software to support engineering design and analysis Use ethical reasoning to address and evaluate ethical dilemmas Explain principles of sustainability and how they affect engineering design Recognize the value of participation in professional activities

9 Course Goals – GE Area E At the end of this course students will be able to identify the: Physiological Social/Cultural and Psychological factors and their interrelation on human development and recognize how: Those factors and their interrelation influence a student’s well-being A student’s well-being is affected by the university’s academic and social systems To use appropriate social skills to enhance learning and develop positive interpersonal relationships

10 E10- Textbook (hard copy or eBook)
Custom textbook, soft cover ISBN#

11 Project-Based Learning

12 Lab Projects Excel lab: one week Solar Energy Experiment: One week
CAD lab: one week Wind Turbine Project: Five weeks Robot Project: Seven weeks

13 Let’s Explore the Class Web Site & Canvas

14 Visit the E10 web page & Canvas frequently


16 Visit the E10 web page & Canvas frequently
Click on Admin

17 Class Schedule Lectures Labs
Note different lecturers (JW – Jack Warecki, KY = Ken Youssefi)

18 Syllabus Lecture: 500 pts Lab: pts

19 Visit the E10 web page & Canvas frequently

20 Visit the E10 web page & Canvas frequently

21 Visit the E10 web page & Canvas frequently


23 Make sure you enter the First and Last name that you used to register, no nickname

24 For questions or issues email eCampus@sjsu
For questions or issues or go to Instructional Resources Center building, room 206

25 Visit the E10 web page & Canvas frequently

26 Canvas

27 E10 Canvas site Both lecture sections are included Lab section

28 E10 Canvas site

29 Modules section

30 Assignments section – student view

31 Grades section – student view (Lect.)

32 Join any Engineering Student Club for Extra Credit (20 points)

33 We’re going to have fun this semester!

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