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ClairCity Public Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "ClairCity Public Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 ClairCity Public Meeting
in association with City of Sosnowiec Integrated Air Pollution Management in Delhi City Dr. Mukesh Khare, Member, EAB, ClairCity Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, India 4/25/18 ClairCity

2 Delhi-NCR Area of Delhi NCT : 1,500 sq km
Area of Delhi NCR : 58,332  sq km

3 PM2.5: Cause of Concern Exceeding NAAQS: Delhi Health risk
Annual average: ± 81.7 μg/m3 24-hour average Summer: 58.2 ± 35.0 µg/m3 Winter: ± 99.9 µg/m3 Health risk Group 1 carcinogen 96% of particles retained by lung cells are PM2.5 More than 5 million deaths caused by indoor and outdoor air pollution in South Asian countries Responsible for various cardio-pulmonary and lung cancer Environmental risk Visibility degradation: haze formations, light scattering Acid deposition: acid rain Chemical properties affect various processes precipitation, cloud formation, solar radiation, rain and fog

4 NAAQS Indian Standards WHO Guidelines 24-hour average Annual average
PM10 100 60 50 20 PM2.5 40 25 10 All figures are in µg/m3

5 Source Contributions

6 Additional PM Sources Domestic (Kitchen) DG sets
Agriculture residue burning in surround rural area Re-suspension of road dust Transport of dust from surrounding area outside city Brick Kilns Land dumps

7 Locations of Brick Kilns

8 Challenges Uncontrolled sources Unaccounted sources
Geographic location Meteorology

9 Urban Air Quality Management
Evaluate Effectiveness of Implement Air Quality Implemented Controls Improvement Plans Monitoring and Sampling Management and Control Cost Benefit Analysis Chemical Characterization Feedback Air Quality Modeling Source Apportionment Emissions Identification, quantification of sources Health Study and Inventory Impact Analysis

10 Some Unanswered Questions
What is the current share of different sources in air pollution in Delhi city? What is the contribution of surrounding towns in NCR? Which are the interventions that can bring down the levels effectively?

11 Case Study An Integrated Study of Air Pollutant Sources in the Delhi- National Capital Region (ASAP) (Sep Sep 2020) Partners IIT Delhi National Physical Laboratory University of Birmingham University of Surrey Funded by MoES-NERC-DBT (Total cost: GBP 300,000)

12 Urban baseline: IIT Delhi(1)
Delhi city IITD Site Urban baseline: IIT Delhi Green Area Residential Area Institutional Area Commercial area Vehicular emission Urban baseline: IIT Delhi(1) NPL Site

13 Regional Background Monitoring Station: MM University Campus (3)
200 km Delhi MMU Agriculture area Mullana Village Features Nearest village = ~3 km in North Total population = 4956 (As per Census 2011) Total Area of village = 650 hectares Nearest city = Ambala cant (~30 km, towards W)

14 NCR Sites Sonepat Bahadurgarh Noida Faridabad Manesar
Sampling frequency: 1 week/site/season Sampling form: Integrated Day-Night samples Sampling analysis: Organic and inorganic Sonepat Delhi city IIT Delhi site Agriculture Industrial Residential NCR4 Brick kilns NCR5 NCR6 Residential & Commercial NCR7 NCR8 Bahadurgarh Noida Faridabad 3/15/18 Manesar

15 Monitor/Sampler types
Simple filter-based system and real-time monitors Portable real-time Aerosol Spectrometer Make: GRIMM Instruments ( Cost: INR 23,00,000 PM2.5 Sampler Make: Envirotech Instruments Pvt Ltd ( Cost: INR 1,50,000

16 Priority PM Abatement Options
Preventive Measures Formulation and implementation of Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) Demand and Structural Measures Phase out inefficient industrial and TPPs Phase out small scale coal and biomass combustion Move heavy industries and TPPs away from city centres Greater use of public transportation Cess on diesel Cleaner technology and fuel Increased use of natural gas Improve engine technology for motor vehicles Increased use of low Sulphur and low PM coal Use of EVs and hybrid vehicles

17 Priority PM Abatement Options
Economic measures Abolish state support for inefficient industries Provision of fiscal incentives for efficient TPPs Abolish subsidy on coal Provision of subsidies on hybrid and EVs Supporting public transportation development in large cities Command and Control Close inefficient industries Ban of soil digging in Construction during worst meteorology Odd-Even scheme for vehicles implementation Parking regulations and fee enhancement Zoning restrictions for private cars Upgradation of emission standards Ban on pet cokes Ban on open burning Congestion Charges on 21 selected most trafficked road corridors

18 Priority PM Abatement Options
End-of-pipe options Provision of end-of-pipe control technologies in industries and vehicles Provision of increasing green cover to reduce dust Alternative biomass utilization technologies to replace open burning Construction site management for dust control Measure to reduce dust from roads Awareness Raise public awareness of environmental benefits of public transport Strengthen the environmental labelling Support research and demonstration of technologies Car pooling The Drivers EPCA (Environmental Protection Control Authority) High Level Task Force (HLTF) chaired by PM Office National Green Tribunal (NGT) State Pollution Control Boards Central Pollution Control Board


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