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Presentation on theme: "TRAFFIC LIGHT INNOVATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 ABSTRACT Traffic lights, also known as traffic signals, traffic lamps, traffic semaphore, signal lights, stop lights, and traffic control signals are signaling devices positioned at road intersections, pedestrian crossings, and other locations to control conflicting flows of traffic.Traffic lights alternate the right of way accorded to road users by displaying lights of a standard color (red, yellow, and green) following a universal color code. Traffic signals are primarily used to control traffic in urban street systems—particularly at conventional intersections accommodating large traffic volumes, where they allocate right-of- way to the various traffic streams. They can also meter traffic entering access lanes onto busy freeways or to indicate the lanes to use on two-way roads. Simple traffic signals work on preset timing. Traffic engineering is a branch of civil engineering that uses engineering techniques to achieve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on roadways. It focuses mainly on research for safe and efficient traffic flow, such as road geometry, sidewalks and crosswalks, cycling infrastructure, traffic signs, road surface markings and traffic lights. In this traffic light model, we connected the electrical wiring cables to the continuous deployment to get power and to turn on the traffic lights and after that we connect the 3 manual timer to the continuous deployment cords. We were able to recreate the electrical unit of the traffic light on our own.

3 QUESTION Can we recreate the electrical unit of a traffic light?

4 HYPOTHESIS If we assemble a traffic light model, then we will can recreate the electrical unit of the traffic light.

5 MATERIALS -­­The body of the traffic light -3 Bulbs -3 Lens
- 3 Visor Lens Cover -3 Reflectors - Electrical wiring cables - Little extra wires -Manual timer -Tape

6 PROCEDURES 1. We went to department of public works and they give us the metal body of traffic light with the visor lens cover to assemble. 2. We bought the light bulbs (red , yellow and green) in a store. We put the lights bulbs in the reflectors with assembly. 3. We went to home depot and buy electrical wiring cables and then we connected the electrical wiring cables to the continuous deployment. 4. We put two little extra wires following the continuous deployment cords to guide the power of each wires cords. 5. We bought the manual timer and we connect it to the continuous deployment cords and then we taped it outside in top of the traffic light. 6. We connected it to an electricity source and checked if it worked.

7 Picture 1 In this picture we put the light bulbs in to the reflectors with assembly.

8 Picture 2 In this picture we connect the electrical wiring cables to the continuous deployment.

9 Picture 3 In this picture we connect the 3 manual timer to the continuous deployment cords.

10 Picture 4 In this picture we tape the 3 manual timer in top of the traffic light.

11 Picture 5 Waterfront traffic lights.

12 CONCLUSION We were able to assemble the traffic light and the result that we got for the traffic light was it powered on and we got the power by connecting an electrical wiring cables to the continuous deployment to turn on/off the traffic lights bulbs and then we connect the 3 manual timer to the continuous deployment cords to change each light bulbs. Therefore, our hypothesis was accepted.

13 RECOMMEDATION If we had to do this project again, we would do change the 3 manual timer to a normal timer that change each lights itself at a certain time.


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