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Workshop on E-Submission

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1 Workshop on E-Submission
Key Aspects of e-submission in the Veterinary Sector Melanie Leivers TOPRA power point template which we require you to use in preparing your presentation. Should you wish to include your company logo within the presentation, then this can be inserted within the bottom right hand corner. Slide 1 should state your name / title and the title of the presentation. Slide 2 should state the Learning Objectives (LO) and then repeated in the penultimate slide where you are required to identify how you have met the LO through your presentation, finishing with the last slide which is for “Questions” which we ask you to keep to a maximum of 5 minutes or alternatively questions may be taken later in the day during Q&A sessions or in speaker panels. (For further clarification please contact TCP at TOPRA). Please note the time you have been allocated and do not be too ambitious with too many slides. As a rough guide there should be no more than one slide per seconds. If you wish to provide extra detail then this can be provided in an addendum which can be supplied separately to delegates

2 E-submission Deadline of 1 January 2010 for all competent authorities to be “e-submission ready” (Heads of Agencies agreement in 2007) E-submission is optional for applicants/MAHs Aim to keep e-submission simple – i.e. NOT e-CTD Guidance currently available – see for E-submission guideline E-submission Q & A web page Structure of document remains as per Notice to Applicants (NTA) NTA Volume 6B currently being updated to reflect new Annex I to Directive 2001/82/EC (Annex I will enter into force on 6 September 2009) TOPRA power point template which we require you to use in preparing your presentation. Should you wish to include your company logo within the presentation, then this can be inserted within the bottom right hand corner. Slide 1 should state your name / title and the title of the presentation. Slide 2 should state the Learning Objectives (LO) and then repeated in the penultimate slide where you are required to identify how you have met the LO through your presentation, finishing with the last slide which is for “Questions” which we ask you to keep to a maximum of 5 minutes or alternatively questions may be taken later in the day during Q&A sessions or in speaker panels. (For further clarification please contact TCP at TOPRA). Please note the time you have been allocated and do not be too ambitious with too many slides. As a rough guide there should be no more than one slide per seconds. If you wish to provide extra detail then this can be provided in an addendum which can be supplied separately to delegates

3 Telematics Impementation Group On e-submission – Veterinary sub-group
(TIGesVET) Drafted guidance for vet electronic submissions - Aim is to keep it simple! Members: IFAH Europe/EGGVP/AVC/MSs/EMEA Group has contributed to the recently started project on the “eApplication form”; this will be EU-wide and cover Vet and Human applications TOPRA power point template which we require you to use in preparing your presentation. Should you wish to include your company logo within the presentation, then this can be inserted within the bottom right hand corner. Slide 1 should state your name / title and the title of the presentation. Slide 2 should state the Learning Objectives (LO) and then repeated in the penultimate slide where you are required to identify how you have met the LO through your presentation, finishing with the last slide which is for “Questions” which we ask you to keep to a maximum of 5 minutes or alternatively questions may be taken later in the day during Q&A sessions or in speaker panels. (For further clarification please contact TCP at TOPRA). Please note the time you have been allocated and do not be too ambitious with too many slides. As a rough guide there should be no more than one slide per seconds. If you wish to provide extra detail then this can be provided in an addendum which can be supplied separately to delegates

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