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The Early Modern Age.

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1 The Early Modern Age

2 The early modern age began between the fall of constantinople (1453) and ended with the French revolution (1789)

3 Europe at the beginning of the 15th century
Could you tell Juanra some of the differences with an actual European map?

4 Economic Transformation
The economy exceeded the crisis and catastrophes of the Middle Ages: Black Death, the Hundred Year´s War, feudalism, etc. Increased agricultural production. Although the amount of land under cultivation increased, the old techniques used (three-field system) prevented the increase in production too much. Vocabulary Three-field system: rotación trienal Fallow: barbecho Wheat: trigo Oat: avena Only the 66% of the land produce

5 Theses products were sold in city markets.
Intensified commercial activity: the moderate increase in agricultural production resulted in a surplus in production (excess of food). Theses products were sold in city markets. Merchants and traders travelled to search for new markets, establishing trade routes. Vocabulary Surplus: excedente Trade route: ruta comercial The Silk Route,13th century

6 European and Asian map, end of the 14th century

7 Although it was not exactly a trade route, in 1402, castilian people arrived to asia. Here you have the story.

8 The expansion of craftsmanship: products were made in workshops, which were controlled by associations called guilds. Vocabulary Workshop: teller Guild: gremio

9 In that time the domestic system was created
In that time the domestic system was created. Merchands provided peasants with the tools and raw materials to make the products.

10 Due to the voyages, new products were brought to europa

11 Members of the bourgeoise* created this trading companies.
The development of mercantile capitalism: a system where the money, raw materials, tools and workshops belonged to provate owners, that created trading companies to generate profits*. Members of the bourgeoise* created this trading companies. One of the consecuences of mercantile capitalism was the development of banking. This activity offered: Providing loans (lent money to merchants or kings in exchange for returning the same amount plus an additional amount, called interest. Creating new forms of payment, the bill of exchange*. * Vocabulary

12 Activities 2, 3 and 4 page 9

13 Social change

14 Economic prosperity resulted in an increase in the population
Economic prosperity resulted in an increase in the population. Some european cities, such as London, Venice, Paris Cologne or Antwerp grew significantly. Although most of the people lived in the countryside, urban life and the urban society developed.

15 Society continued to be divided into different social groups called classes


17 The rich bourgeoisie, thanks to trading and banking, became wealthier than the nobels themselves. As a result, families from mobility began marrying into the richest families of the bourgeoisie. In turn, the bourgeoisie demanded an end of the privileges enjoyed by the nobility and the clergy, not to pay so many taxes and have access to all political position. Little by little, the bourgeoisie, increased their demands and, three centuries later, these new rich group of people, will leave the unprivileged and joined the priviledged class.

18 Activities 8 and 9 page 11

19 The modern state The increase in the production and commercial profits, made monarchs had more resources throughout taxes. As a consequence they became more powerful and were able to reform and create new institutions.

20 Charactaristics adopted by the european kingdoms
They formed powerful armies of mercenaries and created a diplomatic body to establish alliances with other kingdoms. The strengthened bureaucracy which was composed of officials directly under their control, who supervised the kingdom´s affairs. They centralised power. Feudal lords, gradually, losted their power and legislations introduced in the Middle Ages was gradually reduced. The kings established in a permanent seat or court. Madrid-Spain, Paris-France, London-England. All the reforms and this new political organization is called the Modern State.

21 Activities 12, 14 and 15 page 13

22 Cultural changes

23 In that time there were a significant developments in thinking and sciences.
Ideas spread due to the printing press.

24 A renewed interest in clasical culture (Greek and Roman culture)
A new intellectual movement, called humanism, emerged in Italy and spread throughout europe A renewed interest in clasical culture (Greek and Roman culture)

25 Humanism abandoned theocentrism of the Middle Ages.
anthropocentrism Human beings became the centre of philosophical relfection and artisc creation. Humanism abandoned theocentrism of the Middle Ages. The Vitruvian Man, Leonardo

26 they try to explain reality without religion

27 Optimism and creativity

28 The Desire for knowledge. michelangelo
The humanists possessed a great intellectal curiosity. They were great in many subjetcs.



31 Critical thinking During the Middle Ages, knowledge was based on tradition (religion), but humanism questioned it and tried to explain facts and phenomena through: Reason (brain) Research Experimentation Galileo


33 Culture was spreaded thanks to the academies and universities

34 Activity 20 page 15

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