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Dutch Post-Impressionist Painter

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1 Dutch Post-Impressionist Painter
Vincent Van Gogh Dutch Post-Impressionist Painter

2 Vincent Van Gogh 1853 - 1890 Born the oldest of 6 children
Worked for his uncle at an art dealership Fluent in French, German, and English, as well as Dutch. Struggled with mental illness Remained poor throughout his life Was not a well-known artist in his lifetime Cut off part of his ear after an argument with the artist Paul Gauguin Committed suicide at age 37 Influenced by the Impressionists and Japanese art His paintings are now some of the most expensive in the world - "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" sold for $82.5 million.

3 Van Gogh’s Life and Death
Van Gogh painted prolifically - more than 2,100 works in his lifetime. Many of his paintings were created while hospitalized for mental illness. He did not try to make a living as an artist until he was 27. He had successful artist friends, such as Paul Gauguin, but Van Gogh only sold one painting in his lifetime. He died at 37, after going out to paint one day, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He survived that day and was able to see and speak with his brother before he died a few days later. Many of his paintings were lost or destroyed after the death of his brother, Theo. Van Gogh’s own mother threw away crates of his artwork. The surviving work was collected by his sister-in-law, Johanna.

4 “Loving Vincent” “First fully oil-painted feature film.”
BBC special on “Loving Vincent”

5 “THe Unexpected Math Behind Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ “
Van Gogh’s paintings are a visual depiction of the math used to understand the physics of turbulence. Only paintings Van Gogh made during periods of mental distress clearly represent turbulence.

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