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Dr Shailaja.S, Dr Prajna Pinto, Dr Lulu Sherif, Dr Radhesh Hedge

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1 Training anaesthesia residents using high fidelity simulators for peri-operative emergencies
Dr Shailaja.S, Dr Prajna Pinto, Dr Lulu Sherif, Dr Radhesh Hedge Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India Background Debriefing High fidelity simulation (HFS) facilitates learning by providing feedback, repetitive practice and team work. Problem statement Knowledge, critical thinking skills & team work are vital during managing anaesthesia emergencies. All residents are not exposed to all these emergencies. Need for the study Use of HFS as a teaching tool could fill the gap. The purpose of the study was to train faculty to use simulation as a tool to teach To record student satisfaction and document immediate change in knowledge. Results Objectives To train faculty in simulation teaching. To train residents in recognizing and managing anaesthesia emergencies. To evaluate effectiveness of simulation training. Table: Pre-test and post-test results of MCQs Mean SD P value Pre-test 15.678 3.325 0.002 Post-test 30.692 2.780 Methods 3 faculty got trained in simulation teaching Orientation to residents and remaining faculty on simulation training Pilot tested a Simulated clinical experience (SCE) Obtained IEC clearance and conducted a needs assessment by interviewing faculty and residents Identified topics and formulated 4 SCE Resident satisfaction questionnaire and pre-test, post-test results analyzed Conclusion HFS increased the satisfaction scores among residents. HFS improves residents clinical reasoning skills, knowledge and builds positive team dynamics. Future Directions To observe for change in behavior among residents who are taught using SCEs & residents not exposed to simulation training Formulate a library of SCEs and retest the satisfaction questionnaire. Encourage more faculty to use this tool. To identify subtopics in each system that can be taught using simulation SCE development Identified 4 scenarios based on needs assessment. Text books and literature searched to formulate the scenario with sequences and transitions. SCE validated by trained faculty and 2 other subject experts. MCQs created for the topic validated by faculty. Steps of simulation teaching – dry run, pre-test MCQs, pre briefing, performing/scribe, debriefing, post-test and satisfaction questionnaire. Performance References Malon M, Cortes D, Andersen J, Jensen MA, Mortensen HB, Nygaard U, et al. Implementing video cases in clinical paediatric teaching increases medical students' self-assessed confidence. Dan Med J. 2014; 61 (4): A4805. Mir MA, Saeed AK. Effect of British-made videotapes on clinical performance of medical students in Pakistan. J Audiov Media Med ;13(1):20-4. El-Wakeel H, Taylor GJ, Tate JJT. What do patients really want to know in an informed consent procedure? A questionnaire-based survey of patients in the Bath area, UK. J Med Ethics. 2006;32:612–6. Matreja PS, Singh A, Gupta AK, Kaur J. Informed Consent Document (ICD) as Educational Tool for Medical School. Education Med J ;5(2):e38-44. McCawley PF. Methods for conducting an Educational Needs Assessment. URL: Scribe Acknowledgements I would like thank my colleagues, students and other faculty who have participated actively in the study. I heartfelt thanks to my friend Dr. Prathvi Shetty, and my students Mr. Shankar, Mr. Monish & Ms. Ashitha for helping in shooting video. My sincere thanks to FAIMERly who have guided me through out the project.

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