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Artificial Intelligence

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1 Artificial Intelligence
An analysis of the past, and what the future may hold

2 What is Artificial Intelligence?
Blanket term that seems to change over time. Often describes the Idea that a machine can learn and think. A machine that can emulate or surpass human cognitive abilities.

3 History of AI Research 1950 - The Turing test
Alan Turing devised the experiment as a way of judging whether a machine is intelligent or not. Turing believed that intelligence was the ability to think. One limitation of his test was that it assumed that emulating language implied intelligence.

4 History of AI Research Funding for AI research rose.
1956 – Dartmouth workshop 10 scientists gathered for an 8 week workshop to discuss intelligence and how computers can simulate it. “We think that a significant advance can be made…if a carefully selected group of scientists work on it for a summer” Funding for AI research rose. MIT created simple Natural Language Processing program. Research branched into robotics and other fields. Progress was too slow. Around 1973 many programs lost funding. Interest rose again in the 11980’s, but saw another “AI winter” from 1987 until 1993

5 The State of AI today Major increase in computing power and efficiency has allowed AI to expand in complexity and accessibility. Two of the major fields of AI research today are: Machine Learning Deep Learning

6 What does the future hold?
Currently, AI can exceed the abilities of experienced humans, but is limited to select applications. So the last barrier to “true” AI is generality. To have general intelligence implies sapience, and perhaps sentience. Sapience – ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight. Sentience – the capacity to feel, perceive or experience subjectively If sentience and sapience is achieved, AI will fundamentally change humanity. “Focusing AI methods on certain applications, or treat AI as simple as simulating biological structure on computer will undoubtedly generate disillusions as the view ignores the broader intellectual challenges in AI research. “ – Gary Yang

7 How can AI help humanity?
Assuming sentience and sapience, the AI may be able to create superintelligence. This can vastly accelerate human development Accelerated development in science and technology AI can help create solutions to global problems such as feeding a growing population, and environmental issues.

8 What can go wrong? AI may unintentionally do harm by unsettling the economy and taking over jobs. If AI becomes capable of thinking for itself, how can we predict what judgements it will make? If one’s Ethics and Morality are subjective, and an AI can construct its own, then the AI has potential to latch on to dangerous ideas. Many deem Superintelligence and AI as existential risk.

9 Questions

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