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Year 6 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2018

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1 Year 6 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2018
In English, we are learning: To begin to understand the use of writer’s voice in engaging the reader; experimenting with different authorial voices and different perspectives. To write playscripts with a focus on correctly punctuating dialogue. To revise grammar and spelling terms for the SATs. We will read ‘The Jungle Book’ by Rudyard Kipling. In Maths, we are learning: To revise key areas of mathematics in number, geometry, statistics and problem solving. To apply the maths that we know to a range of problems and contexts. To secure our understanding of formal written methods for long multiplication and division. To secure our understanding of calculations involving fractions, including converting and finding the lowest common denominator. In Science, we are learning: About the life cycle of flowering plants. Evolution and Inheritance Electricity To make and follow keys. To consolidate all areas of scientific learning. Year 6 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2018 The Jungle Book In PSHE, we are learning: How to control our emotions, including stress, worry and anxiety. About the importance of sleep and rest. About the value of cooperation and teamwork. Sex Education In PE/Games, we are learning: How to improve our skills for a range of field events in athletics. Striking and fielding games In Art, we are learning: To use mixed media to create woodland themed artwork. To use a variety of techniques to record from first-hand observations. In Computing, we are learning: To use programs to edit music, using sequence, selection and repetition. About the importance of legal downloads. In French, we are learning: How to describe school and school routines using key phrases, grammar and vocabulary. To tell the time. In Music, we are learning: To use computer software to compose dance music. In Forest Schools, we are learning: How to make a clay oven. To use willow to make a sculpture or lantern.

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