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Welcome to Troy Tech Registration

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Troy Tech Registration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Troy Tech Registration
Click Black Box for Troy Tech 30th Video or this link These 4 forms in your packet can be completed while you are waiting for the session to begin: McKinney-Vento Residency Questionnaire Green Summer School Emergency Consent Form Permanent Cumulative Folder Request Form Sign the Ivory Troy Tech Program Requirements

2 Troy Tech (TT) Magnet Program
Congratulations/Welcome/Introductions Approximately 1000 students tested from almost 150 different Junior High Schools TT is a four year magnet program AP Computer Science Principles (Entry course) Internship International Baccalaureate (IB) 2-year rigorous program beginning in the junior year Students will be considered during their sophomore year based on Freshman and Sophomore academic performance

3 Testing and Placement January placement testing
Two math sections Three English sections Decades of data setting students up for success Goal: Meet students at their current level and enhance their skills to be successful in rigorous AP/IB courses

4 English Pathways English Department Curricular Pathways 9 10 11 12 IB
College Prep English 1 CP Eng. 2 - Honors Eng. 1 Troy Tech English I AP Literature Eng. 3 AP Language and Composition IB English Standard Level Troy Tech/Honors 12 ERWC AP Language English 2 CP English 3 CP

5 Math Pathways Mathematics Department Curricular Pathways 9 10 11 12
Algebra 2 Pathway Algebra 1 Pathway Algebra 1 - Pre-Calculus Algebra 2 Algebra 2 (H) Geometry (H) Pre-Calculus (H) Geometry Pathway 12 AP Calculus AB AP Statistics or Math Analysis H AP Calculus BC Geometry Algebra 2 Algebra 2 (H) Summer Geometry (Pending) Algebra 2 Pre-Calculus Pre-Calculus (H) AP Calculus AB or AP Statistics Math Analysis H Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Calculus AB or AP Statistics Math Analysis H Calculus 2 (Math 250A/250B) AP Calculus BC

6 Fullerton School District students
You will be given a placement test at your junior high in April. This test will affirm the recommended placement that appears on your registration card today.

7 Registration The purpose of today is to sign up for your classes
Station #2 500 Building Classrooms - 501, 503, 505, 507 by Last Name Receive registration cards – select P.E. and World Language. Counselors and administrators as well as department leaders will be available to answer questions. Station #3 Submit registration card and paperwork at 500 building exit. Turn in your registration card today to confirm enrollment at Troy High School.

8 Permits Open enrollment or Troy attendance area – no permit needed
District enrollment – go to your district home school to request intra-district form to start process Out of District enrollment – inter-district transfer based on unique Troy Tech Magnet program Ed Code 46600 Reason for transfer: Troy Tech Magnet Program Allen Bill 48204(b)

9 Fullerton Joint Union High School District
This is blue in your packet. Students will exceed the general education requirements in the Troy Tech and/or IB programs. They will also meet the UC and CSU college entrance requirements. This appears in the district course catalog – available on

10 Troy High School Schedule Card
Seven Period Day Registration Card Attendance code: Troy High School Schedule Card Name: _______________________________________ First Name Alias: Grade 9 (Next Year) Home Phone Parent’s Signature IBT X Course# 1st Semester Course # 2nd Semester Troy Tech or Honors English 1 College Prep, Honors or AP World History AP Computer Science Principles Biology or Honors Biology Math World Language circle one: Spanish 1 or French 1 or Chinese 1 Spanish 1 or French 1 or Chinese1 Circle one: PE or PE Band or NJROTC or Football or Dance* or Aerobics* *PE will be the alternate for these courses. PE or Concert Band or NJROTC or Football or Dance* or Aerobics* Alternate World Language:


12 Freshman Course Offerings
This is white in your packet.

13 P. E. Options Fall Spring P. E . P.E. Football Football
All other sports by try-out only and require you to sign up for a different P.E. option for now. The schedule will be adjusted after he or she makes the team. P.E. Band NJROTC Dance Aerobics P.E. Football All other sports by try-out only and require you to sign up for a different P.E. option for now. The schedule will be adjusted after he or she makes the team. Concert Band NJROTC Dance Aerobics

14 Sports * This is yellow in your packet.

15 The green form that you have is shown below:
Summer School Card The green form that you have is shown below:

16 Summer School Card – complete the back
The green form that you have is shown below

17 Checklist items will be collected at Station #3
This is pink in your packet.

18 Next Step Please exit to the West side of the Lecture Hall.
Station #2 500 Building Classrooms are located across the Quad – rooms by Last name 4:15-4: (A-Gong), 503 (Gonzalez-King), 505 (Kong-ParkNathan), 507 (ParkPhilip-Z) 5:05-5: (A-Chen), 503 (Cheng-Garcia), 505 (Anaheim only A-Z), 507 (Gosn-Kang) 6:25-6: (KarRoy-Li), 503 (Lin-N), 505 (O-Shais), 507 (Shankaran-U) 7:15-7: (V-X), 503 (Y-Z), 505 (PLY only-A-l), 507 (PYL only M-Z) All handouts and this slide show can be found online:

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