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Select Requisition.

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Presentation on theme: "Select Requisition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Select Requisition

2 Select GO

3 Complete all purpose and description field with as much detail as possible

4 Make sure you select correct Requisition Auto-number Mask.
We’re currently IMWR-WD

5 Make sure you enter delivery date or select days after award
In Delivery Date Format and Delivery Date fields

6 Make sure you enter delivery date or select days after award
In Delivery Date Format and Delivery Date fields

7 Click Add Line Items

8 Type in Description, Select Supplies or Services

9 Select Dollars or Quantity in Qualifier then enter amount

10 Answer correctly. Usually NO for us

11 Enter Budget Codes (found in FY budget)

12 Confirm Code and Dollar Amount

13 Click Validate to check for errors

14 Correct errors if any or hit close if no errors

15 Click Return to Item List

16 Click Route

17 Click Continue (route templates are set up by SNACS administrator)

18 Select Template name and dollar amount.
If IT purchase make sure you select route with IT

19 Click Send

20 Go into SNACS and check on route status periodically
Go into SNACS and check on route status periodically. Usually notified via if Requisition has been released/approved

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