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How Organisms Interact

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1 How Organisms Interact
Unit 1 Topic 4 How Organisms Interact

2 Organisms In Ecosystems
A rabbit is chased by a lynx These animals are interacting! What two types of organisms are there? Abiotic…? Biotic …?

3 Example…

4 Organisms In Ecosystems
A rabbit is chased by a lynx These animals are interacting! What two types of organisms are there? Abiotic (Water, air, soil) Non-living organisms in an environment Biotic (Plants, animals, people) Living organisms in an environment

5 Example…

6 Roles In Ecosystems We all have different roles in your life …?

7 Roles In Ecosystems We all have different roles in your life …?
Team member Student Brother Daughter Just like us … organisms play different roles as well The roles they fill are called niches

8 Determining A Niche In order to determine niche you must examine …
Where “it” lives What “it” eats How “it” interacts

9 Different Niches Different niches …? Producers (grass, plants…)
Make life possible for all other organisms Consumers (fox, rabbit…) Consume foods, including other consumers!

10 Consumers Extended Consumers are split into 3 different categories…
Herbivores They eat plants and vegetation Carnivores They eat meat and other consumers Omnivores They eat both plants and animals

11 Consumers Extended We can even break them down further! Predators Prey
The animal doing hunting/eating Prey The animal being hunted/eaten

12 Web of Clarity! – Important!
Producers Consumers Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Prey Predator

13 Food Chains When you eat something … you eat the energy it contained!
Example: I eat a steak (cow), that ate plants (grass) that used the sun (energy) Where does energy go? Let me explain with this …

14 The Diagram! Energy Flow … On Average! 33% Respiration 4% Tissues
63% Gas / Urine Feces 100% Eaten Fart!

15 Food Webs vs. Chains How are they different? Chain = energy flow
Web = all organisms involves and who effects who

16 Food Webs vs. Chains How are they different? Chain = energy flow
Web = all organisms involves and who effects who

17 Food Webs vs. Chains How are they different? Chain = energy flow
Web = all organisms involves and who effects who

18 Total mass of all organisms in an ecosystem!
Pyramid of Numbers Webs and Chains show energy transfer but NOT how many organisms are involved! Enter “The Pyramid of Numbers”! Total mass of all organisms in an ecosystem!

19 Pyramid of Numbers Webs and Chains show energy transfer but NOT how many organisms are involved! Enter “The Pyramid of Numbers”!

20 Total mass of all organisms in an ecosystem!
Pyramid of Numbers Biomass! Total mass of all organisms in an ecosystem!

21 The Clean-Up Crew Why are there few dead bodies laying around the natural environment? “Clean-Up Crews”!

22 Decomposers As materials break down, the stored nutrients are released back into the ecosystem Other organisms eat them! So who does this? Scavengers Decomposers

23 Scavengers Organisms that feed on dead or decaying plant and/or animal matter

24 Decomposers They do not eat dead material!
They grow on or in it absorbing nutrients into their own cells What they do not eat just cycles back it into the ecosystem

25 Examples … Decomposers Ever find moldy bread at your house?

26 Examples … Decomposers Ever find moldy bread at your house?

27 Fungus! Another example is fungus! Like the mushrooms you eat!

28 Topic 4 – Complete!

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