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Presentation on theme: "CLUB RACE OFFICER COURSE"— Presentation transcript:


2 Race Management Club Race Officer (CRO)
RYA Club Race Officer Plus (CRO+) RYA Regional Race Officer (RRO) RYA National Race Officer (NRO) ISAF International Race Officer (IRO) Explain that IROs automatically keep NRO status.

3 Race Management Club Race Officer National Race Officer
One day seminar (level 1 course) Endorsed by suitable experience National Race Officer RRO 2 day seminar with written test Appropriate experience (4 major events) - submit CV 2 References VHF, PBL2, ISAF Manual Club Race Officer+ 2 day seminar written test Regional Race Officer Club Race Officer+ Appropriate experience (4 events) - submit CV 1 Reference VHF International Race Officer (ISAF appointment) NRO 4 principal events - submit CV National Authority Nomination 3 References Explain the whole Race Management Training scheme. Club Race Officer To provide a basic syllabus for club race management needs. To achieve a basic standard of race management within a club. To teach basic signalling, course laying, the basic routines of starting, managing and finishing races and safety. Open Meeting Race Officer (must be a Personal Member of the RYA) To produce a high standard of race management at club open meetings, regattas and area championships. To build on the syllabus and course for club race officers to enable race officers to handle larger fleets, keener competition and more demanding conditions. National Race Officer (must be a Personal Member of the RYA) The RYA sets a high standard for the vital position of NRO. People meeting this standard will be recognised and trusted for their expertise. International Race Officer The RYA will normally only recommend NRO’s for this position. Details can be found on the ISAF website.

4 RYA Website Go on-line and show:
Race Officials Homepage RYA Race Management Manual RYA Case Book

5 RYA Website Go on-line and show: Race Officials Homepage
RYA Race Management Manual RYA Case Book

6 Weather Chart Forecasts BBC Met Office Free Forecasts XC Weather
Windguru Subscription Forecasts Windguru Pro PredictWind ProGrib Weather Stations BrambleMet Cowes Harbour Weather WAP Weather Bramblemet/wap Go on-line and demonstrate. Ask for others’ favourites and explore them too.

7 Terminology Use these terms at all times!
A signal (flag) is always DISPLAYED A signal that is displayed is at some time REMOVED These are the terms used in the preamble to ‘Race Signals’ ‘Shall’ - mandatory action ‘Will’ - intended action ‘Should’ - best endeavours ‘May’ - optional action Use these terms at all times!

8 Race Committee PRO RO DRO ARO Visual Signals Gunner Timekeeper
Recorders Pin end crew Finish boat crew Mark Layers Beach Master Safety Officer Gunner & Timekeeper is often the same person. What do recorders do? Pre Start Start During Finish

9 Layout of Flags and Halyards
Minimum flag size 3’x2’ (90cm x 60cm) The Boom holding the flags should be as high as possible. Note the 2 Recall signals are displayed on the course side of the start line. The Orange flag indicating the start line, can be on a staff or mast, separate from the other flags.

10 Personal Equipment Show example kit.

11 Signals Flag Displayed Flag Removed (Executive Signal) Sound Signal
Tells what is going to happen Flag Removed (Executive Signal) Order is carried out Sound Signal Draws attention to visual signal Sound signals don’t matter except….

12 The Wind No tide or current Ground Wind
Ground Wind (or Gradient Wind): Measured from a fixed point on the ground (or anchored committee boat)

13 The Wind No gradient wind at all! A still sunny day
But the tide is running Tide Induced Wind Tide

14 The Wind Ground Wind Sailing Wind Sailing Wind:
Wind experienced by a free floating boat stopped in the water Then the gradient kicks in Emphasise the difference between ‘Ground Wind’ and ‘Sailing Wind’. Tide Induced Wind ? Tide


16 Courses Important factors affecting race management Clean winds
Even depth of water Minimal tidal currents Enough space Course areas not overlapped

17 Windward-Leeward Course
Alternatives for this course are: More rounds Finish upwind of mark 1 No gate at Mark 2 Gate laid square to the ‘sailing wind’ Disadvantages of the alternatives

18 Sausage Triangle Course
Course angles can be: 600 450 (900 at mark 2) 700 (to give both a close reach & a broad reach) The finish can also be located downwind of mark 3

19 Trapezoid Course Two parallel W/L courses
Which fleet goes on which loop? Keeping the fleets separate. Two parallel W/L courses 70o for boats without spinnakers 60o for boats with spinnakers

20 Round the Cans Course Uses fixed marks +/- laid marks
Provides a mix of courses in one Interesting courses Restricted depending on the position of fixed marks May not produce a great beat because of fixed position of marks May not produce a great run because of fixed position of marks Which fleet goes on which loop? Keeping the fleets separate.

21 Top Tips for Round the Cans
Research previous courses for length Check marks are in situ Mark roundings - same for all classes Avoid channel marks No looping of marks Common final marks to enable shortening Allow for tide

22 The Downwind Leg Accuracy is very important
The accuracy of this leg to the wind is quite important. To give boats the opportunity to sail down wind tactically and have the chance of passing other boats, the ability to carry spinnakers on either gybe is essential. This can only be achieved if the downwind leg is within 50 of the wind direction. Anything greater will cause all the boats to sail on the same gybe and reduce passing opportunities dramatically. As the wind speed increases the boats will sail deeper making the accuracy of this leg more important. Accuracy is very important Especially with increasing wind speeds when the boats will sail very deep

23 Tidal Compensation - Windward Leg
A rule of thumb guide is: in >10kts wind & 1kt of tide set the windward mark downtide 150 of the ground wind in <8kts wind & 1kt of tide, the offset is 200 or more for tides diagonal to the wind, halve the allowance for 2kts tide double the allowance W2 W1 12 kts wind 1 kt tide 150

24 Tidal Compensation - Leeward Leg
The adjustment of the running leg to the tide is critical for a good race Rule of thumb: No matter what the wind strength, set the leeward mark 5o downtide of the ground wind for every 1 knot of cross tide L1 L2 Any wind 1 knot tide 50 Again, for diagonal tides halve the offset and for tide of 2 knots double it.

25 Tidal Compensation - Solutions
150 3 50 2 1 Use an offset mark as a tidal correction leg. This will only work with tide in one direction unless the roundings are to starboard! 12kts wind 1 knot tide Use an offset mark to create a ‘tidal correction’ leg)

26 Tidal Compensation - Solutions
The ‘X’ course Wind The ‘zigzag’ course Current

27 Tidal Compensation - Compromise
When you only have 2 marks: Set up on the Sailing Wind Equally skewed upwind and downwind 2 1 When you only have 2 marks, set up on the Sailing Wind when both beat and run will be equally skewed. GW Sailing Wind Tide Induced Wind Tide

28 Always stream parallel to the committee boat!
Laying the Start Line Drop, drop, drop Always stream parallel to the committee boat!

29 Start Line Length Number of boats x length of the boat plus 10% to 50%
ISAF recommendation multiplying factor 1.3 to 1.5 Other factors are: size and manoeuvrability of boats sea conditions wind strength current

30 Set line at 90o to Sailing Wind
Line Bias for Tide Wind Bad Current Move pin down wind Good Set line at 90o to Sailing Wind

31 Starboard bias on the start
Line Bias for Tactics Mark 1 Wind Factors to consider across the course are: wind angles wind velocity waves current Weak tide in Bay Strong tide Starboard bias on the start

32 The Gate Minimum width: 1 zone +1 boat length +1 zone
(When zone is 3 boat lengths, minimum width = 7 boat lengths) Usual width: 8-10 boat lengths Angle between gate: same principles as a start line Bias for tide Bias for tactics


34 Pre-Start Procedures Race team briefing
Record as many boats in the start area as possible Monitor the wind direction and strength Set up the boat to ensure that all systems are in place and working - sound signals, flags tied on securely etc. Communicate with other race courses and commercial traffic to ensure no issues are pending Radio checks and time checks

35 Starting Systems Attention signal Warning signal Preparatory signal
One minute Start RRS Default 5 mins 4 mins 1 min 10 mins 5 mins 1 min 4 mins Others All timings and associated actions may be altered from RRS default by SIs

36 Starting Procedures Time keeper is the most important person!

37 Starting Procedures

38 Starting Procedures

39 Starting Procedures

40 Starting Procedures WARNING SIGNAL When? Method at the advertised time
class flag displayed one sound signal

41 Starting Procedures PREP SIGNAL When? Method warning + 1
papa displayed one sound signal

42 Starting Procedures ONE MINUTE SIGNAL When? Method warning + 4
papa removed one long sound signal

43 Starting Procedures START SIGNAL When? Method warning + 5
class flag removed one sound signal

44 Starting Procedures ASSOCIATED ACTIONS At or before warning signal:
Display course Before preparatory signal: Set the start line Make attachments to the committee boat

45 Starting Procedures P – default I – rule 30.1 applies
no penalties apply I – rule 30.1 applies round-an-end rule during 1 min before start Z – rule 30.2 applies 20% penalty rule during 1 min before start Black – rule 30.3 applies black flag rule during 1 min before start

Starting Procedures P – default no penalties apply DURING 1 MINUTE BEFORE START

Starting Procedures I – rule 30.1 applies round-an-end rule during 1 min before start DURING 1 MINUTE BEFORE START

48 Starting Procedures Z – rule 30.2 applies DURING 1 MINUTE BEFORE START
20% penalty rule during 1 min before start DURING 1 MINUTE BEFORE START Add 20% of number of boats entered to her score

Starting Procedures Black – rule 30.3 applies black flag rule during 1 min before start DURING 1 MINUTE BEFORE START Disqualified

50 Starting Procedures Line officer commentates on the start
Line recorder records boats movements from commentary Race Officer communicates with line officer on committee boat and pin end line officer Line officers use tapes to record observations It’s the Race Officer’s decision re clear line, individual recall or general recall

51 Monitoring the Race Observe the fleet throughout Where are they?
Is the course what you intended? Time legs/laps and calculate finish times You may want to shorten Watch for casualties Watch for commercial traffic Are they sailing the correct course Do not protest unless it is a blatant offence and affects the fairness of the race – leave protesting to the competitors! Prepare for the next race

52 Finish line is defined in the SIs
Finishing Procedures Finish line is defined in the SIs - usually between the mast flying the orange flag and the last mark of the course

53 Finishing Line 7 boat lengths long
At 90o to last mark for ‘round the cans’ At 90o to sailing wind for beats or runs To be crossed from the direction of the last mark 5 LAST MARK OF COURSE: 5

54 Finishing Procedures Two finishing records Collect independently
One design only requires the time of 1st and last finisher with an order of finishing Only record what you see Do NOT cheat/crib Cross check during lulls and at the end Two second disparity is acceptable on timed records Taped records can be very useful


56 Postponement These signals can be used for any reason whatsoever!
Even use them as the panic button Reasons can include: buoy drifting major wind shift leading to heavily biased line mistiming between signals misfiring of sound signals broken halyards on the committee boat etc. etc.

57 Postponement Display AP All races not started are postponed
Can only be used before the start

58 Postponement AP AP over a numeral AP over H AP over A
Indefinite postponement AP over a numeral Hours postponement AP over H Further signals ashore AP over A No more racing today

59 Individual Recall Identify those boats that are OCS (On the Course Side of the line)

60 Individual Recall Identify those boats that are OCS (On the Course Side of the line)

61 Individual Recall Display X Record OCS
Watch the boat(s) to see if they return Leave displayed for 4 minutes if they do not return When all returned remove X (without a sound signal) and delete OCS from record

62 General Recall Identify those boats that are OCS (On the Course Side of the line)

63 General Recall Display 1st Sub To be used:
when there are several unidentified OCSs or if there is an error in procedure

64 Abandon Racing Display N
The race that has started is Abandoned, return to the starting area. ‘N’ displayed alone cannot be used before the start Use for: errors in the course, dangerous or foul conditions, major wind shifts, late recognition of errors in start sequence, wind vanished, etc Beware multiple class starts!

65 Abandon Racing N N over H N over A Abandoned, return to start area
Abandoned, further signals ashore N over A Abandoned , no more racing today

66 Shorten Course Display S Displayed at a rounding mark
finish between the rounding mark and the staff displaying the ‘S’ flag In multi-class races display over class flag(s) if not shortening all classes Use when wind dies, another race needs to be fitted into the day, etc

67 Course Change Display C
Displayed at the mark before the leg to be changed - on a RIB Must be displayed as each boat approaches this mark Displayed with associated signals: Red square, green triangle, +, -, bearing

68 Mark Missing Display M Displayed in the position a mark was expected to be - on a RIB Must be displayed before the leader is in the vicinity preferably before that leg starts

69 Restarting After Postponement Remove AP
Remove 1 minute before warning signal

70 Restarting After General Recall Remove Ist Sub
Remove 1 minute before warning signal

71 Restarting After Abandonment Remove N
Remove 1 minute before warning signal

72 After Racing Protests Be helpful to competitors even if they are requesting redress from the race committee Ensure that protest time limits are observed Tell the truth in the protest room Do not argue, challenge or question the competitors in the protest room Leave it to the jury!

73 After Racing Debrief Personal assessment Group assessment
Get feed back from competitors

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN KEEL BOATS AND DINGHIES Ask delegates to admit to mistakes

75 Safety Dinghy Keel Boat Many youngsters (consents) Safety boats
Safety briefing Tally system Buoyancy aids often compulsory Compliance with instruction compulsory Few youngsters Skipper’s responsibility Y flag

76 Racing Conditions Dinghy Keel Boat Limited by risk of injury
Limited by risk of damage Ability of fleet to be considered Consider pressure on youngsters Limited by committee boat Skipper’s responsibility

77 Courses Dinghy Keel Boat One design Short course geography
Windward/Leeward Trapezoid One design & handicaps Extensive course Windward/Leeward Fixed racing marks

78 WHEN IT GOES WRONG Ask delegates to admit to mistakes

79 When it Goes Wrong Big wind shifts Committee boat moves at start
Competitor tangles around committee boat Container boat approaching the beat at start Course incorrectly displayed Cruiser or fishing boat on the line at the start

80 When it Goes Wrong Finish line too shallow Flags don’t go up
Flags fall down Mark is moved Mark not present Mark walks

81 When it Goes Wrong Visual Signals Mistimed or Absent
Results confused / omissions / lost Sea Sickness Sound signals are mistimed or absent Timing error noticed after the start

82 When it Goes Wrong Recognise problems Admit your mistakes
Have contingency plans Deal with issues


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