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Environmental change/Endangered Animals in Canada

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1 Environmental change/Endangered Animals in Canada
Julia Dunlop

2 Every year, Canada’s wildlife biologists add or subtract a few species from their endangered and threatened wildlife lists. The scientists hope that their work prevents extinction from human industries, disease or natural disasters. With the help of James Snider, vice-president of science and research with World Wildlife Fund Canada, they've highlighted the endangered species from the land, sea and cave habitats that might have turning points in 2018, for the better or worse. Little Brown Bat Woodland Caribou Sea Otter Right Whale

3 Causes The major factors that put the Canadian animals at risk includes the process of changing forests and grasslands into agricultural uses. At the end of 2017, a total of 735 species were considered at risk in Canada, but 502 kinds of animals were a part of that list. One of the animals that was on the verge of extinction in 1900, is the sea otter. The sea otter was hunted by hunters on the Pacific coast. The last documentation of the sea otters in BC was in A treaty was made in 1911 to provide protection to the sea otters. Ever since that treaty, the population of sea otters increased was when the sea otters moved from endangered to special concern. Right now, there are more sea otters in Canada, but some of them are kept in aquariums to avoid complete extinction.

4 Who’s wanting to make a change?
The organizations that work to protect animal habitats are federal, provincial/territorial, municipal and Indigenous governments. Those governments can claim the areas of lands, which they use as a way of protecting the animals habitats. The ecological reserves and wilderness areas are the most highly protected areas, so the low use of them are permitted. The protection of endangered animals needs a society-wide effort. It requires protected areas, public education, conservation-minded research, and protective legislation for biodiversity. Individual Canadians and businesses have come to realize that a balance must be found between economic activity and the needs of the natural world, including our endangered species. Who’s wanting to make a change?

5 Effects The effects of an animal becoming extinct, will effect a lot of species including us. If the polar bear population decreases even more because of the ice melting near the north of Hudson bay, the population of seals will increase. If the seal population increases, there will be less fish for us to eat. Polar bears mainly eat seals who mainly eat fish. We have a lot of fisherman boats that hunt fish every day to be able to supply us with food. This food chain will change if you take away the main predator which in this situation, is the polar bear for the animals. Forest fires, deforestation, pollution, and climate change are all caused by us. Forest fires can be caused by one cigarette, deforestation is when we cut down too many trees in a forest, gas from factories in the air is an example of pollution, and hot weather during the winter for climate change. What we do on a normal bases, can affect all the animals around us.

6 Short Video
This Video was created by Michael Zacharias. He explains that there are many options for us to make a difference and shorten the list of Endangered animals in Canada

7 What we can do My plan is to compromise with businesses who need an area to build. What we can do is find open land that doesn’t have any wildlife living there or re-design old buildings that aren’t being used into something new. In the past, people have moved all of the animals who lived there into either zoo’s or other parts of the country that would be safer. The problem with moving the animals, is that the resources they eat to survive, would be destroyed in the process of construction and forced to find more food. We need nature in our ever day lives such as trees for oxygen because the more trees we cut down now, there will be less in the future. It takes trees a very long time to grow back.

8 Steps and Changes The first step would be to talk to World Wildlife Fund Canada because they are the most motivated in protecting the endangered species. Confronting the Canadian Government who have taken a significant step in protecting habitats. Figure out which animals live in each province and where they are most common. This will help us with avoiding building agricultural buildings on habitats. It would depend on how much this process of protecting the environment would cost because it depends on how our future will be effected. For example, there will be problems when we run out of space when adding more buildings for companies. During the process of protecting habitats, no one would be harmed because we wouldn’t be going to extreme measures of cutting down huge trees to make room. The way we would measure if this issue has been fixed, would be determined by the endangered animals list. We would have to watch out for animals being over-populated, but it would be an improvement from threatened extinction. Bears and raccoons go through our trash because their food has either decreased in numbers or they were forced to move out of their homes. If the animals had more forests to live in, we wouldn’t have problems with them being in our backyard or trash cans.

9 If we save the endangered animals from extinction, they will still be around in the future and won’t end up in the history books just like the prehistoric age did.

10 Citations

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