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Erosion and Deposition

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Presentation on theme: "Erosion and Deposition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Erosion and Deposition

2 Breaking Down Processes
What is Erosion? The process by which weathered rock and soil particles are moved from place to place. What is Deposition? The process by which weathered sediments are laid down in a new location creating new landforms.

3 5 Agents of Erosion Gravity Glaciers Wind
Surface Water / Running Water Ocean Shoreline / Ocean Waves

4 Gravity Pulls rock and soil down a slope Called Mass Movement Rapid
Rockslides Mudflow Avalanche


6 Gravity Slow Slump Creep

7 Mass Wasting Video Clip

8 Glaciers Carry very large to very small debris Most powerful agent
What do they deposit? Form piles called moraines Drumlins – little mounds Glacial lakes Kettle lakes U-shaped valleys

9 Moraines

10 Drumlins Glacial lakes

11 Kettle Lakes U-shaped valleys

12 Glaciers

13 Glacial Erosion clip

14 Wind Removes loose material from the earth’s surface.
Amount of material carried depends on wind speed Most active in deserts, plowed fields, beaches What does wind deposit? Loess- layer of fine silt or sand Dunes- mounds of sand

15 Loess

16 Dunes

17 Wind Erosion Clip

When water moves it carries particle called the load. Speed of water determines the size of the load Creates canyons and valleys What do rivers create/deposit? Deltas Oxbow lakes Flood plains

19 River deltas Mississippi River Delta Clip

20 Oxbow Lakes

21 Flood Plains

22 Waves Constantly erode and shape the shoreline.
What formations do waves create? Sea cliffs Sea stacks and caves

23 Sea Stacks

24 Sea Stacks & cliffs

25 Cape Flattery, Olympic Peninsula
Sea caves

26 Waves What do waves deposit? Beaches Spits sand bars Barrier Islands


28 Barrier Islands

29 Spits & Sandbars

30 Erosion by Brainpop What can help protect soil against erosion?
Name one surface feature caused by erosion. Why can’t you see glacial movement in action?

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