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NJ’s Endangered Species

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Presentation on theme: "NJ’s Endangered Species"— Presentation transcript:

1 NJ’s Endangered Species

2 Biodiversity What is it? Why is it important?

3 Endangered Species = ??? How does extinction effect biodiversity?

4 Leading Causes Habitat Destruction and Invasive Species

5 1. 2. 3. Lynx (not in NJ) Bobcat (E) Mountain Lion (unconfirmed)

6 4. 5. 6. Bog turtle (E) Wood turtle (T) Box turtle (S)

7 Barred Owl (T) Short-eared Owl (E)

8 Long eared Owl (T) Great-horned Owl (S)

9 Saw Whet Owl Screech Owl Barn Owl All are stable.

10 Peregrine Falcon (E) Northern Goshawk (E)

11 Northern Harrier (E) Cooper’s Hawk (T) Sharp-shinned Hawk (S)

12 Red-shouldered hawk (T) Osprey (T)

13 Soaring Birds – All Stable
Red-tailed hawk Broad-winged hawk Turkey vulture Black vulture

14 Bald eagle (E-federal)
Golden Eagle (not in NJ)

15 Blue spotted (E) Eastern Tiger (E) Marbled (S)

16 Northern Red (S) Spotted (S) Redback (S)

17 Vernal Pools Vernal Pools

18 Obligate Vernal Pool Breeding Amphibians: Eastern tiger salamander - Endangered Marbled salamander Spotted salamander Jefferson salamander Blue-spotted salamander - Endangered Wood frog Eastern spadefoot toad

19 American Bittern (E) Pied-billed Grebe (E) Black-crowned Night Heron (T)

20 Yellow-crowned Night Heron (T) Red Knot (T) Black Skimmer (E)

21 Up Sandpiper (E) Killdeer (S) Bobolink (T) Piping Plover (E)

22 Ecological Succession and Open Field Species
Native Americans and Fire used to maintain early successional habitats

23 Current attitudes of, “Save the trees” and “Only you can prevent forest-fire” have resulted in the loss of early successional habitats due to ecological succession

24 Some species that are declining due to the loss of early successional habitats
Bobolink Long-eared owl Short-eared owl Savannah sparrow Vesper sparrow

25 Pine Barrens Treefrog (T)
S. Gray Treefrog (E) Spring Peeper (S)

26 Red-headed Woodpecker (T)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (S) No. Flicker (S) Downy Woodpecker (S) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (S)

27 Timber Rattlesnake (E)

28 Northern Copperhead (S)

29 Water Moccasin

30 Northern Water Snake (S)

31 Corn Snake (E)

32 Eastern Milk Snake (S)

33 Frosted Elfin (T)

34 Silver-bordered fritillary (T)

35 Painted lady (S)

36 Monarch (S)

37 Indiana Bat (E)

38 Little Brown Bat (S)

39 Jersey Devil Unconfirmed

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