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Country and thematic knowledge on public administration

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1 Country and thematic knowledge on public administration
EUPAN Working level meeting Sofia, April 2018

2 Public administration EC engagement
European Semester Investment: e.g. ESIF, CEF, ISA + Technical support: SRSP, TAIEX P2P Funded research: COCOPS, LIPSE, ANTICORRP, FUTURGOV Funded initiatives: OPSI (OECD), EPSA (EIPA) Studies & Analysis: e.g., Justice Scoreboard Thematic guidance: Quality Public Administration Toolbox Networks of practitioners: e.g., EUPAN, ESF TNC, PES Soft standards: e.g. e-government action plan Directives: e.g. e-procurement

3 EUPACK project To enhance the knowledge and understanding of the status of reform dynamics in PAs in EU MSs, Study the contribution of EU support in this area – view to the future September 2016 until April 2018 EIPA, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin), Ramboll Management Consulting (Denmark)

4 EUPACK project

5 Task 1: Key characteristics
based on quantitative and qualitative data Size of government & general government employment Scope & Structure of government Civil service system Political system & administrative tradition Indicator based assessment of government capacity & performance along 5 dimensions => Time comparison and comparison to EU average.


7 Task 2: Reform Dynamics consistent country long term overview of content, process and outcomes of public administration better understanding of the dynamics and effects of specific reforms based on a cases-study based analysis of selected reforms in each country synthesis of key similarities/differences and derive learning with regard to the drivers of effective administrative reforms in the MSs.

8 Who benefitted from the EU funds
Task 3: ESF role Who benefitted from the EU funds The EU support to public administration through ESF and ESIF is at the centre of this analysis. Other sources of support (international organisations, NGOs, national budget etc.) have been mapped when possible and their linkages with EU support analysed. Covers 13 countries for the period and 16 for the period ESF Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia. ESIF Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia.

9 Results Characteristics of Public Administration(s) in the EU28 – overview published Reform dynamics – forthcoming Role of ESF support to PA - forthcoming Measuring Public Administration – forthcoming Lessons from and for civil service reform Intervention logic for the EU support to public administration in Member States Multi-level governance

10 "Measuring Public Administration"
Subthemes instead of grand schemes Employee surveys Administrative data mining Open data strategies Experimental statistics and Eurostat

11 What's next? Seminar 22-23 March – report on conclusions
Publications forthcoming Dialogue? Follow up on themes and country developments

12 Structural Reform Support Service
EUPAN Working level meeting Sofia, April 2018

13 Structural Reform Support Service
Established in 2015 to provide support for structural reforms Focus on implementation Support on the ground - tailor-made, covering all reform stages and challenges Provided only upon request from a Member State General objective of the SRSP (from the Regulation): strengthen the capacity of Member States to prepare and implement growth-enhancing reforms, including through assistance for the efficient and effective use of Union funds

14 Structural Reform Support Programme
no co-financing low administrative burden for Member States swift, tailor-made and hands-on support support for a wide range of policy areas a mix of expertise (own experts, TAIEX, IOs, private sector…) support provided at all stages of reform cycle demand-driven The screening takes into account several criteria (in accordance with the SRSP Regulation), such as the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State. Secondly, the SRSS checks whether the projects will generate significant added-value on the ground. In particular, all requests considered non-mature, not operational or not fitting into a wider Member State strategy are simply not prioritised. Thirdly, the SRSS also verifies, in coordination with the Member States, that there is no overlap with funding from other EU programmes, including from the operational programmes under the shared management.

15 Reform Process Cycle Identification of Reform Needs Assistance with Implementation of Reforms Monitoring & Evaluating Results SRSS engages with Member States throughout the different stages of the reform process, ensuring support is available where it is most needed.

16 Types of technical support
SRSS works with : Experts from MS administrations; International organisations; Private firms, including consultancy; Individual experts; in-house Commission expertise.

17 Topics and examples of projects
GOVERNANCE AND BETTER POLICY MAKING AT STATE LEVEL Inter-ministerial coordination structure Codification and planning of laws Supervision of reform implementation HUMAN RESOURCES Selection of top managers Promoting internal mobility Performance assessment Strategic workforce planning Change management EFFICIENCY OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICE DELIVERY Life events & customer journey mapping Administrative simplification Functional reviews Management of EU funds Internal control system(s) TRANSPARENCY, ANTI-CORRUPTION & ANTI MONEY- LAUNDERING Anti-corruption Anti money-laundering Ethics Procurement JUDICIAL SYSTEMS Efficiency of judicial systems Quality of judicial systems Independance of the judicial system e-GOVERNMENT Design and implementation of e-Governance Development of IT strategy and action plan Development of IT project specifications

18 Future role of the Commission?
Provide technical and financial support Facilitate mutual learning between MS and between practitioners and academia? Networks for transfer of practices? "Policy" dialogue?

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