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Wessex Cancer Alliance

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1 Wessex Cancer Alliance
WesFit An Alliance Approach Fran Williams Partnerships Lead Wessex Cancer Alliance

2 WesFit A pragmatic 2 x 2 factorial design randomised controlled study to assess the efficacy of the implementation of a prehabilitation programme in patients undergoing intra- cavity elective major cancer surgery in Wessex.   Patients undergoing intra- cavity elective major cancer surgery ± receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) or chemoradiotherapy (CRT). Published in 2014 – collaboration between PHE, CRUK, MCS


4 Some Quotes “I knew my body would take a massive kicking, so it was to put it in the best position I could beforehand”. I said, ‘well [partner], we have done absolutely everything we could to help the outcome of this’. And that was very comforting, to feel that, I couldn’t have done anything more’. And I got a good result, out within 10 days. And that was really good for me, emotionally. Post Surgery: ‘I wanted those faces, encouraging me again’.

5 Interval Training Programme
Warm up 30 Minutes of Exercise Cool down 5 mins 0 W 3 mins 80%LT 2 mins 50%∆ 5mins HR 80% AT - 80% of the anaerobic threshold 50%∆ - 50% of the difference between anaerobic threshold and VO2peak Workload

6 Minnella Acta Oncologica 2017



9 Health Education and Psychological Support (The HUG)
One to one healthy conversations ± counselling to support their cancer pathway. To help improve mental wellbeing and resilience  to deal with the treatment and empower the patient. To promote long-term behaviour change leading to a healthier lifestyle.

10 The Future!!! Love Medical Ltd 2014
Training programme = £425 per patient for the 9 week training programme in-hospital 3 x per week in pairs Could be 30 bikes Love Medical Ltd 2014

11 The Future Model ATRIUM (Coventry) A community based gym
Pathfinder grant ATRIUM (Coventry) A community based gym

12 Any questions/thoughts/comments……

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