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The Mathews Practice Carers Presentation

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1 The Mathews Practice Carers Presentation

2 What is a carer? A carer is someone who provides unpaid care for a family member or friend due to various mental and/or physical disabilities This can include things like: Helping with shopping Helping with personal care such as washing, dressing, eating etc. Cleaning Providing transport to hospital appts

3 Why are carer’s important?
There are around 6.5 million carers in the UK and 60,000 of them live in Sheffield. Their contribution saves about £132 Billion annually for the UK economy and £1.86 billion of that is saved in Sheffield. That’s almost £20,000 per carer 1 in 10 people will be a carer at some point in their life Every day another 6,000 people take on a caring responsibility. By 2037, it's anticipated that the number of carers will increase to 9 million.

4 Why do carers need our help?
People can become carers as young as 10 Over 3 million people juggle care with work, however the significant demands of caring mean that 1 in 5 carers are forced to give up work altogether. Carer's Allowance is the main carer's benefit and is £64.60 for a minimum of 35 hours, equivalent to £1.85 per hour – far short of the national minimum wage of £7.83 per hour. 625,000 people suffer mental and physical ill health as a direct consequence of the stress and physical demands of caring. Over 1.3 million people provide over 50 hours of care per week. Over 1 million people care for more than one person. Many carers will not realise help is available or are not aware of their rights.

5 Carers Rights and Support
Carers Allowance Other Carers Benefits Help with council tax Respite Carers Working rights Technology and Equipment Looking after your own physical and mental health

6 Proposed changes to registration form

7 Carers checks Plan is to introduce a carers health check at the practice This will include a general health screening and a depression screening Provision of written advice about carers It will also include a referral to the Sheffield Carers Centre who can organise a carers assessment if the patient would like one. Carers will also be offered an annual flu vaccination

8 Carers Week 11-17th June 2018 The practice would like to arrange a carers event at both our sites during carers week to help us identify more carers amongst our patient population and signpost them to the help they need. We would like PPG feedback on What services you would like to see at the event How we can best publicise the event to our patients

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