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Colonial economy labor

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial economy labor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial economy labor

2 Land, Labor, capital and wealth

3 What makes you rich? england colonies land scarce labor plentiful
Land sign of wealth land plentiful labor scarce Land still sign of wealth

4 Freeworkers

5 freeworkers Free to choose their jobs paid for work, high salaries
tradesmen, servants, merchants middle class, but bought land attempts made to keep wages low

6 Bound labor

7 Bound labor Bound by the terms of a legal contract Had legal rights
Could sue and be sued

8 apprentices Worked in exchange for learning a trade
Master taught the “art and skill”

9 Indentured servants Worked in exchange for cost to come to America
50-75% of colonists came this way

10 Convict labor Worked off the remainder of sentence

11 Poor houses Worked to pay off debts

12 slavery

13 slavery Labor shortage

14 background began with Portugal Spanish used slaves in colonies in 1501
Until 1688; slaves very expensive

15 colonies by 1776, 500,000 slaves in colonies (5% of 10 million brought here) 20% colonial population was slaves (40% in VA; 75 % in NC)

16 colonies fear, hatred on differences black = evil
weapons determined superiority need for labor more important than conscience

17 Slave codes Heredity / caste guaranteed permanent servitude

18 Slave codes masters had total control over lives
discipline required by law slave codes governed behavior

19 Voyage middle passage as many as possible; bad conditions

20 auctions

21 rebellions

22 resistance

23 Free blacks

24 D2DyWeY
Short (5 minutes) V3z1kw Longer (8 minutes)

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