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INSPIRE– Status & next steps
Vanda Nunes de Lima Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS) 10 October 2013
INSPIRE in a nutshell Comprehensive data inventory (Monitoring & Reporting IR) Facilitate data discovery through standardised discovery services & metadata (IR on Network Services & Metadata) Data sharing (IR on Data and Service Sharing) Facilitate data access by allowing standardised view, download and transformation (IR on Network Services) Facilitate data use and interoperability by adopting common cross-domain models to exchange data (IR on Data Interoperability) Inspire in non-inspire speak !
INSPIRE Directive & Implementing Rules
The INSPIRE Directive lays down general rules to establish an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment INSPIRE is built on the SDIs established and operated by the Member States JRC is the technical coordinator Implementing Rules (IR, legal acts) Metadata Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Services (discovery, view, download, transform, invoke) Data and Service sharing (policy) Monitoring & reporting
INSPIRE thematic scope
Annex I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Annex III Statistical units Buildings Soil Land use Human health and safety Utility and governmental services Environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Population distribution – demography Area management/ restriction/regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions Habitats and biotopes Species distribution Energy Resources Mineral resources Annex II Elevation Land cover Ortho-imagery Geology
Coordination Transparency and inclusiveness Stakeholder consultations
Support to Member States on the implementation Extend INSPIRE to and ensure consistency of different policy domains Promote INSPIRE in international standardisation
IRs vs. TG INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC
“What Member States must implement” (abstract specification) Commission Regulation IRs for Metadata, Network Services Interoperability Spatial data sets and services legally binding not legally binding TG for the Implementation of Discovery Services Implementation Requirements & Recommendations TG – Data Specification on Addresses Implementation Requirements & Recommendations Technical Guidance e.g. “How Member States might implement it” (implementation specification)
Technical Guidance (TG)
Technical guidelines & Implementing Rule
Rule (IR) D2.3: Definition of Annex Themes & Scope Conceptual Framework D2.7: Guidelines for Encoding Common requirements (IR articles) D2.6: Methodology for Specification Development D2.9: O&M Guidelines D2.5: Generic Conceptual Model D2.10.x: Common data models Common types (Annex I) Parts for 34 themes (Annex II) Coordinate Ref. Systems Geographical Grids Protected Sites … Elevation Orthoimagery Geology … Statistical Units Buildings … Energy Resources Mineral Resources Requirements not in IR, e.g. UML multiplicities Encoding (e.g. GML schemas) Portrayal styles Annex I Data specifications Annex II Data specifications Annex III Data specifications
What’s new in Annex II+III?
More elaborated approach to code lists: Registry implemented Observations & Measurements: D2.9 Guidelines for the use of O&M (ISO 19157) and SWE-related standards Core & extension models New common data models & data types networks (Annex I) coverages activity complexes document & legislation references Additions / harmonization to Annex I models Maritime units (AU) Geographic grid (GG) Hydrography (HY)
CLs in Annex II+III data specifications
Obligation: requirement only specified values SHALL be used recommendation only specified values SHOULD be used Governance: INSPIRE-governed include values in data specs externally governed include reference in specs, plus: external organisation responsible for maintaining the CL version to be used availability: URL/citation formats, e.g. SKOS/RDF, XML, HTML, PDF, … specific subsets to be used rules for encoding values (URIs, labels) Extensibility: may other values than those specified be used in the data?
Key pillars of data interoperability Harmonised vocabularies
Conceptual data models Harmonised vocabularies Encoding Registers objects types, properties & relationships cross-domain harmonization based on a common modelling framework managed in a common UML repository conceptual models independent of concrete encodings standard encoding: GML, but also possible to derive other encodings (e.g. based on RDF) to overcome interoperability issues caused by free-text and/or multi- lingual content allow additional terms from local vocabularies provide unique and persistent identifiers for reference to resources allow their consistent management and versioning described in INSPIRE Conceptual Framework documents D2.6:Methodology for Specification Development D2.9: O&M Guidelines D2.10.3: Common data models D2.5: Generic Conceptual Model D2.7: Guidelines for Encoding
Data interoperability – Status IR & TG
Regulations Commission Regulation 1089/2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC … as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Annex I) Commission Regulation amending Regulation 1089/2010 … (Code lists) 9 TG documents (data specifications) Annex I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites
Data interoperability – Status IR & TG
Annex II+III data specification work started in April 2010 24 draft TG documents (data specifications) published v3.0rc3 (release candidate 3): February 2013 V3.0: November 2013 Amendment of Regulation 1089/2010 Positive Opinion of INSPIRE committee: 8 April 2013 Adoption after EP scrutiny: autumn 2013 Development roadmap: INSPIRE progress
Implementation Roadmap
What When Metadata available for Annex I+II spatial data Discovery and view services IOC Discovery and View Services operational Download and Transformation Services IOC Download and Transformation Services operational Access to (newly collected / all) Annex I spatial data sets under harmonised conditions Metadata available for Annex III spatial data Access to (newly collected / all) Annex II+III spatial data sets under harmonised conditions Dec 2010 May 2011 Nov 2011 June 2012 end 2012 end 2012 / 2017 Dec 2013 around Oct 2015 / 2020
Download services roadmap
Diagram by Ian James, Ordnance Survey
Moving into the Implementation phase
Support to the implementation of the IRs, e.g. Answering questions around INSPIRE implementation Facilitating the discussion of issues and exchange of experiences between INSPIRE experts in existing groups Implementation/hosting of central infrastructure components Capacity building, development of training material etc. Support to eReporting and other implementing measures of SEIS Corrective maintenance to IRs and TGs, e.g. Corrigenda to the MD Regulation and M&R Decision Corrections and bug fixes in TG documents or schemas Evolutive maintenance of the Irs and TGs, e.g. Taking into account requirements emerging from environmental legislation or developments in technology / standardisation
The INSPIRE MIF- Maintenance and implementation framework
Organisation Main pillar: Permanent Commission Expert Group on INSPIRE Maintenance & Implementation (MIG) 1 member (plus back-up) proposed by MS Main task: cross-cutting issues, e.g. architecture, registers; agree on Work program,.. Kick-off meeting 14 October 2013 In addition: Ad-hoc sub-groups for specific tasks Members from a “pool of experts” (proposed by SDICs/LMOs) Tasks: Specific (time-limited) maintenance/implementation tasks There could also be a role in the MIF for European (or global) umbrella organisations To facilitate the organization of thematic networks relevant for implementation of INSPIRE Themes Mobilization of expert resources is key to success use existing substantial pool of expert knowledge
The INSPIRE MIF Procedures Schedule Regularly updated work programme
Important to collect, filter and prioritise (with MS) change requests and requests for implementation support discussed with the Member States Issues can be addressed by EC INSPIRE team workshop with relevant experts ad-hoc sub-group other stakeholders, e.g. European/global umbrella organisations Schedule Further details after the Kick-off meeting (14/10/2013)
Collaboration with thematic areas
Best use of investment Support the implementation of SEIS MARINE Strategic Framework Directive, in particular WG DIKE: to identify where and how INSPIRE relates to its implementing measures, including reporting. => next step: to prepare a pilot Floods Directive WG: close contact during the development process; need to preparing a demonstrative pilot on using INSPIRE WFD & GWD: participation at several meetings of different WG to introduce INSPIRE framework, the WFD spatial object types in INSPIRE (Presentation available but needs update), GW and INSPIRE Geology,….
Data interoperability – standards stack
MSFD reporting WFD reporting GMES services ITS … HB SR HY OF EL AC/MF OI TN … Generic conceptual model OGC standards Domain standards ISO 19100
Data interoperability – standards stack
MSFD reporting INSPIRE extensions & applications WFD reporting GMES services ITS … HB INSPIRE SR HY OF EL AC/MF OI TN … Generic conceptual model OGC standards Domain standards ISO 19100
INSPIRE core and extension models
INSPIRE core and extension models
Starting point for discussion
INSPIRE extensions: Governance
Thematic communities, standardisation bodies and/or DGs
INSPIRE extensions & maintenance
Thematic communities, standardisation bodies, DGs and INSPIRE MIF* * MIF = Maintenance and implementation framework
Area Management, Restriction and Regulation Zones
All zones that are established in accordance with specific legislative requirements to deliver specific environmental objectives, e.g. protect and improve environmental quality protect plant, animal and human health control development and spatial planning, etc. related to any environmental media (e.g. water, soil, biota) The zone types identified during the DS development are defined in the code list ZoneTypeCode The code list can be extended to allow capturing additional zone types
Reporting units Many INSPIRE spatial object types can play the role of a reporting unit no specific application schema Often Management, Restriction or Regulation Zone (as defined within the AM theme) e.g. Air Quality Management Zones are used as reporting units for indicators of exceedence of limit or threshold values But also spatial objects defined in other INSPIRE themes e.g. administrative units, statistical units, environmental monitoring facilities, watercourses, … Identification of INSPIRE spatial objects used as reporting units in Annex F of the AM data specification Reference from reporting data can be by creating an INSPIRE-based data model for reporting through reference to INSPIRE id through reference to thematic id (which then should be unique and persistent)
Reporting units Requirements and recommendation
Spatial objects that are used for providing a spatial reference for the data reported under environmental reporting obligations SHALL be defined and made available according to the requirements of their respective INSPIRE spatial data theme. Where environmental reporting data uses a spatial object within the scope of INSPIRE to provide a spatial reference, the reporting data SHALL include a reference to these INSPIRE spatial objects. INSPIRE spatial objects that perform the role of "Reporting Unit" SHOULD have an inspireID so that reporting data can be referenced to the spatial object.
Thank you … Questions? More information
INSPIRE web site: INSPIRE Geoportal:
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