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DoDAF Data Meta Model (DM2) Overview
Workshop for ACT – IAC, EA-SIG Mr. David McDaniel (ctr) 20 July 2012
Agenda DM2 Context Conceptual Data Model Logical Data Model
Ontologic foundation: International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS) Relationship to DoDAF models Physical Exchange Specification Overcoming challenges to change
Lay of DoDAF Land Model (view) specifications DM2 Operational
Capabilities Services Systems Data and Information Standards Projects DM2 The 52 DoDAF models and the DM2 are related via a matrix
The DM2 Has Three Levels DIV-1 (CDM) DIV-2 (LDM) DIV-3 (physical)
(This is where almost all the design and analysis work is done) DIV-3 (physical) (Auto-generated from the LDM) Logical Data Model (LDM) Reified and Formalized relationships Conceptual Data Model (CDM) Concepts and concept relationships Physical Exchange Schema (PES) XML encoding of LDM The DM2 has several levels, each of which is important to a particular viewer of Departmental processes. A conceptual level or Conceptual Data Model (CDM) defines concepts and relationships between them business language of the enterprise normative across the six core processes A logical level or Logical Data Model (LDM) formalizes the relationships in the CDM mathematically A physical level or Physical Exchange Specification (PES) adds required NCDS metadata for security and pedigree to the LDM is generated from the LDM as a set of XSD’s, one schema per DoDAF-described Model
ò Conceptual Phase Data WG DoDAF 2.0 “Core” Process Workshops
Authoritative Documents (e.g., DODI, CJCSI, …) DoDAF 2.0 “Core” Process Workshops Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Program, Planning, and Budgeting Environment (PPBE) Defense Acquistion System (DAS) Operations Planning Systems Engineering Capabilities Portfolio Management EA Presentation WG Data WG Collect terms Make a pass on “core” terms Group related terms Gather authoritative definitions for “Core” terms Proposed definitions (+rationale, examples, and aliases) Process EA information needs Terms with rough consensus definitions, sources, aliases, rational, examples Design information collection template Conduct and facilitate Compile process information needs ò Existing Models and Databases (many) Data dictionaries & models We have on the top left many natural language documents of “requirements” and on the bottom left, many existing data models and databases, which still rely substantially on natural language From these, we are to develop a reasonably unambiguous structure that supports many requirements How can we do this in a manner that is reasonably systematic, repeatable, and validatable within timeframe and resources? DoDAF 1.5 “Parking Lot” Issues EA Methods WG
Sources Definitions IEEE ISO W3C OMG EIA DODD & DODI
JCS Pubs, especially CJCSI's DoDAF Other frameworks: Zachman, MODAF, TOGAF, NAF, ... FEA BMM Worknet Wikipedia English dictionaries DoDAF Glossary Models DoD Core Architecture Data Model (CADM) 1.5 International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS) OMG Business Motivation Metamodel (BMM) Hay/Zachman MITRE Architecture Specification Model (ASM) CRIS (TRANSCOM) MODAF Meta Model (M3) NAF Meta Model DoI Meta Model Joint Command, Control, and Consultation Information Exchange Model (JC3IEDM) Geospatial Markup Language (GML) Universal Core (UCORE) GEIA 927 AP233 SUMO and ISO (via IDEAS) FEA Reference Models JFCOM JACAE On the left are the model sources we considered to date; on the right, additional sources for definitions. Note that as a result of the Ops Planning workshop at JFCOM last week, we now can add JACAE as source. That metadata is being parsed into the spreadsheet this week. Note also, that we considered sereral non-AF sources, e.g., JCS Pub 1-02, the DoD Dictionary of Military Terms, and English dictionaries.
Definition Phase Example 1
Category Capability Technical Term Proposed Definition Capability: (n) 1. The ability to execute a specified course of action. (JP 1-02) 2. The ability to achieve a desired effect under specified standards and conditions through combinations of means and ways to perform a set of tasks. (JCIDS) Potentially Related Terms or Aliases Source/Current Definition (source) definition (JCIDS): The ability to achieve a desired effect under specified standards and conditions through combinations of means and ways to perform a set of tasks. (DoDAF/CADM): An ability to achieve an objective. (DDDS Counter (333/1)(A)) (JC3IEDM): The potential ability to do work, perform a function or mission, achieve an objective, or provide a service. (NAF): The ability of one or more resources to deliver a specified type of effect or a specified course of action. (GEN TERM) (NAF): A high level specification of the enterprise's ability. (MM) (JCS 1-02): The ability to execute a specified course of action. (A capability may or may not be accompanied by an intention.) (Webster's): 1. The quality of being capable; ability. 2. A talent or ability that has potential for development or use. 3. The capacity to be used, treated, or developed for a specific purpose. Examples "The soldier shall be able to load and fire his individual weapon." (JP 1-02) "The soldier shall be able to load and fire his individual weapon from (positions) on a trainfire range, in (weather) to achieve a minimum score of "Marksman" on the Army Marksm Definition Rationale Authority: "The Secretary of Defense, by DOD Directive , 23 August 1989, Standardization of Military and Associated Terminology, has directed the use of JP 1-02 throughout the Department of Defense to ensure standardization of military and associated terminology.
Conceptual Level of DM2 is Simple
anything can have Measures Condition Guidance is-performable-under Rule Activity Capability Standard Agreement constrains requires-ability-to-perform has consumes-and-produces is-performed-by is-realized-by Project achieves-desired-effect (a state of a resource) is-the-goal-of Resource describes-something Information Not shown but implied by the IDEAS Foundation: Everything is 4-D and so has temporal parts, i.e., states Everything has parts Everything has subtypes Activity: Work, not specific to a single organization, weapon system or individual that transforms inputs (Resources) into outputs (Resources) or changes their state. Resource: Data, Information, Performers, Materiel, or Personnel Types that are produced or consumed. Materiel: Equipment, apparatus or supplies that are of interest, without distinction as to its application for administrative or combat purposes. Information: The state of a something of interest that is materialized -- in any medium or form -- and communicated or received. Data: Representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automatic means. Examples could be whole models, packages, entities, attributes, classes, domain values, enumeration values, records, tables, rows, columns, and fields. Performer: Any entity - human, automated, or any aggregation of human and/or automated - that performs an activity and provides a capability. Organization: A specific real-world assemblage of people and other resources organized for an on-going purpose. System: A functionally, physically, and/or behaviorally related group of regularly interacting or interdependent elements. Person Role: A category of persons defined by the role or roles they share that are relevant to an architecture. Service: A mechanism to enable access to a set of one or more capabilities, where the access is provided using a prescribed interface and is exercised consistent with constraints and policies as specified by the service description. The mechanism is a Performer. The capabilities accessed are Resources -- Information, Data, Materiel, Performers, and Geo-political Extents. Capability: The ability to achieve a Desired Effect under specified (performance) standards and conditions through combinations of ways and means (activities and resources) to perform a set of activities. Condition: The state of an environment or situation in which a Performer performs. Desired Effect: A desired state of a Resource. Measure: The magnitude of some attribute of an individual. Location: A point or extent in space that may be referred to physically or logically. Guidance: An authoritative statement intended to lead or steer the execution of actions. Rule: A principle or condition that governs behavior; a prescribed guide for conduct or action. Agreement: A consent among parties regarding the terms and conditions of activities that said parties participate in. Standard: A formal agreement documenting generally accepted specifications or criteria for products, processes, procedures, policies, systems, and/or personnel. Project: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create Resources or Desired Effects. Geopolitical Extent A geospatial extent whose boundaries are by declaration or agreement by political parties. Materiel Performer Data System Organization is-at Location GeoPolitical Service PersonRole is-part-of
Logical Phase CDM Data WG Using a UML class modeling tool: Add relationships During this activity, repeating association patterns became apparent – IDEAS! EA Methods WG Initial thinking about relationship types. (IDEF 5) During this activity, normalization led the WG to see that attributes are just relationships – IDEAS! EA Presentation WG Add attributes We have on the top left many natural language documents of “requirements” and on the bottom left, many existing data models and databases, which still rely substantially on natural language From these, we are to develop a reasonably unambiguous structure that supports many requirements How can we do this in a manner that is reasonably systematic, repeatable, and validatable within timeframe and resources? During this activity, it became apparent: Details are just specializations – IDEAS! Term reconciliation could be done using BORO – IDEAS! Refine detail 1. Data Dictionary 2. UML Ontology Model
IDEAS Layered Approach
1. Foundation (upper ontology) Ontologic concepts and relationships Commonly used patterns, e.g., Resource Flow, Exchange Universally accepted concepts and relationships, e.g., person, organization, material, etc. 2. Common patterns 3. Universal objects & relationships X X X X Reports drawn from the architecture data specific to needs and policies of individual nations national views national views national views national views 10
Everthing (except Thing) is an Extension
Attributes Relationships (associations) Domain Values (enumerations) From KBIS’ IDEF-5 Spec
Top-Level Foundation Four dimensionalist -- xyzt Extensional -- physical existence is the criterion for identity Signs and representations are separated from referents Mathematics: Type theory ~ Set theory Mereology (wholes and parts) 4D Mereotopology (spatio-temporal relations) Then domain concepts inherit several important properties. None of these foundation properties are unusual; they are all used in reasoning everyday: Individuals, things that exist in 3D space and time, i.e., have spatial-temporal extent. Types, sets of things. Tuples, ordered relations between things, e.g., ordered pairs in 2D analytic geometry, rows in relational database tables, and subject-verb-object triples in Resource Description Framework. Whole-part; e.g., components of a service or system, parts of the data, materiel parts, subdivisions of an activity, and elements of a measure. Temporal whole-part; e.g., the states or phases of a performer, the increments of a capability or projects, the sequence of a process (activity). Super-subtype; e.g., a type of system or service, capability, materiel, organization, or condition. Interface; e.g., an overlap between two things. [1] Three types of Things: Types (which are like sets), Tuples (ordered relationships), and Individuals (not persons, but Things that have spatial and temporal extent – spatio-temporal extent.) mereology is a collection of axiomatic first-order theories dealing with parts and their respective wholes. In contrast to set theory, which takes the set–member relationship as fundamental, the core notion of mereology is the part–whole relationship. Mereology is both an application of predicate logic and a branch of formal ontology. or
Mathematical Foundation
Four dimensionalist -- xyzt Extensional -- physical existence is the criterion for identity Signs and representations are separated from referents Mathematics: Type theory ~ Set theory Mereology (wholes and parts) 4D Mereotopology (spatio-temporal relations) z x Then domain concepts inherit several important properties. None of these foundation properties are unusual; they are all used in reasoning everyday: Individuals, things that exist in 3D space and time, i.e., have spatial-temporal extent. Types, sets of things. Tuples, ordered relations between things, e.g., ordered pairs in 2D analytic geometry, rows in relational database tables, and subject-verb-object triples in Resource Description Framework. Whole-part; e.g., components of a service or system, parts of the data, materiel parts, subdivisions of an activity, and elements of a measure. Temporal whole-part; e.g., the states or phases of a performer, the increments of a capability or projects, the sequence of a process (activity). Super-subtype; e.g., a type of system or service, capability, materiel, organization, or condition. Interface; e.g., an overlap between two things. [1] Three types of Things: Types (which are like sets), Tuples (ordered relationships), and Individuals (not persons, but Things that have spatial and temporal extent – spatio-temporal extent.) mereology is a collection of axiomatic first-order theories dealing with parts and their respective wholes. In contrast to set theory, which takes the set–member relationship as fundamental, the core notion of mereology is the part–whole relationship. Mereology is both an application of predicate logic and a branch of formal ontology. t * t * © Rob Byranton
Independent Entities Specialization
IDEAS Foundation DoDAF 2 Domain Concepts
Associative Entities Specialization So their mathematical meaning is known
IDEAS Foundation Associations DoDAF 2 Domain Concept Relationships Whole-part for Types Overlaps of Types Before-after for Types Type-Instances Description and naming Whole-parts Super-subtypes Temporal Whole-part of Types A&D Similarly, we type the associations by classifying them under their IDEAS foundation class.
One Result: Compare DM2’s predecessor, a classic E-R model
CADM had 687 entities, 3,914 attributes, 11,911 domain values, and 1,249 associations = 17,762 data elements DM2 has less than 300 data elements TOTAL And can represent more (only shows entities, attributes, and relationships, domain values are non-graphical) CADM had 687 entities, 3,914 attributes, 11,911 domain values, and 1,249 associations = 17,762 data elements DM2 has 217 foundation and domain data elements, 37 IC-ISM's, and 4 metadata for a total of 258 data elements
DM2 Data Groups Performers Resource Flows Information and Data Rules
Capabilities Services Projects Organizational Structures Measures Locations Pedigrees Documentation per data group in DoDAF Volume II describes non-obvious features.
Example: Resource Flows
DoDAF Models are described according to DM2
OV-2 Example (pg 1 of 2) SHALLS & MAYS
Example (pg 2 of 2)
Why we used IDEAS – benefits
Re-use of common patterns saved a lot of work Reconciliation and analysis tool Information pedigree model Design reification and requirements traceability Services description Semantic precision Mathematical precision The International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS) foundation was developed over several years by an international group. It includes a formal ontology using type theory and mereotopology. The U.S. DoD Architecture Framework adopted IDEAS as a foundation for the meta model for the new DoDAF 2.0. The initial reason for adoption was simplification of the modeling via inheritance of foundation “common patterns.” But later, it was found the ontologic tools provided a basis for analysis of issues by the DoDAF 2.0 mete model working group; once the group understood the IDEAS foundation, it provided principled ways for the group to analyze problems. As the DoDAF 2.0 entered service in May 2009, it also started becoming apparent the IDEAS foundation would provide a basis for achieving essential goals of EA, namely, integration of EA models from many heterogeneous sources and analysis of the resultant integrated dataset for EA purposes. The very motivators for EA in the first place, e.g., enterprise interoperability assessment, detection and filling of capabilities gaps, avoidance of unintended capabilities redundancies, system-of-systems engineering, and so on, were seen to depend on just this sort of ability to integrate and cross-walk EA models. This paper describes DoDAF 2.0 meta model development and the different types of benefits of adoption of IDEAS. It also describes some of the challenges with community acceptance and training.
Example 3. Information Pedigree Model
Workflow model, e.g., Open Provenance Model (provenance = linked together pedigrees) = Activity model (OV-5 + 6c) D Requirement in the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy (NCDS) Similar to Open Provenance Model Describes the workflow that led to the production of the information Pedigree is the immediate link – provenance further back in the production chain Activities, Performers, Performer states, resources used, rules abided by, measures conformed to
Example 4. Design Reification and Requirements Traceability
describes describes describes Thing describes describes Pedigree (requirements) Pedigree (requirements) Pedigree (requirements) Pedigree (requirements) Architectural Description Pedigree (requirements) Architectural Description Architectural Description Architectural Description Architectural Description Rules Rules A&D Successive refinement of the Architectural description. For any phase, it is traceable to the prior (pedigree). The prior phase becomes the rules that constrain the activities of the next performer – adherence to requirements baseline. They’re all aiming at the same future Thing, just describing it in more detail and in different ways as you go along. Rules constrain Rules constrain Rules constrain constrain constrain Worker Technician Engineer Architect Executive Strategic Op Rqmt TLR SLR A-Spec B-Spec C-Specs time CBA ICD AoA Perf Spec CDD CPD IOC
Physical Level Auto-generated from UML-ish file – no additional semantics added or changed Because the native XSD generator in the UML tool did not understand IDEAS Profile, an XSD generator had to be developed (UK and US) Four XSD’s: IDEAS Foundation, version 1.0 DM2 additional foundation Classification marking (externally controlled) DM2 exchange data Very simple structure never instantiated, metadata reference only
PES Structure Planned for future interoperability with IDEAS
Packaging, e.g., overall classification marking Extra goodies for Dublin Core (optional) Screen-scrape of the actual PES XSD Architecture data – tag names and definitions are exactly from DM2 LDM Where you say what views the data corresponds to One PES file can have multiple views A single piece of data can be in multiple views A recipient of the XML file should validated it against PES XSD which automatically encodes the “monster matrix”. XML stuff -- unimportant This could be made optional
The Wide Range of EA Data Assets
XMI / MOF Conversant (e.g., UPDM / SysML) Analysis Software DM2 PES XSD neutral implementation EA / ITA Tools Authoritative Data Sources EA Domain Concepts Common Patterns 4D Mereology Set Theory Naming Pedigree M&S Tools EA DBMS’ Ontic Foundation Reporting Tools and Formats Federal, Coalition, and other EA exchanges DM2 is the neutral format for Interchange
Overcoming Challenges to New Ways
DM2 Collaboration Helped
DM2 WG open to all Collaboration Site Business rules, e.g., Aggregation and subtype rules Coordination with many other groups, e.g., Controlled vocabulary Data models Vendors and implementers Software and systems organizations
WG Business Rules Essential for Broad Community Consensus
DoD Architectures COI WG is being considered
Would cover, perhaps on a rotating basis: Architecture information sharing needs Architecture standards (i.e., DoDAF, DM2, others) Architecture tools (i.e., current vendor list, DARS, others) Architecture relevance in core processes and governance Architecture federation Architecture best practices
Summary At the conceptual level, DM2 was grounded in the six core processes DoDAF is required to support: JCIDS, DAS, SE, PPBE, CPM, and OPS The adoption by DoDAF of the IDEAS formal ontology as a foundation for the DM2 LDM resulted: A very compact and relatively easy model to understand model that represents complex information such as pedigree and reification A mathematical means for integration, cross-walk, and analyze heterogeneous federated architectural description data sources that is critical in achieving DoD’s EA goals To introduce this level of rigor takes care and patience in your organization
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