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Ki-Joune Li Geospatial Standards Ki-Joune Li

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Presentation on theme: "Ki-Joune Li Geospatial Standards Ki-Joune Li"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ki-Joune Li
Geospatial Standards Ki-Joune Li

2 Why Standards – To avoid duplication
Cost for Construction Cost based on Standards Cost Reduction Amount of Reduced Cost Private Sector Public Sector © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

3 Why Standards – To avoid duplication
Producer ? Consumer © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

4 Why Standards – To avoid Monopolization
Producer Producer Consumer Producer Consumer Producer Producer Producer Consumer Producer Standard Prevent big companies from monopolizing the market and provide more opportunities to small companies Consumer and Producer © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

5 Why Standards – To avoid Monopolization
Services Services Services Services Services Services Small Vendor C Enterprise GIS Small Vendor A Enterprise GIS Small Vendor D Small Vendor B One big Vendor Environments with geospatial standards © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

6 Governance Structure of Geospatial Standards
De Jury Standards Regulations Industrial Standards Industrial Standards : TTA National Standards: KS International Standards: ISO International Standards: OGC © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

7 International Standard Organizations
ISO/TC211 Geographic Information De Jury Standards Abstract Standards OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) Industrial Standards Implementation Standards Liaison between ISO/TC211 and OGC and IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) W3C (WWW Consortium) IHO (International Hydrographic Organization) © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

8 ISO/TC211 Geographic Information/Geomatics
Chairman: Ms.  Christina Wasström Land Survey  Secretariat: Ms. Therése Andrén Swedish Standards Institute © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

9 ISO/TC211 – Members 39 Participating (P) members
28 Observing (O) members © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

10 ISO/TC211 – WG 1 WG 1: Framework and Reference Model
Convenor: Andrew Jones from Australia © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

11 ISO/TC211 – WG 4 WG 4: Geospatial Services
Convenor: Morten BorreBaek from Norway © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

12 ISO/TC211 – WG 6 WG 6: Imagery Convenor: Doug O'Brien from Canada
© 2017 Ki-Joune Li

13 ISO/TC211 – WG 7 WG 7: Information Communities
Convenor: Antony Cooper from South Africa © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

14 ISO/TC211 – WG 9 WG 9: Information Management
Convenor: John Herring from USA © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

15 ISO/TC211 – WG 10 WG 10: Ubiquitous Public Access
Convenor: Sang-Ki Hong from South Korea © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

16 ISO/TC211 – Project Stages
© 2017 Ki-Joune Li

17 ISO/TC211 – Project Stage Process
© 2017 Ki-Joune Li

18 ISO/TC211 – Project Stages (Example)
© 2017 Ki-Joune Li

19 OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)
Most Influential Organization in Geospatial Community © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

20 OGC – Current Members OGC Asia Forum OGC Europe Forum
517 members (Jan. 17, 2017) OGC Asia Forum OGC Europe Forum OGC ILAF (Iberian and Latin-American Forum) OGC Nordic Forum OGC France Forum OGC India Forum OGC Korea Forum OGC UK & Ireland Forum © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

21 OGC – Current members Recent Increase of Asian Members
© 2017 Ki-Joune Li

22 Government-Subnational/Local: 50
OGC – Current members Voting Members Strategic: 4 Principal: 18 Technical: 72 Associate: 119 Small Company: 47 Government-Subnational/Local: 50 NGO/Non-Profit University: 113 Individual: 29 © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

23 OGC - Documents Abstract Specifications OGC Reference Model
OGC Standards Best Practices Engineering Reports Discussion Papers © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

24 OGC – Structure © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

25 OGC – Structure OGC Staff: about 23 staffs OAB and NA
President: Mark Reichardt CTO: Carl Reed OAB and NA OAB: OGC Architecture Board NA: Naming Authority DWG, SWG, and SIG DWG: Domain Working Group SWG: Standard Working Group SIG: Special Interest Group (e.g. GovSIG) © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

26 OGC – Standard List © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

27 OGC – How to make an IS Defined by P&P © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

28 OGC – How to make an IS © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

29 Classification of Geospatial Standards
Construction Services Theories Storage and Management Sharing © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

30 Geospatial Standards – Base Standards
19101 – Reference Model 19104 – Terminology 19103 – Conceptual Schema Language 19105 – Conformance and Testing 19146 – Cross-domain Vocabularies 19107 – Spatial Schema 19123 – Schema for Coverage Geometry and Functions 19108 – Temporal Schema 19111 – Spatial Referencing by Coordinates 19106 – Profile 19129 – Imagery, Gridded and Coverage Data Framework (TS) 19112 – Spatial Referencing by Identifiers 19137 – Core Profile of the Spatial Schema 19109 – Rule for Application Schema 19121 – Imagery and Gridded Data (TR) 19148 – Linear Referencing 19150 – Ontologies © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

31 Geospatial Standards – Construction
19115 – Metadata 19131 – Data Product Specification 19157 – Data Quality © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

32 Geospatial Standards – Management
19110 – Methodology for Feature Cataloguing 19120 – Functions (TR) 19122 – Qualification and certification of personnel (TR) 19126– Feature Concept Dictionaries and Registers 19135– Procedures for Item Registration 19145 – Registry of representation of geographic point location © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

33 Geospatial Standards – Measurement/Imagery
19123 – Schema for Coverage Geometry and Functions 19129 – Imagery, Gridded and Coverage Data Framework (TS) 19121 – Imagery and Gridded Data (TR) 19130 – Geodetic Codes and Parameters (TS) OGC – Coordinate Transformation 19130 – Imagery Senor Models for Geo-positioning 19156 – Observation and Measurements OGC – SWE Common Data Model OGC – SWE Service Model OGC – Sensor Model Language OGC – Sensor Observation Service OGC – Sensor Planning Service © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

34 Geospatial Standards – Sharing
19118 – Encoding 19115 – Metadata OGC – GeoAPI 19139 – Metadata -- XML Schema Implementation OGC/19125 – Simple Feature Access OGC/19136 – GML OGC/19128 – Web Map Services 19157 – Data Quality OGC/19143 – Filter Encoding OGC/19142 – Web Feature Services OGC/19142 – Web Coverage Services 19149 – GeoREL 19153 – GeoDRM Reference Model OGC/19142 – Web Process Services OGC/19142 – Web Map Tile Services © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

35 Geospatial Standards – Services
19116 – Positining Services 19117 – Portrayal 19132 – LBS Reference Model 19133 – LBS Tracking and Navigation OGC - OpenLS 19144 – Classification System (Land Cover) 19134 – LBS Multimodal Routing and Navigation 19147 – Transfer Nodes 19141 – Schema for Moving Features OGC/19136 – GML 19152 – Land Administration Domain Model OGC – CityGML OGC – IndoorGML 19160 – Addressing OGC – KML 19154 – Ubiquitous Public Access-Reference Model 19155 – Place Identifier © 2017 Ki-Joune Li

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