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Health Statistics including Medical Statistics

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1 Health Statistics including Medical Statistics
11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

2 Outline of the Presentation
Introduction Applications of Statistics in Public Health Tools for measurement Measurement of Mortality Problems of Mortality data Standardization of Rates Measurement of Morbidity Measurement of Fertility Official Health Statistics Health under the Indian constitution Role of Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI) Limitations of CBHI Publications Achievements of Family Welfare Program 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

3 Introduction At the time of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO), in 1948, health was defined as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity“. But now it is defined as Health is the general condition of a person in all aspects. It is also a level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism, often implicitly human. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

4 Applications of statistics in public health:
Population estimation and forecasting Surveys of population characteristics, health needs and problems Analysis of health trends Health education Evaluation of Health Programs Research & Development 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

5 Three tools: Rates Ratio Proportion
Tools for measurement Three tools: Rates Ratio Proportion 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

6 Rate Rates of a vital event is defined as the total number of occurrence of the event to the total number of persons exposed. A rate consists of (a) numerator (b) denominator (c) time specification (d) multiplier e.g. Number of births in 2001 Birth rate= _________________________x 1000 Mid year population in 2001 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

7 Three types: Crude rates Specific rates Standardized Rates
Rate (contd..) Three types: Crude rates Specific rates Standardized Rates 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

8 Rate (Contd..) Crude Rates- Simplest of all the indices
and is defined as the no. of a event (e.g. death from all causes) per k persons in the population of any given region or community during the given period. called crude because here denominator used is entire mid year population and we are not including specific information in numerator, e.g. in crude birth rate we include all births whether live or still births 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

9 Rate (Contd..) Specific Rates- specific causes e.g. AIDS, Cancer
These are the actual observed rates due to specific causes e.g. AIDS, Cancer or occurring in specific groups e.g. under five children, women from 15 to 44 years, or during specific time periods e.g. week, month or year 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

10 Rate (Contd..) Standardized Rates- To make two populations and their rates comparable Adjustment either by direct or indirect method for age, sex, religion etc. is made. This way we get age or sex standardized rates. Multivariate analysis, regression techniques can help us in standardization. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

11 Ratio express relation between two unrelated quantities.
no time frame and multiplier. e.g. Sex ratio i.e. number of females per 1000 males. In 2001 it was 933: 1000. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

12 Dependency Ratio (Population aged 0 to 14 years)+(population aged 65 years and above ) Dependency ratio = ______________________________________x Population aged 15 to 64 years (population aged 0 to 14 years) Child dependency ratio= _________________________x Population aged 15 to 64 years (population aged 65 years & above) Old age dependency ratio= ________________________________x 100 Population aged 15 to 64 years 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

13 Proportion A proportion is a ratio in which numerator is always included in the denominator. usually expressed as percentage. Example- (Marks obtained/ Total Marks) x 100 Proportional morality due to AIDS= (No. of deaths due to AIDS/ No. of deaths due to all causes )x 100 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

14 Measurement of Mortality
Only data available in many of the developing countries Useful for Epidemiologic research Health trends Planning Execution Evaluation of various Health Programmes 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

15 Problems of Mortality data
a) All deaths may not be reported. b) The age of deceased and cause of death may not be recorded accurately. c) National and international comparability poor due to lack of uniform and standardized methods of collection. d) If a single cause of death is recorded, then information regarding associated conditions and risk factors may not be available. e) Coding systems and diagnosing practices changes over time affecting validity/ comparability of the data. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

16 Measurement of Mortality (contd..)
Mainly following type of mortality rates are available 1. Crude death rates 2. Specific death rate 3. Standardized death rates 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

17 Crude Rates Mid year population of that year)
Crude death rate= No. of deaths in year x 1000 Mid year population of that year) Natural Increase rate= No. of births - No. of deaths x 1000 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

18 Specific Death Rates Death rates computed for a particular specified section of the population is termed as specific death rate (SDR). SDR= {Total no. of deaths in the specified section of the population in the given period/Total population of the specified section in the same period}x k Where k= 1000 usually. Usually S.D.R is computed specific to (i) age and (ii) sex 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

19 No. of deaths within First 28 days of life in a yearX1000
Specific Rates: Infant mortality rate= No. of infant deaths in a year x 1000 No. of live births in that year Neonatal mortality rate= No. of deaths within First 28 days of life in a yearX1000 Child death rate= Annual No. of deaths between 1st & 4th Yr. of life x 1000 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

20 Standardization of Rates:
Two methods : direct indirect 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

21 Direct Standardization
In this method given values are evaluated against some standard values. Suppose a city has following parameters with CDR 10 per Sex Mid yr Population Deaths in the year Sex specific death rate Males 30000 450 15.0 Females 70000 550 7.85 Total 100000 1000 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

22 Contd…. Now lets us take a standard population with males females. Apply sex specific death rates of above population to the standard population Sex Standard population Sex Specific death rate per 1000 Expected deaths Males 50000 15.0 750 Females 7.85 392.5 Total 100000 1143 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

23 Contd…. Standardized death rate per 1000 =(750+392.5/100000) x 1000
Standardization for sex has increased death rate from 10 per 1000 to per 1000 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

24 Indirect standardization
It requires: 1. Age or sex distribution of each group to be standardized 2. Total events in each group to be standardized 3. Age or sex specific rates for a standard population. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

25 Contd…… In the study population of 1,00,000 there are
60,000 Coal miners, 20,000 Farmers, 10,000 laborers and 10,000 others. Occupation No. in study population Occupation specific death rates in standard population per 1000 Actual deaths Expected deaths in study population Coal miners 60000 10 500 600 Farmers 20000 12 200 240 Laborers 10000 03 100 80 Other 15 150 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

26 Contd…… Total expected deaths= 1070 Actual deaths = 900
Crude death rate for study population= 900/100000x1000=9 per 1000 =observed deaths/expected deaths X 100 =900/1070x100 =84.11 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

27 Measurement of Morbidity
Three units- I) Persons affected. II) spells of illness III) duration of illness 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

28 Contd….. Utility of rates and ratios : A) help in deciding priorities.
B) help in monitoring and evaluation of various activities aimed at control and C) Prevention of the disease D) Research activities. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

29 Contd….. Limitations of rates and ratios : A) Illness occur in spells.
B) illness has various grades of severity. C) illness exists over a period of time. D) illness cannot be defined precisely. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

30 Measurement of disease frequency
Commonly used rates are- Incidence rate: It is defined as number of new cases occurring a defined population during a specified period of time a) Incidence rate (persons) =(No. of persons starting an episode of illness in a defined period ) X Average no. of persons exposed to risk during that period b) Incidence rate (spells)= No. of spells of illness starting during the defined period x 1000 Average no. of persons exposed to risk during that period 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

31 Measurement of duration of illness
Avg. duration of illness= Sum of duration of illness of cases in a sample No. of cases in the sample Days of illness per spell= Sum of days of illness of all sick persons No. of spells of illness 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

32 Measurement of fertility:
Birth rate = (No. of live births during the year/ Estimated mid year population of that year) x 1000 General fertility rate= (No. of live births in an area during the year/ Midyear female population of age 15 to 44 (or 49) in the same area in that year) x 1000 General martial fertility rate= (No. of live births in an area during the year /Midyear female population of age 15 to 44 (or 49) and who are married, in the same area in that year)x 1000 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

33 Official Health Statistics
Two broad categories: a) Existing Health Situation b) Response of Official Machinery to Improve the Health Situation preventive curative and rehabilitative 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

34 Existing Health Situation include
Population information Vital Statistics Burden of Disease and Disability Cause of death information Reproductive and child health 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

35 Existing Health Situation (contd..)
Environmental pollution Availability of basic amenities like safe drinking water, availability of sanitation facilities, source of lighting, housing facility Socio economic condition of family like average family size, level of poverty, literacy level of head of household 9 International comparative information 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

36 Response of Official Machinery to Improve the Health Situation include
Health and population policies Health and medical education infrastructure Availability and deployment of health and medical personnel Health expenditure Health and medical research Checking food adulteration Preparedness to tackle epidemics and aftermath of natural calamities 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

37 Health under the Indian constitution
Union List: Port Quarantine Administration Post graduate Medical Education International Health Medical Research etc. State List: Public Health Sanitation and medical care Hospitals and dispensaries 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

38 Health under the Indian constitution (Contd..)
Concurrent List: Vital Statistics (including registration of births and deaths) Food Adulteration Drug Control etc. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

Department of Health and Family Welfare Department of AYUSH Department of Health Research Department of AIDS Control Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI) 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

40 Health Care Delivery System – Government
Sub Centre (5000 population) Primary Health Centre (6 Sub Centers) Central Health Centre (for 4 PHC’s) Hospital: Municipal, District Level, Teaching Hospital, Non Teaching Hospital etc. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

41 Information flow to central authorities
Sub Center Primary Health Center Primary Health Center District Health Office State Center Community Health Center 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

42 Statistical set up at the centre and States/ UTs
CBHI, National AIDS Control Organization States: SBHI or State demographer or State AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy ) officer. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

43 Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI)
CBHI collects information on Education: Allopathic Medical/ Dental Education from MCI/ DCI recognized Medical and Dental Colleges through annual proforma Paramedical education from Dental Health Services/ DME of states/ UTs to annual proforma Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Prosthetics & Orthotics Speech & Hearing Therapy Medical Laboratory Technology 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

44 Manpowers Registered number of
allopathic doctors dental surgeons general nurses Pharmacists from the respective all India councils such as medical council, dental council and pharmacy council annually. Registered number of AYUSH practitioners from Department of AYUSH annually Number of allopathic doctors/dental surgeons working in Govt. establishments in States/ UTs from the DHS of States/ UTs through annual proforma. Number of paramedical personnel from States/UT’s 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

45 CBHI (Contd..) Treatment infrastructure :
Allopathic treatment infrastructure in Govt. Sector on annual basis from DHS of States/ UTs. Rural health facilities information from infrastructure division of department of family welfare annually Information on treatment infrastructure from Department of Ayush 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

46 CBHI (Contd..) Annually Public Health Information :
Reported cases and deaths due to Cholera (weekly), communicable (monthly) and non communicable diseases (monthly) through prescribed formats Information on Malaria, Filaria, Kala Azar, Dengue from National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme – annually 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

47 CBHI (Contd..) Causes of death information From RGI annually
All information is published in an annual publication titled “Health Information of India” 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

48 Health Information of India
Population & Vital statistics, Per capita Income, Percent of population below poverty line, Medical & Dental Education, Registered Personnel Information, Number of Govt. Allpathic Hospitals, No. of ISM&H facility (both Educational & treatment), Production of certain Essential drugs, Public Health Statistics for Cholera & major communicable disease, Causes of Death Statistics, International Comparative Statistics etc. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

49 Limitations of CBHI Publications:
Data below States/UT level are not available in central health statistical publications. Private sector health data are not included. There is no Statutory provision to collect Health Data from Private Health establishment. Age & Gender specific data are not done. Action is being taken to capture morbidity data, gender wise for the publication Morbidity surveys are not done regularly and hence, there is a dearth of data on prevalence/incidence rates of disease. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

50 Limitations of CBHI Publications (Contd..)
There is no systematic generation of health data and scientific methods of recording at grass root levels. There are no data on cost of Health Care, availability of specialty treatments in the various Hospitals. Hospital inpatient & Out patient Medical Records are not computerized. There is no data on registered Para Medical Professional. The registered Health Personnel data are not corrected for death etc. There is no District Health Facilities Directory in many of the States/UTs. 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

51 Achievements of Family Welfare Program
S.No Parameters 1951 1981 1991 Current Levels Highest(2008) Lowest (2008) 1 Crude Birth Rate (per population) 40.8 33.9 29.5 22.8 (2008) U.P. (29.1) Bihar (28.9) Kerala (14.6) Tripura (15.4) 2 Crude Death Rate (per 1000 population 25.1 12.5 9.8 7.4 (2008) Orissa (9.0) M.P.(8.6) Chandigarh (4.4) Nagaland (4.6) 3 Total Fertility Rate 6.0 4.5 3.6 2.6 (2008) Bihar (3.9) UP (3.8) Kerala 1.7 Tamil Nadu (1.7) 4 Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) 146 ( ) 110 80 53 (2008) M.P. (70) Orissa (69) Kerala (12) Tamil Nadu (31) 5 Child Mortality Rate (0-4 yrs.) per 1000 Children 57.3 (1972) 41.2 26.5 16.0 (2007) M.P.(26.5) U.P.(22.3) Kerala (2.8) 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

52 If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.  ~ Elbert Hubbard 11/11/2018 Contributed by National Academy of Statistical Administration, India

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