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Present Day America.

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Presentation on theme: "Present Day America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Day America

2 George W. Bush Guides the nation through the September 11th, 2001 attacks Calls North Korea, Iran and Iraq the “Axis of Evil” Declares “War on Terrorism” No Child Left Behind Penalize schools who do not reach federal performance standards

3 Age of Computers and Technology
IBM 1st commercial computers in 1954 Lead to microchip Apple Computers Steve Jobs, affordable personal computers Microsoft Bill Gates, w/ Jobs Jeff Bezos, buying and selling items by computer / internet

4 911 Sept. 11, 2001 American Flight 11 crashes into World Trade Center
Followed by a 2nd crash into WTC (collapse) Pentagon hit Flight 93 crashes in Shanksville, PA Largest attack / loss of life on US soil since Pearl Harbor.

5 War on Terror Iraq Search for Weapons of Mass Destruction UN weapons inspectors not allowed in by Iraq Hunt for Saddam Hussain Afghanistan Hunt for Osama Bin Laden Al Qaeda: Islamic Terrorist organization Taliban Islamic Fundamentalist government Allowed to run training camps for Al Qaeda Belief that if you aid and sponsor terrorist, you yourself are terrorists.

6 Homeland Security Patriot Act Department to protect US from attacks
Made of Federal, Local, and State authorities (a web / network) Patriot Act Authorities the ability to monitor suspected terrorists Detain or deport aliens associated with terrorist groups.

7 Election of 2008 Barack Obama
1st African- American President in US History Senator from Illinois

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