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Chapter 28 The Rise of Totalitarianism

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1 Chapter 28 The Rise of Totalitarianism
Section 1 Postwar Social Changes

2 Changes in Society after WWI
Roaring 1920’s = new technologies: imp. Telephones, automobiles, media; radio and motion pic. New sounds of JAZZ – Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington Europe = recovering Am = thriving

3 …..More Changes After war, people = rebellious – reject Victorian Age
New Jazz Age youth Liberated woman – flapper – 1st Am then world New, exciting freedom Small minority

4 Women’s lives Women during WWI worked helping them win political freedoms. After the war the quit. Domestic life made easier w/ inventions: vacuum cleaners, washing machines, canned foods. Women felt “emancipated” Women became professional golfers, tennis players, swimmers, pilots. Most professions still held by men

5 Prohibition!!!  Not everyone embraced carefree Jazz Age
Prohibition activists worked for 90 years 18th Amendment-21st Amendment Prohibition led to violence, crime, speakeasies

6 Christian fundamentalism
A religious movement in 1900’s - People believed events in the Bible = literally true. Led to famous “Monkey Trial” John T. Scopes, bio teacher, taught evolution

7 New literature All Quiet On The Western Front – Erich Remarque
Exposed horrors or WWI American novelists: Ernest Hemmingway F. Scott Fitzgerald Literature of the inner mind: Mrs. Dalloway Finnegans Wake

8 Harlem Renaissance During 1920’s Af. Am in New York – Harlem – home to many Af. Am’s Af Am literature, art, music flourished Langston Hughes Claude McKay

9 Scientific Theories Marie Curie – Polish born French scientist- studied radioactivity Albert Einstein – German born physicist – argued that measurements of time and space were not absolute. Enrico Fermi – Italian physicist discovered splitting atoms in two. Worked w/ J. Robert Oppenheimer and Edward Teller on the Manhattan Project to create the atomic bomb

10 …..More science Alexander Fleming – discovered nontoxic mold that kills bacteria “penicillin” to treat infections

11 Mind Games Sigmund Freud – pioneered psychoanalysis* the method of studying how the mind works and treating mental disorders.

12 Modern Art Artwork = abstract – only lines, colors, shapes
Dada movement inspired surrealism – rejected rational thought.

13 Looking Ahead Post WWI, most people = stunned and traumatized
They sought to change, thus the turbulent 1920’s in hopes to revive. They would face a new crisis – an economic one – which would spark new conflicts.

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