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Continuing & Electronic Resources: CJK Best Practices

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1 Continuing & Electronic Resources: CJK Best Practices
Reports from ERMB Cooperative Cataloging Project for e-Resources & CJK CONSER Funnel Project by Bie-hwa Ma (UCSD) & Charlene Chou (U Washington) at 2018 CEAL Cataloging Workshop

2 Agenda ERMB Cooperative Cataloging for e-Resources Project
Chinese pilot projects: CAJ, Republican periodicals, & Dacheng old periodicals Collaborate with vendors to improve metadata quality which enhances discovery and access CJK CONSER Funnel Project Training, documentation & presentation Issues, e.g. title changes, reprints, etc. CJK best practices for the global ISSN communities Continuing & e-Resources: CJK Best Practices Group discussions

3 Reports from the ERMB Cooperative Cataloging for e-resources Project
by Bie-Hwa Ma

4 Outline Chinese pilot projects: CAJ, Dacheng old periodicals, & Republican periodicals Procedures Challenges Next Step Collaborate with vendors to improve metadata quality which enhances discovery and access

5 Chinese Pilot Projects Status-CAJ (7 libraries, 2016- )
Procedures: Based on records shared by University of Hong Kong Library in Dec. 2015 Exported most up-to-date records from OCLC Merged new CAJ links and holdings summary in MarcEdit locally All 9 series ready for uploading to project member libraries in April 2017 Challenges Record discrepancies among OCLC, Knowledge Base, and vendor metadata Print record vs. single record policy Member libraries might have loaded different record for the same title Next Steps: create Collection set by series, catalog new titles and update records, collaborate with all stake holders to enhance and share metadata Procedures: Based on records shared by University of Hong Kong Library in Dec. 2015 Note that we have not updated the link in OCLC and will do it in batches Challenges -

6 Chinese pilot projects Status- Dacheng old periodicals (4 libraries, 2016- )
Inspired by CONSER DOAJ project, follow similar procedure to 100 titles/year assigned to each member Record print and online record numbers To expedite cataloging and have a basic record at network level: Create brief records for 2000 titles w/o print and online records in 2017 Challenges Bad quality of vendor-provided metadata Old style traditional characters affect searches for OCLC records with simplified form Duplicate Records in OCLC Difficult identification of records because of unstable publication during that era, almost no libraries would have the complete run of a serial Next Step: Test on OCLC Data Sync Program to insert brief records or merge into existing records; communicate with vendors in following standards

7 Chinese pilot projects Status - Republican era periodicals (4 libraries, 2016- )
Procedures Negotiated with vendors for important elements in title list: Persistent URL instead of encrypted URL (rejected) a title ID, a key element for managing e-resources (agreed to provide) Holdings statement/summary in compliance with NISO/ANSI standard (agreed to provide) Challenges Similar to the Dacheng issues for old journals, but much better metadata that have been provided by the vendor, Shanghai Library with technical service experts 25,000 titles Next Steps: invite more project partners and initiate more collaboration with shanghai Library (both the producer and the vendor of the database)

8 Standards and Best Practices => Quality Metadata => Better Discovery & Access
Communicate and educate publishers/vendors on providing quality Metadata by following national/int’l standards and recommended practices PIE-J: such as transcribe enumeration and chronology without renumbering journal volumes and issues; digitize from cover to cover; provide title change history KBART: regularly provide updated and comprehensive title list, give a new entry when a title changes in KBART for better discovery in KB DOI: persistent link to avoid staff time on troubleshooting and user frustration Inform vendors of important standards update: Request an ISSN for old ceased serials

9 Our feedback to the Vendor for Errors: Maintaining Quality Metadata
Provided the vendor with correct information with screenshots Wrong issue numbering and/or publication years on the journal homepage Typos for citations Scanned images do not match with the citation information on the journal website, e.g. Fo hua yue kan (3 issues rather than 1 issue) Wrong publication places, beginning year or frequencies on the journal homepage Same journal spilt into two journal websites (same journal title, e.g. Jian kang sheng huo): request for merging Same journal split into two journal websites with different journal titles (e.g. Guang za zhi & Guang ban yue kan): request for merging Two different journals on the same journal website (e.g. Er tong shi jie & Er tong yue kan): request for splitting into two websites A totally different journal (Gong jiao fu nu) wrongly linked to a journal website (Go jiao jin xing) The journal website has no contents (Guang ming) Notes: many missing scanned images of title pages which carry important metadata Use 7 large categories to sort problems! Some of them have subcategory problems!

10 Vendor Responses CNKI:
Through much communication, a vendor is willing to change hidden title practice when providing title list Superstar: The vendor provided timely responses upon receipt of message sometimes The vendor notified us when database maintenance was done Some database maintenance could be done more quickly or easily When maintenance was more difficult, the vendor provided reasons for delayed actions: Some database maintenance are major fixes in the central database, especially for splitting and merging journal websites and files

11 to Vendor

12 Report from the CJK CONSER Funnel Project
by Charlene Chou

13 CJK CONSER Funnel Group: for continuing Resources in Both Print and e-Version
In response to CEAL members’ requests, this group was established in 2017. Major concerns and feedback: record quality and training needs Training sessions were designed based on the survey results. Five training sessions were conducted in August 2017. Module 1: Basic Serials Cataloging: Highlights (Sessions 2-4) in two parts (by Steve Shadle) Module 2: Identifying Appropriate Copy (Basic Cataloging Workshop session 9-10) (by Les Hawkins) Module 3: Special Topics: CCM 5--AAP for Serial Works/Expression & CCM 14—Linking Relationship  (by Cathy Weng) Module 4: Title Changes: CCM 16—When to create a new description; RDA — Major/minor changes (Languages and Scripts That Do Not Divide Text into Words); CJK- specific issues (by Shi Deng & Charlene Chou) Questions and discussions on CJK best practices Title changes, reprints, etc.

14 Reviewers & Their Feedback
“LC cannot provide any CJK CONSER reviewers”—Les Hawkins. That’s why it’s important to establish this funnel! Reviewers Chinese: Cathy Weng; Japanese: Steve Shadle; Korean: Charlene Chou/Junghae Lee Cathy’s feedback on two catalogers: “The records were mostly originally created. A few of them were copy edited. They have solid monograph cataloging training. I generally agreed with the subject headings or call numbers they assigned. I focus mostly my review on the serials aspect of the publications (e.g. date(s) in 362 should match dates in the fixed fields, how to record the numbering info. in 362, editor(s) are less important in serials cataloging, etc.). They have made very good progress.” Steve’s feedback: The cataloger I’m working with appears to be a very experienced monograph cataloger and my feedback has primarily been on: General serials cataloging principles (including issue numbering/issue date transcription, major/minor changes) CONSER practice (including referring to CCM and RDA/LC-PCC PS’s) The most difficult title worked on so far was a reduced-size reprint (as PCC reprint practice differs from RDA and CONSER documentation has not been updated to reflect RDA)

15 CJK Best Practices Title Changes, Reprints, etc.

16 Questions and Discussions Leading to Having CJK Best Practices
Title changes: CJK best practices & ISSN Manual Follow-up discussions on RDA (title changes) with LC colleagues: Regina Reynolds (Director, US ISSN Center & ASME Division) Regina wants to see CEAL’s recommendations Charlene’s suggestion: compile use cases for further discussions Using examples to explore possible solutions Perspectives to consider—Think globally ISSN Portal connects us globally Updates: ISSN Manual harmonizing with RDA for continuing & electronic resources Using global bibliographic utilities such as OCLC and ISSN Portal for quality control LC BIBFRAME Pilot 2: webinar: updates Romanized form only required for access points: what does this mean to CJK records?

17 CONSER Editing Guide C6.4 ISSN-related elements for non-U.S. imprints

18 Before Record Updated My special thanks to Yun-Hee (UCLA) for sharing her record with you!

19 Korean Record in ISSN Portal: ISSN=1229-1390; no info concerning title changes

20 Record Updated after Checking the ISSN Portal

21 This record is still open in the National Korean Center

22 This record is closed in OCLC:

23 Vision: Reciprocal Updates in Global Systems (Both OCLC & ISSN Portal)
Survey: Have you reported any errors to any National ISSN centers before? For example, the Korean National Center at A possible workflow: Based on records in the ISSN Portal and OCLC, the serial records are updated in OCLC/Connexion. If anything wrong in the ISSN Portal, report to the national center via s. Tips: each national center with the US ISSN Center cc-ed Vision: we have mission and power to keep serial records accurate and synchronized globally.

24 Continuing & Electronic Resources: CJK Best Practices
Enquiries from colleagues doing digitization projects Using separate or single record approaches? PCC Provider-neutral Guidelines for e-Resources If e-resource records with HathiTrust links … Ongoing questions: How to solve metadata problems of e-resources with vendors How to create more bibliographic records for e-resources in OCLC to share in the CEAL community How to provide CEAL feedback to the global ISSN communities with CEAL guidelines or best practices Can ISSN be assigned to each serial including dead/old serials with problematic title changes Goal: We manage and produce standards-compliant metadata which are accurate and sharable globally! The only goal for both projects!

25 Group Discussions Thank you!

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