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Management Development Programme
7 January 2016 The NHS in Context Management Development Programme Importance of MDP from the Boards perspective Key role of line Managers Is part of the HR Strategy to equip managers with the tools and skills to do their jobs Context of the NHS Challenging roles Purpose of the presentation is to give an overview of contracting arrangements and how that impacts on the trust. Cohort 16
Management Development Programme
7 January 2016 The History of the NHS Founded on 5th July 1948 Park Hospital Trafford (now Trafford General) First hospital in the world to offer free healthcare to all Cohort 16
Management Development Programme
7 January 2016 The History of the NHS NHS based on 3 core principles That it meets the needs of everyone That it be free at the point of delivery That it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay NHS has undergone significant change since 1948 1990 Community Care Act – Introduced NHS Trusts 2000 NHS Plan – Significant additional funding & introduced NHS Foundation Trusts 2012 Health and Social Care Act – NHS England & CCGs Cradle to Grave Free at the point of delivery – recognition that there is a cost ie we pay through our taxes, pay for prescriptions Cohort 16
Management Development Programme
7 January 2016 The NHS Today NHS Budget 2016/17 £120bn (£437m in 1948) Total Employees 1.7m 5th largest employer in the world US Department of Defense 1st: 3.2m McDonalds 4th: 1.9m 2012 Health and Social Care Act Introduced new commissioning system to the NHS Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities Abolished Focus on most recent change Change is a constant in the NHS. Will cover in more detail later in the presentation Cohort 16
Management Development Programme
7 January 2016 The current NHS System Slightly out of date but principles remain. No of CCG’s and LAT’s have changed. HEE downsized significantly. Level and pace of change continuous Cohort 16
Since then… £71.9bn funding in 16/17 to Clinical Commissioning Groups
Five Year Forward View (Oct 14)/Vanguards £3.9m Better Care Fund – pooled NHS funding 13 LATs integrated into 4 regional teams 6 Commissioning Support Units from 19 15 Academic Health Science Networks created NHSI joined together Monitor and the NHS TDA Devolution – Greater Manchester…Liverpool? Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust
Management Development Programme 7 January 2016 Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust Formed 1st April 2011, previously provider arm of NHS Wirral Expenditure plan £70m in 2016/17 (£192,000 per day) 70% is on pay (£49m) 30% is on non-pay (£21m) Employs 1,426 staff inc. temporary staffing (1105 permanent WTE) Provide services to 4 main commissioners NHS Wirral CCG Wirral Council Cheshire East Council NHS England CCG – Block Contracts – most of our services are on block contracts Wirral Council – Livewell Services . Most people will be aware of the loss of those services and decision to transfer to Wellbeing Services NHSE – Primary Care – All Day Health Centre and Dental (ADHC contract ceasing 30th September) Cohort 16
Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust
Management Development Programme 7 January 2016 Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust Achieved Foundation Trust status 6th May What does this mean? free from central government control and able to decide how to improve services for patients able to retain any surpluses to invest in new services, and borrow money to support these investments accountable to the local community, with local people able to become members and governors Cohort 16
Strategic Context The Five Year Forward View Sustainability & Transformation Plans Cheshire and Merseyside STP STP Priorities: 1. Demand management and prevention at scale 2. Reducing variation & improving quality through hospital reconfiguration 3. Reducing cost through ‘back & middle office’ collaborative productivity 4. Changing how we work together to deliver the transformation This brief slide pack describes a pragmatic approach to the high level scope, design and decisions for the next stage of planning the C&M STP. Detailed plans to support and underpin the 30 Jun 16 submission are to be delivered to NHS England by 31 Oct 16.
Management Development Programme
7 January 2016 Commissioner Intentions (to which WCT plans are aligned) Healthy Wirral Strategic Service Developments: Integration of Health & Social Care Urgent Care system change Long Term Conditions pathway transformation Important that we align our plans with those within the Health Economy Cohort 16
Contracts for services
Management Development Programme 7 January 2016 Contracts for services Contracts agreed annually with Commissioners Set out service specifications Set expectations in form of KPIs Agree financial value Set type of payment Block Cost per case CQUIN Quality Improvement/patient experience. Gathering data. Worth about 1 million pounds to the trust. Are delegates aware of the arrangements within their own service? Have they had sight of the Service Spec, have an understanding of the KPI’s? How the payments work. Discussions at Team Meetings Block v cost per case – pro’s and con’s . Impact of increase in activity in a block contract. Cohort 16
Financial Sustainability Risk Rating (FSRR)
Management Development Programme 7 January 2016 Financial Sustainability Risk Rating (FSRR) The way Monitor assesses the financial strength of a Foundation Trust. Based on: Liquidity: days of operating costs held in cash or cash-equivalent forms Capital servicing capacity: the degree to which income covers the Trust’s financing obligations Income and expenditure (I&E) margin: the degree to which the organisation is operating at a surplus/deficit Variance from plan in relation to I&E margin Now we have achieved FT status have the ability to go to the bank for a loan for a new build etc. No intention of doing this but could if we wanted to. We were 1 of only 3 Trust’s in the NW who delivered financial balance last year. Received a letter from Jim Mackey from NHSI acknowledging and thanking us. Cohort 16
Financial Sustainability Risk Rating (FSRR)
Description Regulatory Activity 4 No evident concerns None 3 Emerging or minor concern potentially requiring scrutiny Potential enhanced monitoring 2* Level of risk is material but stable 2 Material risk Potential investigation 1 Significant risk Likely investigation and potential appointment of contingency planning team
Management Development Programme
7 January 2016 Our financial challenge Yearly focus on CIP Opening balance in April k surplus Each year there is a tariff reduction which makes it harder for us to get back to a surplus position. Redundancy provision – haven’t needed to use in the past but that’s now changing. Reference to Transformation Programme Cohort 16
Management Development Programme
7 January 2016 Any questions? Cohort 16
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