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Chapter 7 Advanced Form Techniques

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1 Chapter 7 Advanced Form Techniques
Microsoft Access 2013 Chapter 7 Advanced Form Techniques

2 Objectives Add combo boxes that include selection lists
Add combo boxes for searching Format and resize controls Apply formatting characteristics with the Format Painter Add command buttons Modify buttons and combo boxes Advanced Form Techniques

3 Objectives Add a calculated field
Use tab controls to create a multipage form Add and modify a subform Insert charts Modify a chart type Format a chart Advanced Form Techniques

4 Project – Advanced Form Techniques

5 Project – Advanced Form Techniques

6 Roadmap Create form containing a calculated field
Add combo boxes, one for selecting data from a related table and one for finding a record on the form Add command buttons to the form Modify a macro for one of the buttons so that the button works correctly Modify the combo box for finding a record so that the combo box works correctly Create a second form, one that contains a tab control Add a subform to one of the tabbed pages Add a chart to the other tabbed page Advanced Form Techniques

7 Creating a Form in Design View
Tap or click the Form Design button (CREATE tab | Forms group) to create a new form in Design view Tap or click the Property Sheet button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Tools group) to display a property sheet With the All tab selected, tap or click the Record Source arrow, and then tap or click the desired table to select it as the record source Tap or click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar, and then type the desired form name Advanced Form Techniques

8 Creating a Form in Design View
Tap or click the OK button to save the form Tap or click the Caption property in the property sheet, and then type the desired form caption Close the property sheet by tapping or clicking the Property Sheet button on the FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab Tap or click the ‘Add Existing Fields’ button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Tools group) to display the field list Advanced Form Techniques

9 Creating a Form in Design View
Advanced Form Techniques

10 Adding Fields to the Form Design
Drag the desired field from the field list to the desired position Tap or click the label once to select it and then tap or click it a second time to produce an insertion point Use the BACKSPACE or DELETE key as necessary to erase the current entry and then type the new label Adjust the sizing and alignment as desired Close the field list Advanced Form Techniques

11 Adding Fields to the Form Design
Advanced Form Techniques

12 Adding a Combo Box that Selects Values from a Related Table
Tap or click the More button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group) to display all the available tools in the Controls group With the ‘Use Control Wizards’ button in the Controls group on the FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab selected, tap or click the Combo Box tool (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group), and then move the pointer, whose shape has changed to a small plus symbol accompanied by a combo box, to the desired position, and then tap or click the position If necessary, in the Combo Box Wizard dialog box, tap or click the ‘I want the combo box to get the values from another table or query.’ option button Advanced Form Techniques

13 Adding a Combo Box that Selects Values from a Related Table
Tap or click the Next button, and then, with the Tables option button selected, tap or click the desired table from which to select the values Tap or click the Next button to display the next Combo Box Wizard screen Tap or click the field in the Available Fields list to add, and then tap or click the Add button Repeat the previous step to add additional fields Tap or click the arrow in the first text box, and then select the field on which to sort Advanced Form Techniques

14 Adding a Combo Box that Selects Values from a Related Table
Tap or click the Next button to display the next Combo Box Wizard screen If desired, tap or click the ‘Hide key column (recommended)’ check box to remove the check mark Tap or click the ‘Store that value in this field:’ option button Advanced Form Techniques

15 Adding a Combo Box that Selects Values from a Related Table
Tap or click the ‘Store that value in this field:’ box arrow, and then click the field in which you wish to store the combo box selected value Tap or click the Next button to display the next Combo Box Wizard screen Enter the text for the label, and then tap or click the Finish button to place the combo box Move the label to the desired position Advanced Form Techniques

16 Adding a Combo Box that Selects Values from a Related Table
Advanced Form Techniques

17 Using the Background Color Button
Tap or click anywhere in the Detail section but outside all the controls to select the section Display the FORMAT DESIGN TOOLS FORMAT tab Tap or click the Background Color arrow (FORM DESIGN TOOLS FORMAT tab | Font group) to display a color palette Tap or click the desired color Advanced Form Techniques

18 Using the Background Color Button
Advanced Form Techniques

19 Formatting a Control Tap or click to select the control to format
Tap or click the Property Sheet button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Tools group) to display the property sheet Change the desired properties as necessary Font Weight Special Effect Fore Color Advanced Form Techniques

20 Formatting a Control Advanced Form Techniques

21 Using the Format Painter
Tap or click the control from which to copy the format, and then double-tap or double-click the Format Painter button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS FORMAT tab | Font group) to select the Format Painter Tap or click another control to assign the same formatting as the original control Repeat the previous step for all controls to which you want to assign the same formatting Tap or click the Format Painter button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS FORMAT tab | Font group) to deselect the Format Painter Advanced Form Techniques

22 Using the Format Painter
Advanced Form Techniques

23 Adding a Title and Expanding the Form Header Section
Tap or click the Title button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Header/Footer group) to add a Form Header section and to add a control for the title to the Form Header section Drag the lower boundary of the Form Header section down to the desired position Advanced Form Techniques

24 Adding a Title and Expanding the Form Header Section
Advanced Form Techniques

25 Adding Command Buttons to a Form
Ensure the ‘Use Control Wizards’ button is selected Tap or click the Button tool (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group) and then tap or click the desired position to display the Command Button Wizard dialog box Tap or click the desired category in the Categories box Tap or click the desired action in the Actions box Tap or click the Next button to display the next Command Button Wizard screen Advanced Form Techniques

26 Adding Command Buttons to a Form
Tap or click the Text option button If desired, change the text for the button, and then tap or click the Next button Type the desired button name Tap or click the Finish button to finish specifying the button Advanced Form Techniques

27 Adding Command Buttons to a Form
Advanced Form Techniques

28 Adding a Combo Box for Finding a Record
Tap or click the More button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group) to display all the controls With the ‘Use Control Wizards’ button selected, tap or click the Combo Box tool (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group) and then move the pointer, whose shape has changed to a small plus sign with a combo box, to the desired position Tap or click the position to display the Combo Box Wizard Advanced Form Techniques

29 Adding a Combo Box for Finding a Record
Tap or click the ‘Find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my combo box.’ option button to specify that the user will select from a list of values Tap or click the Next button, tap or click the name of the field from which to load the values, and then tap or click the Add Field button to select the field for the combo box Tap or click the Next button Resize the combo box as desired Tap or click the Next button, and then type the desired label Tap or click the Finish button Advanced Form Techniques

30 Adding a Combo Box for Finding a Record
Advanced Form Techniques

31 Placing a Rectangle Tap or click the More button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group) to display all the controls Tap or click the Rectangle tool. Move the pointer to the upper-left corner of the desired rectangle position, and drag to the lower-right corner of the rectangle to place the rectangle Change the properties as desired Advanced Form Techniques

32 Placing a Rectangle Advanced Form Techniques

33 Testing the Add Record Button
Click the Add Record button Advanced Form Techniques

34 Using the Combo Box Tap or click the arrow to display a list o options
Tap or click the desired option Advanced Form Techniques

35 Modifying the Macro for the Add Record Button
Press and hold or right-click the Add Record button to display a shortcut menu Tap or click Build Event on the shortcut menu to display the macro associated with the On Click event that Access created automatically If the Action Catalog does not appear, tap or click the Action Catalog button (MACRO TOOLS DESIGN tab | Show Hide group) to display the Action Catalog In the Action Catalog, if the expand indicator is an open triangle in front of Action, tap or click the triangle to expand all actions If the expand indicator in front of Database Objects is an open triangle, tap or click the expand indicator to display all actions associated with Database Objects Advanced Form Techniques

36 Modifying the Macro for the Add Record Button
Modify the macro as desired Tap or click the Save button (MACRO TOOLS DESIGN tab | Close group) to save your changes Tap or click the Close button (MACRO TOOLS DESIGN tab | Close group) to close the macro and return to the form design Advanced Form Techniques

37 Modifying the Macro for the Add Record Button
Advanced Form Techniques

38 Modifying the Macro for the Add Record Button
Advanced Form Techniques

39 Modifying the Combo Box
Tap or click the combo box to modify, and then tap or click the Property Sheet button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Tools group) Change the desired properties Close the Query Builder window by tapping or clicking the Close button on the DESIGN tab Close the property sheet Tap or click the form selector (the box in the upper-left corner of the form) to select the form If necessary, tap or click the Property Sheet button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Tools group), scroll down until the On Current property appears, and then tap or click the On Current property Tap or click the Build button (the three dots) to display the Choose Builder dialog box Advanced Form Techniques

40 Modifying the Combo Box
Tap or click Code Builder in the Choose Builder dialog box, and then tap or click the OK button to display the VBA code generated for the form Type the desired code Tap or click the Close button for the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, and then close the Form property sheet If desired, change the Tab Stop property in the Property Sheet Advanced Form Techniques

41 Modifying the Combo Box
Advanced Form Techniques

42 Creating a Query Display the CREATE tab, and then tap or click the Query Design button (CREATE tab | Queries group) to create a query Tap or click the first table to add to the form, and then tap or click the Add button Repeat the previous step to add additional tables to the form Tap or click the Close button Double-tap or double-click the fields to add to the form Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar and type the desired query name Tap or click the OK button to save the query Advanced Form Techniques

43 Creating a Query Advanced Form Techniques

44 Using the Text Box Tool with Concatenation
Tap or click the Text Box tool (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group) and then move the pointer, whose shape has changed to a small plus symbol accompanied by a text box, to the desired position, and then tap or click the position to place a text box Tap or click in the text box to place an insertion point Type the text requiring concatenation (ex. =[First Name] & ‘ ‘ &[Last Name]) Advanced Form Techniques

45 Using the Text Box Tool with Concatenation
Advanced Form Techniques

46 Using Tab Controls to Create a Multipage Form
Tap or click the Tab Control tool (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN Tab | Controls group) and move the pointer to the desired location for the tab control Tap or click the position Tap or click the far left tab and then tap or click the Property Sheet button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Tools group) to display a property sheet Change the value for the Name property as desired Repeat the previous two steps for the remaining tabs Advanced Form Techniques

47 Using Tab Controls to Create a Multipage Form
Advanced Form Techniques

48 Adding a Subform Tap or click the More button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group) With the ‘Use Control Wizards’ button selected, tap or click the Subform/Subreport tool (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group) and then tap or click the desired location for the subform to open the SubForm Wizard Be sure the ‘Use existing Tables and Queries’ option button is selected Tap or click the Next button to display the next SubForm Wizard screen Tap or click the Tables/Queries arrow and then tap or click the desired table to include in the subform Advanced Form Techniques

49 Adding a Subform Tap or click the fields in the Available Fields list to add, tapping or clicking the Add button after each one Tap or click the Next button Be sure the ‘Choose from a list’ option button is selected Type the desired subform name, and then tap or click the Finish button to complete the creation of the subform Advanced Form Techniques

50 Adding a Subform Advanced Form Techniques

51 Resizing the Subform Display the form containing the subform in Design View Drag to resize the subform using the sizing handles Advanced Form Techniques

52 Inserting Charts Display the FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab
Tap or click the Charts tab on the tab control Tap or click the More button (FORM DESIGN TOOLS DESIGN tab | Controls group) Tap or click the Chart tool Tap or click the desired location for the chart to display the Chart Wizard dialog box Add the desired fields from the tables or queries in your database Advanced Form Techniques

53 Inserting Charts Tap or click the Next button
Tap or click the desired chart type Tap or click the Next button, type the desired chart title, and then tap or click the Finish button Resize the chart as desired Advanced Form Techniques

54 Inserting Charts Advanced Form Techniques

55 Modifying a Chart Type Tap or click the Charts tab to display the charts Return to Design view Tap or click the Charts tab to display the chart in Design view Press and hold or right-click the chart to modify Point to Chart Object on the shortcut menu to display the Chart Object submenu Tap or click Edit on the Chart Object submenu to edit the chart. Access will automatically display the underlying chart data in Datasheet view Advanced Form Techniques

56 Modifying a Chart Type Press and hold or right-click the chart to display the shortcut menu for editing the chart Tap or click the Chart Type command on the shortcut menu to display the Chart Type dialog box Tap or click the desired chart type and chart sub-type Tap or click the OK button to change the chart sub-type Tap or click outside the chart and the datasheet to deselect the chart Advanced Form Techniques

57 Modifying a Chart Type Advanced Form Techniques

58 Formatting a Chart Press and hold or right-click the chart to format to display a shortcut menu, point to Chart Object on the shortcut menu to display the Chart Object submenu, and then tap or click Edit on the Chart Object submenu Press and hold or right-click the legend to display a shortcut menu, and then tap or click Format Legend on the shortcut menu to display the Format Legend dialog box Tap or click the Placement tab Tap or click the desired placement option Tap or click the OK button to place the legend in the location you selected Advanced Form Techniques

59 Formatting a Chart Press and hold or right-click the chart to display a shortcut menu, and then click Format Data Series on the shortcut menu to display the Format Data Series dialog box Tap or click the Data Labels table Tap or click the desired components to include in the data labels Tap or click the OK button Advanced Form Techniques

60 Formatting a Chart Advanced Form Techniques

61 Chapter Summary Add combo boxes that include selection lists
Add combo boxes for searching Format and resize controls Apply formatting characteristics with the Format Painter Add command buttons Modify buttons and combo boxes Advanced Form Techniques

62 Chapter Summary Add a calculated field
Use tab controls to create a multipage form Add and modify a subform Insert charts Modify a chart type Format a chart Advanced Form Techniques

63 Microsoft Access 2013 Chapter 7 Complete

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