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Comments on Global Monetary Policy

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1 Comments on Global Monetary Policy
Andrew K Rose Berkeley-Haas ABFER, CEPR and NBER Canberra, Aug 2018

2 My Task: Address Second Two Questions
“What tectonic shift may occur in monetary policy regimes globally and why?” No such change is likely Possible (and unlikely) shift is collapse in EMU for purely internal reasons Even less plausible: widespread banking crisis due to negative nominal interest rates “Would a shift in monetary policy regime in a major developing economy necessitate changes to policy in other economies?” Irrelevant since no such shift is likely But even then, hard to see a move away from evolving status quo And now, a little elaboration … Global Monetary Policy: Rose

3 Inflation Targeting Rocks!
IT is the only monetary regime to have never experienced a crash/regime shift Widespread: all large currencies (US$, €, ₤, ¥) float, all essentially with inflation targeting Almost all other smaller rich countries (Australia, Canada, NZ, Sweden, Switzerland …) Large and growing number of emerging markets (Brazil, Chile, Korea, Mexico, Peru, S Africa, Thailand) means it can spread further Unusual: contrasts favorably with fixed exchange rates, other regimes Fixes only persistent for Denmark, HK, some small/poor states Many crashes in Asia Latin America, Africa, Europe … Global Monetary Policy: Rose

4 Growing Durability of Exchange Rate Regimes
Global Monetary Policy: Rose

5 IT Durability, continued
Inflation Targeting is also Tested: no country abandoned IT through/after Global Financial Crisis of (though many hit hard) IT countries have also experienced/are experiencing unconventional monetary policy with: a) forward guidance; b) quantitative easing; c) negative nominal interest rates Comprehensible: domestic goals aligned with monetary objectives Singular: no plausible alternative exists So it’s hard to imagine a tectonic shift in monetary policy regimes globally Hence hard to think of regime-change consequences for other countries Global Monetary Policy: Rose

6 One Possible Exception: EMU Collapse
Seems unlikely now Greece has already been through the wringer (and 3 programs) Cyprus, Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia have all been tested But a serious banking crisis in Italy is possible (Spain less so) Italy much larger than other countries Populist Italian government united by skepticism of Euro Continuing issues with productivity growth, demographic decline, unemployment … But EMU leaders have managed to avoid such issues historically Exception is Brexit … but UK not part of EMU, little direct effect visible thus far EMU collapse (even Italexit) would surely result in global financial crisis Even then, hard to see how this would lead to tectonic shift in monetary regimes Global Monetary Policy: Rose

7 Even Less Likely: Wide Banking Crisis
Nominal interest rates have been (slightly) negative in Denmark, EMU, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland … for years Banks complaining about effects on profitability, hence lending Thus far, little overall effect on net bank income Curious, since deposit rates seem sticky at 0 Why? Global Monetary Policy: Rose

8 Global Monetary Policy: Rose
Shameless Self-Promotion: Effect of Negative Nominal Interest Rate Dummy in Bank Panel Regressand (/Total Assets): All [30,792] Large [4,001] Small [26,791] High-Deposit [24,957] Low-Deposit [5,756] Net Income .031 (.021) .059 (.037) .025 (.026) .013 (.022) .124* (.056) Net Interest -.054** (.016) .010 (.031) -.055** (.018) -.029 (.015) -.244** (.053) Net Non-Interest Income .052** (.011) .030 .047** (.013) .008 .323** (.045) Global Monetary Policy: Rose

9 Global Monetary Policy: Rose
Perhaps a Future Issue Reduction in net interest income offset by Gains in net non-interest income But this may not be sustainable Fees can rise permanently But gains from stock/bond market rallies (associated with move to negative rates) intrinsically transitory Ongoing work with Lopez and Spiegel Still, hard to imagine this resulting in regime shift Global Monetary Policy: Rose

10 A Potential Long Run Issue
Suppose inward-looking right-wing populists continue to govern Could we end up with a world characterized by Rising Capital Mobility, and Shrinking Openness to Trade in Goods and Services? Seems far-fetched … but not something that has been much modelled Global Monetary Policy: Rose

11 Not to be confused with Serenity!
Crises occur even absent shifts in monetary policy regime World seems vulnerable now: Lots of leverage (not just China) Fiscal space is limited in both stock/flow terms for larger economies Monetary space is very limited for most large economies (except US) Some high asset prices Longer run Disappointing productivity growth for larger economies Even longer Demographic decline for most large economies (except US) Global Monetary Policy: Rose

12 American-Specific Fears
Monetary tightening has often lead to recessions historically Low real interest rates and inflation targets implies limited room for relaxation Fiscal loosening implies little room for fiscal support Especially given longer-term concerns Limited executive ability, especially compared with past Especially limited concern for/interest in RoW Special role for US$ as reserve/invoice/debt currency (exorbitant privilege) Continuing, even growing as demand for safe assets rises $ appreciation is disproportionately costly for firms with dollar liabilities, their (bank/bond) creditors, and their countries Tightening US monetary/loosening fiscal policy a recipe for $ appreciation Hence also increase in US current account deficit … with volatile President obsessed with trade deficits … Global Monetary Policy: Rose

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