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Presented by: Chad Driscoll Mary Sheka Jennie Weber Kathy Schwartzhoff

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1 Presented by: Chad Driscoll Mary Sheka Jennie Weber Kathy Schwartzhoff
National Mentoring Summit Share-out Peer Share Call – February 11, 2016 Presented by: Chad Driscoll Mary Sheka Jennie Weber Kathy Schwartzhoff

2 Please feel free to share any resources of your own
Introduction Information will be presented from the 2016 National Mentoring Summit, including national trends and research Please feel free to share any resources of your own How presentation will benefit audience: Adult learners are more interested in a subject if they know how or why it is important to them. Presenter’s level of expertise in the subject: Briefly state your credentials in this area, or explain why participants should listen to you.

3 Mentoring Coordinator Helping Services for Northeast Iowa
Facilitator: Kathy Schwartzhoff Mentoring Coordinator Helping Services for Northeast Iowa

4 National Mentoring Summit Updates
Agenda Welcome National Mentoring Summit Updates Overall thoughts of the Summit Keynote reactions Capitol Hill Day 2016 National Trends Q & A

5 Speakers Mary Sheka Director Iowa Mentoring Partnership Chad Driscoll
Program Officer Volunteer Iowa Jennie Weber Program Director YMCA /YWCA Dubuque Reach & Rise

6 Overall Thoughts of the Summit
Thought-provoking Empowering Energizing I am not alone in this game! Networking In Real Life: Mentee testimonials

7 LinkedIn for Good – Meg Garlinghouse NBA Cares
Keynote Reactions LinkedIn for Good – Meg Garlinghouse NBA Cares Mentor Connector Jimmy Wayne – Meet Me HalfwayProject Youth Voice – Stories Linked in: 28 M added Volunteering to causes in their profile 7 M checked skilled volunteering as an interest 5M indicated they were interested in mentoring Programs: Use mentoring stories on linkedin Encourage your mentors to thank their mentors Say Thanks button #thankyourmentor NBA cares and LinkedIN: Make sure you are listed on Mentor Connector

8 Meetings with Iowa delegation
Capitol Hill Day 2016 Meetings with Iowa delegation Senator Grassley Senator Ernst Representative Young , 3rd District Engaging with your congressional delegation Engaging with state and local officials Volunteer Iowa/Iowa Mentoring Partnership Day at the Capitol March 15, 2016, 11:45 a.m. Invite them to events Frustration at federal level- mentoring is a positive bipartisan issue People are lobbying them all of the time on issues you care about- let your voice be heard, be the expert Grassley-Chair of Judiciary, focus on juvenile justice, mentoring recognized as prevention/intervention Ernst-Co-Sponsor CPIA Young-House mentoring caucus, invite to local events

9 Some Specifics Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring – 4th Edition Overview Upcoming professional development opportunities Introduction to the Elements 4th Edition Webinar Workshops/Research Youth Initiated Mentoring National Quality Mentoring System National Mentoring Resource Center Mentoring Partnership Updates MENTOR national program survey Elements widely accepted national/global standards for quality youth mentoring programs; providing a roadmap for organizations to establish and operate successful mentoring programs and services and support strong, lasting mentoring relationships. 4th Ed. is the most comprehensive to date to build programmatic standards based on rigorous research. It also incorporates field-tested innovations and strategies that can strengthen services. Regional professional development Webinars Fall conference YIM 4% in formal mentoring, 51% informal mentor, uneven representation across socioeconomic levels, YIM is a way to Address the gap Pilots: opportunity youth and juvenile justice involved 1st step-asking youth identified as needing a mentor, ask them if they know someone NQMS NMRC: latest research shared, research based programs Survey: 8 questions about organization, 32 about structure of program. Not evaluation

10 Questions or Thoughts? 7th Annual National Mentoring Summit February 1-3,

11 Speaker Contact Information Jennie Weber: Program Director, YMCA/YWCA Dubuque Reach and Rise Kathy Schwartzhoff, Mentoring Coordinator, Helping Services for Northeast Iowa. x108

12 IMP Staff Contact Information Michelle Jones: IMP Marketing and Training VISTA Tatiana Christian: IMP STEM Coordinator VISTA Mary Sheka: IMP Coordinator Chad Driscoll: ICVS Program Officer

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