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EVPP 110 Lab Report Peer Review Process Diversity of Life Activities 3 and 7 Week of October 22nd 2018 Version 1.1. Last updated: 11/11/2018 1:34:16.

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Presentation on theme: "EVPP 110 Lab Report Peer Review Process Diversity of Life Activities 3 and 7 Week of October 22nd 2018 Version 1.1. Last updated: 11/11/2018 1:34:16."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVPP 110 Lab Report Peer Review Process Diversity of Life Activities 3 and 7
Week of October 22nd 2018 Version Last updated: 11/11/2018 1:34:16 AM


3 Lab Report – Peer Review Process
Grade the lab reports of two other students in the class using the grading rubric. Upload the graded rubrics to BlackBoard at the end of class. You are not graded on the quality of your draft today; the goal is to receive valuable feedback from your peers.









12 Diversity of Life - Activity 3 – Bacteria in Soil (Completion)

13 Bacterial Colony Colonies
Visible cluster of bacteria growing on the surface of or within a solid medium, theoretically cultured from a single cell.

14 Counting is easy if your colonies look like these.
More difficult if your colonies look like these (more likely!)

15 Colony Counting Technique
Place Petri dish on colony counting grid. Work your way back and forth, row by row, to count colonies in each square.

16 Sketch Petri dishes in Figure 3.1, page 139.
control dirt rinse control soap 1 soap 2 Fig 3.1. Sketch of bacterial growth on individual group’s Petri dish 1 and 2 by treatment segment.

17 Treatment Type Petri Dish #1 Petri Dish #2 Group # Con Dirty Rinse Soap 1 Soap 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Table 3.1 Record number of colonies from each segment of each of your group’s Petri dishes in Table 3.1, page 139.

18 Diversity of Life – Activity 7 – Microscopic Fungi

19 Fungal growth should look similar to bacterial growth.
So, count colonies using the same procedure as with bacteria.

20 Place Petri dish on colony counting grid.
Work your way back and forth, row by row, to count the colonies in each grid square.

21 control loc 1 loc 2 control loc 3 loc 4 Fig Sketch of appearance and extent of fungal growth on Petri dish 1 and 2 by sampling locations. Sketch appearance of each Petri dish in Figure 7.1.

22 Microhabitat Location/Surface
Table 7.1. Description and number of fungal colonies by sampling location Microhabitat Location/Surface Petri Dish # #1 #2 Segment: Con #3 #4 Description of fungus # of colonies Total=

23 Weekly Data Sheet pages
What’s Due Weekly Data Sheet pages Weekly Write-Up pages Activity 3 139 Activity 7 169 PowerPoint available at:

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