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The Christian's Struggles

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1 The Christian's Struggles
Luke 10:38-42 “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things” (v. 41) Not a bad person Not immoral Not lacking in love for the Lord Title Slide: The Christian Struggles (#8)—Self-Control… Bothered (NASV) – by many things Distracted – thus struggled We like Martha struggle about many things!

2 Struggle With Self-Control
One of man’s hardest struggles is with himself Mark 8:34 - “deny himself” - one of the basic attributes 2 Peter 1:6 – “self control” – is a “Christian grace” Easily understood – but hard to practice Struggle With Self-Control One of man’s hardest struggles—with himself! “Deny Himself” one of the basic attributes (Mk.8:34) “Self-Control” is one of the Christian graces—(2 Pet.1:6) Easily understood and grasp—much harder to put into practice in our lives!

3 lose sight of oneself and
What is Self-Control? Self Denial Saying “No!” to Self “To forget one’s self, lose sight of oneself and one’s own interest” (Thayer) Self Control “Self government” (Thayer) “Ability to take a grip of oneself” (Barclay) What is Self-Control? Definitions…

4 Applying Self-Control Therein Lies the Struggle!
Resist/Refuse to do the things that are forbidden Make self do the things that we should do Applying Self-Control…This is the part that the “sledding” becomes difficult—practicing what it calls on each of us to do! Therein Lies the Struggle!

5 I. A Common Struggle Struggle With Self-Control 1. A Common Struggle

6 I. A Common Struggle Struggle With Self-Control Common to all people
Common to all sins

7 I. A Common Struggle Struggle With Self-Control
Self service is the obstacle to serving the Lord! Jud.21:25—did what was right in own eyes Matt.23:25—self-indulgent hypocrite Acts 24:25—temperance a learned behavior for one desiring to be God’s child Rom.2:8—Disobedient are “self-seeking” Gal.2:20—Served I before obedience—no must serve Christ!

8 A. Self service is the obstacle to serving the Lord
B. All temptation – from our own lusts 1. James 1:14 – drawn away by own desires 2. 1 John 2:15-17 – three avenues appeal to “me” - Lust of flesh – what I like and want - Lust of eyes – what I want to see - Pride of life – what I think of self 3. 1 Corinthians 7:5 – Satan tempts us in our lack of self-control B. All temptation –from our own lust (our weaknesses) Jam.1:14—drawn away by own desires 1 Jno.2:15-17—3 avenues sins will take in our lives 1 Cor.7:5—Satan tempts us in our lack to practice self-control

9 A. Self service is the obstacle to serving the Lord
B. All temptation – from our own lusts C. Every sin involves a lack of self-control 1. James 4:17 – sin of omission 2. James 2:9– sin of commission C. Every sin involves a lack of self-control Jam.4:17—sin of omission Jam.2:9—every sin of commission

10 Since we all sin (1 John 1:8) We all struggle daily with self-control.
Every one of us struggles in some area with this problem! Common Struggle—All have to fight and WIN these battles. All have different “areas” where we may fight this but in some way we struggle with a “lack of self-control”

11 I. A Common Struggle Struggle With Self-Control A Common Struggle
A Constant Struggle

12 Self control deals with the reality of life
1. Bible does not picture the Christian… - void of all passions - drained of all desires - detached from all temptations 2. Rather—picture of a battle—struggle –Romans 7:23-25 --all of our appetites, desires, passions, temptations remain! -- Now he struggles to keep them all under their control! Self control deals with the reality of our life Bible does not picture the Christian… Void of all passions Drained of all desires Detached from all kinds of temptations Rather—picture of a battle—struggle All of our appetites, desires, passions, and temptations remain Now he struggles to keep them all under their control—preventive “behavior”

13 Self control deals with the reality of life
Temperance suggests the struggle is still on 1. 2 Peter 1:5-10—self-control (temperance) is never mastered a. All the “graces”—relative in their nature (varying) b. No one is ever perfect—thus always room to grow! 2. Aristotle proposed FOUR STATES of man in this battle… B. Temperance suggests the struggle is still on 2 Pet. 1:5-10—self-control (temperance) is NEVER mastered—always working at it—sometimes doing better than others All the “graces”—relative in their nature (varying) No one is ever PERFECT—thus we always have room for growth! 2. Aristotle proposed FOUR STATES of man in this battle…(next chart)

14 Aristotle’s Four States of Man
Where We Live Passion Rules Fight Lost Passion Prevails Losing the fight Incontinence Reason Prevails Winning the Fight Self Control Reason Rules Fight Won Perfect Temperance Unbridled Lust Explain the chart…

15 I. A Common Struggle Struggle With Self-Control A Common Struggle
A Constant Struggle A Crucial Struggle

16 A. Our temper (Proverbs 14:17,29; 25:28)
B. Our pride (Romans 12:3; 1 Corinthians 10:12) C. Our words (James 1:19,26; Proverbs 17:27) D. Our thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5) III. A Crucial Struggle Our Temper Our Pride Our Words Our Thoughts

17 E. Our reaction (1 Peter 2:23; Romans 12:17-21)
F. Our opinions (Romans 14:22) G. Our buying and spending (Romans 13:8) H. Make SELF do what we know we need to do!!!! III. A Crucial Struggle Our Reaction Our Opinions Our Buying & Spending Make SELF do what we know need to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 I. A Common Struggle Struggle With Self-Control A Common Struggle
A Constant Struggle A Crucial Struggle Review—Invitation…

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