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Agentless Security for
#1 Management and Security for Windows Server and Hyper-V Agentless Security for Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, System Center VMM, Hyper-V Notes for ISV: Main capability is the capability we want to highlight as part of the depth Initiative.
Описание продукта 5nine Security
5nine Security работает в средах : Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Hyper-V Основные возможности : Антивирус Межсетевой экран Система обнаружения вторжений (IDS) Логирование событий безопасности Может устанавливаться как Plugin для System Center VMM Описание продукта: Первый и единственный безагентный продукт для обеспечения безопасности и compliance среды Hyper-V Windows Server. Лицензирование: Per VM Per 2 CPU $24.99 SPLA для хостинг/сервис провайдеров Standard $1 per VM /month Data Center - $2 per VM /month Edition qty VMs Cost qty CPUs Standard 2 $149 Data Center 9 $499 NOTES to ISV: You need to complete this slide. Optionally, add at the bottom of this slide notes Talking Points for the field to use. Keep the Talking Points brief. Quadrants details: Notes on capabilities: Choose the primary and additional capabilities per what was agreed upon for the Depth Initiative. In some cases the main capability was added based on previous discussions. PRODUCT OVERVIEW: NOTE: The size of the field boxes in the Product Overview quadrant can be modified, as long as they are inside of the Product Overview box. Primary capability: What is the main capability the ISV solution provides on top of SC2012. Additional capabilities (optional): Other capabilities that the ISV solution enables on-top of SC If it doesn’t apply you can delete this box. Product Overview: High level description of the product System Center 2012 Integration: What SC products does the solution integrates with? What SC features the ISV solution leverages and how does it enhances those features? This section helps the MS field understand how the ISV solution will help them sell more SC2012 while at the same time providing additional value and solving the customer need. COST: The information in this quadrant should enable the MS field to answer the question: What is the total cost of implementing and supporting this ISV solution? Licensing: Licensing costs. If needed, you can use a table diagram with the licensing options Support Table: Fill in the table with the support options you provide. The four types provided categories are the most common options, add any other that is not included there. Columns: Yes / No -> Use an X to choose Yes or No for each Support Type Cost -> Values can be “Free”, a dollar amount (for example $125/hr) or “Custom” . If you select Custom, then please add the appropiate details in the talking points Availability -> Support Type availability. For example “24x7x365” or “M to F Office hours” NEXT STEPS: Website: Link to ISV website Global sales contact: or phone of main contract entry point. Don’t modify the text “For more contacts information use the internal ISV contact spreadsheet located here <link> “. That text will point to the contact information spreadsheet each ISV provided to me. That is why there is only the need to put one sales entry point in the “Global Sales Contact” field. Talking Points Add here the talking points for each of the quadrants in the slide. Keep it brief and simple. You can include links if necessary. Website: Sales Contact: Next Steps
5nine Security для обеспечения соответствия законодательству.
Действующие законы и ведомственные акты , регулирующие защиту информации. Федеральный закон N 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» Федеральный закон № 149-ФЗ «Об информации, информационных технологиях и о защите информации» от 27 июля 2006 г. Приказ № 17 ФСТЭК « Об утверждении требований о защите информации, не составляющей государственную тайну, содержащейся в государственных информационных системах от 11 февраля 2013 г.» NOTES to ISV: You need to complete this slide. Optionally, add at the bottom of this slide notes Talking Points for the field to use. Keep the Talking Points brief. Quadrants details: Notes on capabilities: Choose the primary and additional capabilities per what was agreed upon for the Depth Initiative. In some cases the main capability was added based on previous discussions. PRODUCT OVERVIEW: NOTE: The size of the field boxes in the Product Overview quadrant can be modified, as long as they are inside of the Product Overview box. Primary capability: What is the main capability the ISV solution provides on top of SC2012. Additional capabilities (optional): Other capabilities that the ISV solution enables on-top of SC If it doesn’t apply you can delete this box. Product Overview: High level description of the product System Center 2012 Integration: What SC products does the solution integrates with? What SC features the ISV solution leverages and how does it enhances those features? This section helps the MS field understand how the ISV solution will help them sell more SC2012 while at the same time providing additional value and solving the customer need. COST: The information in this quadrant should enable the MS field to answer the question: What is the total cost of implementing and supporting this ISV solution? Licensing: Licensing costs. If needed, you can use a table diagram with the licensing options Support Table: Fill in the table with the support options you provide. The four types provided categories are the most common options, add any other that is not included there. Columns: Yes / No -> Use an X to choose Yes or No for each Support Type Cost -> Values can be “Free”, a dollar amount (for example $125/hr) or “Custom” . If you select Custom, then please add the appropiate details in the talking points Availability -> Support Type availability. For example “24x7x365” or “M to F Office hours” NEXT STEPS: Website: Link to ISV website Global sales contact: or phone of main contract entry point. Don’t modify the text “For more contacts information use the internal ISV contact spreadsheet located here <link> “. That text will point to the contact information spreadsheet each ISV provided to me. That is why there is only the need to put one sales entry point in the “Global Sales Contact” field. Talking Points Add here the talking points for each of the quadrants in the slide. Keep it brief and simple. You can include links if necessary. Website: Sales Contact: Next Steps
5nine Security для обеспечения Приказа № 17 ФСТЭК.
NOTES to ISV: You need to complete this slide. Optionally, add at the bottom of this slide notes Talking Points for the field to use. Keep the Talking Points brief. Quadrants details: Notes on capabilities: Choose the primary and additional capabilities per what was agreed upon for the Depth Initiative. In some cases the main capability was added based on previous discussions. PRODUCT OVERVIEW: NOTE: The size of the field boxes in the Product Overview quadrant can be modified, as long as they are inside of the Product Overview box. Primary capability: What is the main capability the ISV solution provides on top of SC2012. Additional capabilities (optional): Other capabilities that the ISV solution enables on-top of SC If it doesn’t apply you can delete this box. Product Overview: High level description of the product System Center 2012 Integration: What SC products does the solution integrates with? What SC features the ISV solution leverages and how does it enhances those features? This section helps the MS field understand how the ISV solution will help them sell more SC2012 while at the same time providing additional value and solving the customer need. COST: The information in this quadrant should enable the MS field to answer the question: What is the total cost of implementing and supporting this ISV solution? Licensing: Licensing costs. If needed, you can use a table diagram with the licensing options Support Table: Fill in the table with the support options you provide. The four types provided categories are the most common options, add any other that is not included there. Columns: Yes / No -> Use an X to choose Yes or No for each Support Type Cost -> Values can be “Free”, a dollar amount (for example $125/hr) or “Custom” . If you select Custom, then please add the appropiate details in the talking points Availability -> Support Type availability. For example “24x7x365” or “M to F Office hours” NEXT STEPS: Website: Link to ISV website Global sales contact: or phone of main contract entry point. Don’t modify the text “For more contacts information use the internal ISV contact spreadsheet located here <link> “. That text will point to the contact information spreadsheet each ISV provided to me. That is why there is only the need to put one sales entry point in the “Global Sales Contact” field. Talking Points Add here the talking points for each of the quadrants in the slide. Keep it brief and simple. You can include links if necessary. Website: Sales Contact: Next Steps
Централизованное управление политиками, правилами, фильтрами
VM VM VM VM Hyper-V Switch Extension Security Manager Window Server Hyper-V Host AV/AM Управление ВМ или сервером VM IDS Безагентная установка Инкрементальное сканирование с использованием кадров Управление полосой входящего/исходящего трафика Логирование , анализ, аудит Изолирует и защищает каждую ВМ делает безопасным трафик внутри и между ВМ Поддержка Live Migration Защита и выполнение правил ВМ , пользователями, приложениями, подразделениями организации NOTES to ISV: You need to complete this slide. Optionally, add at the bottom of this slide notes Talking Points for the field to use. Keep the Talking Points brief. Quadrants details: Notes on capabilities: Choose the primary and additional capabilities per what was agreed upon for the Depth Initiative. In some cases the main capability was added based on previous discussions. PRODUCT OVERVIEW: NOTE: The size of the field boxes in the Product Overview quadrant can be modified, as long as they are inside of the Product Overview box. Primary capability: What is the main capability the ISV solution provides on top of SC2012. Additional capabilities (optional): Other capabilities that the ISV solution enables on-top of SC If it doesn’t apply you can delete this box. Product Overview: High level description of the product System Center 2012 Integration: What SC products does the solution integrates with? What SC features the ISV solution leverages and how does it enhances those features? This section helps the MS field understand how the ISV solution will help them sell more SC2012 while at the same time providing additional value and solving the customer need. COST: The information in this quadrant should enable the MS field to answer the question: What is the total cost of implementing and supporting this ISV solution? Licensing: Licensing costs. If needed, you can use a table diagram with the licensing options Support Table: Fill in the table with the support options you provide. The four types provided categories are the most common options, add any other that is not included there. Columns: Yes / No -> Use an X to choose Yes or No for each Support Type Cost -> Values can be “Free”, a dollar amount (for example $125/hr) or “Custom” . If you select Custom, then please add the appropiate details in the talking points Availability -> Support Type availability. For example “24x7x365” or “M to F Office hours” NEXT STEPS: Website: Link to ISV website Global sales contact: or phone of main contract entry point. Don’t modify the text “For more contacts information use the internal ISV contact spreadsheet located here <link> “. That text will point to the contact information spreadsheet each ISV provided to me. That is why there is only the need to put one sales entry point in the “Global Sales Contact” field. Talking Points Add here the talking points for each of the quadrants in the slide. Keep it brief and simple. You can include links if necessary. Website: Sales Contact: Next Steps
Архитектура 5nine Security
Цель 5nine Security : расширить возможности Hyper-V Extensible Switch в фильтрации сетевого трафика и выполнении его антивирусной проверки Расширения Windows Filter Platform (WFP) могут проверять , удалять, изменять и вставлять пакеты, используя WFP API Антивирус , Firewall и IDS используют WFP для фильтрации трафика NOTES to ISV: You need to complete this slide. Below are the guidelines for each quadrant. Also, add at the bottom of this slide notes Talking Points for the field to use. Keep the Talking Points brief. The goal of the slide is to: - Explain how the typical ISV deployed solution looks like (Deployment Overview quadrant) - Give a list of resources to drill down on the solution Deployment (Resources Quadrant) Format: The width of the boxes can be modified. Details: Deployment Overview Quadrant: Use a diagram to describe, at a high level, how the typical ISV deployed solution looks like. Resources: Add links for more information. The field will use these links to drill down on the solution. Use this quadrant to point the MS field to more information links. Avoid instead adding long Talking points. Talking Points: Add here any talking points for the field. Again, keep it brief, use the Resources quadrant instead to point the field to more information links.
Почему предусмотрительные руководители выбирают
Background: Slide Goal: Describe the Depth ISV value prop for System Integrators This slide will be added at the end of the four Depth ISVs slides (Overview, Architecture, Deployment, Case Studies) The World Wide Partner Group in Microsoft will push the Depth ISVs slides, including this SI value prop slide, into all partner sales roles in the Microsoft field. These roles (PAMs, PTAs and competitive recruiters) will in turn present to their Sis and define next steps from there Slide Audience: SIs, through the partner sales roles across the Microsoft field (PAMs, PTAs, and competitive recruiters) <Notes for ISV> The goal of this slide is to describe what the ISV value proposition is for a System Integrator Incentives: How do you help the SI increase their revenue by selling your solution? Sales Incentives: Describe here any sales incentive / program that the ISV has defined for SIs Examples: Subscription / Revenue Share Channel program Joint Support model (i.e SI does Tier 1, ISV does Tier 2&3) Other Describe here any deployment incentive / program that the ISV has defined for SIs Deployment incentives: Resources: What ISV resources are available to an SI that sells your solution? Sales -On site assistance -Sales Training Deployment -POC and deployment resources -Services team (Does ISV have a Services team?) Support: Type of support options you offer to SIs for deployed solutions Coverage by Country: Countries where the ISV has sales and support personnel Совершенствует управление безопасностью, рисками и соответствие нормам
Хостинговые компании- клиенты 5nine
NOTES to ISV: You need to complete this slide. Optionally, add at the bottom of this slide notes Talking Points for the field to use. Keep the Talking Points brief. Quadrants details: Notes on capabilities: Choose the primary and additional capabilities per what was agreed upon for the Depth Initiative. In some cases the main capability was added based on previous discussions. PRODUCT OVERVIEW: NOTE: The size of the field boxes in the Product Overview quadrant can be modified, as long as they are inside of the Product Overview box. Primary capability: What is the main capability the ISV solution provides on top of SC2012. Additional capabilities (optional): Other capabilities that the ISV solution enables on-top of SC If it doesn’t apply you can delete this box. Product Overview: High level description of the product System Center 2012 Integration: What SC products does the solution integrates with? What SC features the ISV solution leverages and how does it enhances those features? This section helps the MS field understand how the ISV solution will help them sell more SC2012 while at the same time providing additional value and solving the customer need. COST: The information in this quadrant should enable the MS field to answer the question: What is the total cost of implementing and supporting this ISV solution? Licensing: Licensing costs. If needed, you can use a table diagram with the licensing options Support Table: Fill in the table with the support options you provide. The four types provided categories are the most common options, add any other that is not included there. Columns: Yes / No -> Use an X to choose Yes or No for each Support Type Cost -> Values can be “Free”, a dollar amount (for example $125/hr) or “Custom” . If you select Custom, then please add the appropiate details in the talking points Availability -> Support Type availability. For example “24x7x365” or “M to F Office hours” NEXT STEPS: Website: Link to ISV website Global sales contact: or phone of main contract entry point. Don’t modify the text “For more contacts information use the internal ISV contact spreadsheet located here <link> “. That text will point to the contact information spreadsheet each ISV provided to me. That is why there is only the need to put one sales entry point in the “Global Sales Contact” field. Talking Points Add here the talking points for each of the quadrants in the slide. Keep it brief and simple. You can include links if necessary. Website: Sales Contact: Next Steps
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