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#WythnosByddaf 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "#WythnosByddaf 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 #WythnosByddaf 2018

2 #WythnosByddaf 2018 12fed-16eg Tachwedd Llais | Effaith | Stori
Rydym am i bartneriaid yr ymgyrch gynorthwyo’r bobl ifanc sy’n rhan o weithredu cymdeithasol i rannu eu straeon o wirfoddoli, codi arian neu ymgyrchu a rhannu â ni yr effaith maent wedi’i chael ar eraill a’u cymunedau. 12-16 November 2018 Their voice. Their impact. Their story. Using #iwillWeek as the impetus to empower your young people to share their stories of volunteering, fundraising or campaigning and the impact they have had on their communities #iwillWeek serves as a focal point for anyone and any organisation to communicate the benefits of youth social action and this year it is November 2018. This November the call to action for #iwill campaign partners is to empower, share and celebrate the stories young people can tell of their impact on the communities and causes they care about. When we ask young people what motivates them to get involved in social action, they often begin with ‘making a positive difference in my community...’. Hearing directly from them, whether it is a short blog, social media posts or a film shot on their smartphone, is the most compelling story of power and potential of youth social action. Our ambition for this year’s #iwillWeek We hope that #iwillWeek2018 can provide the space and forum for young people to tell their story of their experience of youth social action - particularly, though not exclusively, focusing on their perspective of the impact they are having on their community. This could either be the wider community impact of collective youth social action or specifically by an individual young person. We, as campaign partners, should elevate and share their stories so that everybody has the opportunity to hear what we know is so inspiring about youth social action at its best. Ultimately, we know that when young people take part in social action, everyone benefits. We want young people to have the chance to take part in meaningful social action - building a habit for life. Whether behind the camera or the keyboard, we hope you can help us get as many young people who have embarked on their own social action journeys to reflect and be empowered to take the lead in telling their story.

3 #WythnosByddaf 2018 Fis Tachwedd eleni rydym yn annog partneriaid ymgyrch #byddaf i alluogi pobl ifanc i adrodd eu straeon eu hunain am eu heffaith ar y cymunedau a’r achosion sy’n agos at eu calon, a’u rhannu a’u dathlu. Pan ofynnwn i bobl ifanc beth sy’n eu cymell i gymryd rhan mewn gweithredu cymdeithasol, maent yn aml yn dechrau gyda ‘gwneud gwahaniaeth positif yn y gymuned...’. Rydym am droi’r sylw at bobl ifanc, gan glywed ganddyn nhw am y gwahaniaeth maent yn ei wneud drwy weithredu cymdeithasol. 12-16 November 2018 Their voice. Their impact. Their story. Using #iwillWeek as the impetus to empower your young people to share their stories of volunteering, fundraising or campaigning and the impact they have had on their communities #iwillWeek serves as a focal point for anyone and any organisation to communicate the benefits of youth social action and this year it is November 2018. This November the call to action for #iwill campaign partners is to empower, share and celebrate the stories young people can tell of their impact on the communities and causes they care about. When we ask young people what motivates them to get involved in social action, they often begin with ‘making a positive difference in my community...’. Hearing directly from them, whether it is a short blog, social media posts or a film shot on their smartphone, is the most compelling story of power and potential of youth social action. Our ambition for this year’s #iwillWeek We hope that #iwillWeek2018 can provide the space and forum for young people to tell their story of their experience of youth social action - particularly, though not exclusively, focusing on their perspective of the impact they are having on their community. This could either be the wider community impact of collective youth social action or specifically by an individual young person. We, as campaign partners, should elevate and share their stories so that everybody has the opportunity to hear what we know is so inspiring about youth social action at its best. Ultimately, we know that when young people take part in social action, everyone benefits. We want young people to have the chance to take part in meaningful social action - building a habit for life. Whether behind the camera or the keyboard, we hope you can help us get as many young people who have embarked on their own social action journeys to reflect and be empowered to take the lead in telling their story.

4 Sut allwch chi gefnogi Galluogi person ifanc i lunio darn ysgrifenedig – e.e. stori newyddion o ddiddordeb i’r cyfryngau lleol, erthygl ar gyfer gwefan, blog neu lythyr at AS neu AC lleol neu arweinydd cymunedol. Galluogi pobl ifanc i greu ffilm – byr neu hir – yn siarad am yr effaith bositif maent wedi’i chael ar eu cymunedau. Cynnal digwyddiad a gwahodd pobl ifanc i arwain y digwyddiad yn ogystal â rhannu eu straeon, gan hybu effaith gweithredu cymdeithasol ymysg ieuenctid. What participation in #iwillWeek2018 looks like Young people can be invited to author a piece of content, ideally articulating their own impact or the impact of youth social action on the community. This could be a news story with local media interest, a website post, a blog or even a letter to a local MP or community leader. Create a film - short or long - with young people talking about the positive impact they have had on their communities. They could also be invited shoot, storyboard or even direct the films. Armed with smartphones this could be a relatively swift way to get multiple perspectives and could enhance written content - new or old. Hosting an event may also be a choice you make. Inviting young people to lead the event as well as share their stories can really elevate the impact of youth social action. Perhaps it also makes sense to invite the wider community, your local MP or other community leaders to learn about the role young people have taken on through their volunteering, fundraising or campaigning.

5 Adnoddau pellach arlein
Mae adnoddau lu ar dudalen we #WythnosByddaf 2018: Trosolwg o’r thema eleni Negeseuon allweddol Cwestiynau cyffredin Logos Llythyr enghreifftiol at AS neu AC Cofrestru ar gyfer gweminar rheolaidd i gael gwybod mwy What we can do to support you We will provide further resources on the #iwillWeekpage of the #iwill website. In October we will offer fortnightly half-hour webinars that will cover ideas, resources and what other #iwill campaign partners have planned. And if you're part of the communications team of an #iwill campaign partner, Step Up To Serve and the #iwill campaign are hosting an event featuring Josie Verghese, an assistant editor at BBC News responsible for sourcing, sharing, facilitating and amplifying more original journalism and authentic young people’s stories across BBC programmes and platforms. The event is on Thursday 27 September from 9-11am in central London; to register your interest or find out more

6 Gweminarau rheolaidd Byddwn hefyd yn cynnal gweminarau wythnosol i chi gael gwybod mwy am #WythnosByddaf. Y nod yw darparu trosolwg ond hefyd rhoi cyfle i bawb rannu syniadau ynglŷn â’r hyn sydd ganddynt ar y gweill. Ewch ar Eventbrite i gofrestru. What we can do to support you We will provide further resources on the #iwillWeekpage of the #iwill website. In October we will offer fortnightly half-hour webinars that will cover ideas, resources and what other #iwill campaign partners have planned. And if you're part of the communications team of an #iwill campaign partner, Step Up To Serve and the #iwill campaign are hosting an event featuring Josie Verghese, an assistant editor at BBC News responsible for sourcing, sharing, facilitating and amplifying more original journalism and authentic young people’s stories across BBC programmes and platforms. The event is on Thursday 27 September from 9-11am in central London; to register your interest or find out more

7 Beth fyddwch chi’n ei wneud?
Rydym yn awyddus i rannu’ch straeon a’ch gweithgareddau i sicrhau bod pawb sy’n rhan o ymgyrch #byddaf yn gwybod beth rydych yn ei wneud. Cofiwch rannu’ch cynlluniau â ni fel y gallwn hyrwyddo’r hyn rydych yn ei rannu: ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol Hashnod #WythnosByddaf / #iwillweek ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol Ebostiwch SUTS ar neu yn WCVA What we can do to support you We will provide further resources on the #iwillWeekpage of the #iwill website. In October we will offer fortnightly half-hour webinars that will cover ideas, resources and what other #iwill campaign partners have planned. And if you're part of the communications team of an #iwill campaign partner, Step Up To Serve and the #iwill campaign are hosting an event featuring Josie Verghese, an assistant editor at BBC News responsible for sourcing, sharing, facilitating and amplifying more original journalism and authentic young people’s stories across BBC programmes and platforms. The event is on Thursday 27 September from 9-11am in central London; to register your interest or find out more

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