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Let’s STOP Unnecessary Cesarean Section

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s STOP Unnecessary Cesarean Section"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s STOP Unnecessary Cesarean Section

2 Problem

3 Delivery is a physiological process
Normal delivery is a physiological process Some deliveries need selected intervention Only 10-15% requires Cesarean Section delivery

4 Complications of Cesarean Section
Clinical post-surgery infection or fever too much blood loss injury to organs emergency hysterectomy blood clot reaction to medication or anesthesia emotional difficulties scar tissue and difficulty with future deliveries harm to the baby Socio economic – Cost, wage loss, pressure on family support

5 Quality of care: c-section
Overall 23% deliveries are by c-section By socio-economic quintiles This slide shows proportion of c-section conducted by place of delivery. 40% in public sector, 73% in private sector and 28 percent in NGO facilities. The issue is, possibly we have a quality of care issue here. And, if not addressed immediately this may grow bigger. By facility types

6 C-Section vs. maternal mortality
100 32 15 10 % caesarean section rate, log scale 3.2 1 0.3 1 3.2 10 32 100 320 1000 mmr (per 100,000), log scale

7 Expected CS – Low MMR High CS – High MMR CS is done only to women who are in absolute need. Everyone has timely access to CS. Unnecessary CS is predominant Those who need, do not have timely access to CS. Netherlands: CS 14% - MMR 7 Sweden: CS 18% - MMR 4 Bangladesh: CS 23% - MMR 176 Nepal: CS 20% - MMR 258 Low CS – High MMR High CS – Low MMR Poor health systems with very limited access. Even those who need, do not have timely access to CS. Women who are in absolute need get CS. In addition, unnecessary CS is done. Sri Lanka: CS 35% - MMR 30 USA: CS 33% - MMR 14 Sub-Saharan Africa: CS <6% - MMR 500+

8 The conflict Ethics Skills Regulation Information Clinical Standard
Economic interest Ethics Skills Regulation Information Client Choice

9 Progress made so far

10 Electronic and Print Media
Television Coverage: RTV: Current Scenario of C Section Delivery in Bangladesh Independent TV: Investigation on C Section Bangladesh Ekattor TV: Talk Show Press Articles: BDNEWS24.COM: Feature কালের কণ্ঠ: বন্ধ হোক অপ্রয়োজনীয় সিজারিয়ান অপারেশন Bangla Tribune: সিজারিয়ান ডেলিভারি এভাবে বেড়ে যাওয়া উদ্বেগজনক: স্বাস্থ্য প্রতিমন্ত্রী The Daily Jugantar: ভয় দেখিয়ে সিজারিয়ান অপারেশন The Daily Star: The curious case of the C-section

11 Policy attention: Honorable Minister of Health and Family Welfare has gone on record to mention the rising trend of C-Section in Bangladesh and its’ alarming repercussions on mothers and children in many discussions, forums, meetings. The Program Implementation (PIP) (2017) has integrated C-Section under one of the rising challenges of attaining good Maternal and Neonatal Health. the PIP mentions the rising popularity of C-Sections in Private facilities while the quality if questionable. BDHS policy brief (2014) quotes…. “Intervene judiciously to limit the rapid increase in caesarian sections (CS)”…..indicating rise in C-Sections in the last three years being well above recommended range.

12 Research: icddr,b pursuing a research work with BRAC University Public Health students Matlab study (both private and public) [Tahmina et al yet to be published] found CS for Absolute Maternal Indication was only about 1.4% Sylhet Study (all private) [Tahmina et al yet to be published] 82% by CS, maximum was up to ALL (100%) Matlab maternal and foetal complication during labour study F Huda (2012) [published]

13 Website and Social Media
Website: Facebook page: stopuncs

14 Ask and next steps

15 Ask for each of you Volunteer if you feel passionate Pick up your role
Become a champion – take initiative Stay connected

16 Next steps Summary of consultation – plan of action Keep you posted
Initiate dialogue to implement the plan of action

17 At the end of the campaign -
CS related policy and regulatory frameworks will be formulated, specified/clarified and modified. Mechanisms and structures will be in place and functioning to enforce CS related policy/regulatory requirements Systems (CS related) like record keeping, reporting, monitoring and QA will be strengthened Professional standards, ethics and support systems will be defined, widely known and promoted Citizen/consumer/patient rights will be defined, widely known and promoted Benefits of NVD and harmful consequences of unnecessary CS will be widely known and promoted

18 Thank you

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