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Business TAFE School Restructure proposal.

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1 Business TAFE School Restructure proposal

2 Restructure Proposal Under the Academic and General Staff Enterprise Agreement 2005 and Victorian TAFE Teaching Staff Multi Employer Certified Agreement 2003, the University is required to notify and consult with you about introduction of major change prior to a final decision being made on the restructure of the management level of the Business TAFE School. RMIT University©yyyy People and Culture

3 Restructure Proposal A newly configured Business TAFE School
Two new dual sector schools: the School of Business Information Technology & Logistics and the School of Accounting and Law Head of School position to be separate from the current Deputy Director dual role and an Acting Head of School BTS be appointed for 12 months Disbanding the current Enterprise Workplace Training (EWT) department and distributing its roles and responsibilities between the industry teams Creating three Industry Group Managers that manage teams of staff grouped in industry clusters that reflect groupings of Industry Skills Councils Creating three Coordinator positions that align with the College of Business Executive responsible for Business Development, Assessment & Learning, International and Resources RMIT University©yyyy People and Culture

4 Restructure Proposal A subsequent review and restructure to be undertaken of the administration staff A review and restructure of the Program Coordinators and teaching staff once the Acting Head of School is appointed The objective is to create a team based structure for the provision of training services that aligns with Industry Skills Councils and is closely engaged with industry through Industry Advisory Committees. RMIT University©yyyy People and Culture

5 Reasons for Restructure
By July 2009 funding for Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas will be contestable. Within three years government funding for all qualification levels, previously allocated to TAFE Institutes under stable rolling arrangements, will be subject to market forces. The increasingly competitive environment will erode RMIT’s current positive position if RMIT does not respond quickly and credibly to the challenge. RMIT University©yyyy People and Culture

6 Reasons for Restructure
The College of Business’s most valuable asset in this changing environment is a pool of talented and committed VET staff with the capabilities and commitment to meet these challenges. The recommended leadership and management structure looks outward to the competitive training market and focuses internally on fostering an entrepreneurial culture and establishing processes and accountability arrangements that are both robust, as simple as possible and transparent. The proposed new structure will provide incentives for staff to pursue industry engagement and workplace training initiatives in order to support the School’s L profile. RMIT University©yyyy People and Culture

7 Next Steps The proposed new positions once the consultation period is over are to be advertised externally and internally and you are welcome to apply . The consultation period will run until Friday 20th February. A website set up today includes the proposed organisational chart and proposed Position Descriptions and a facility to submit your feedback. The website address is : Feedback in by Friday 20th February 2009 RMIT University©yyyy People and Culture

8 Next Steps People and Culture staff are here at this meeting. If you would like to discuss your individual situation you are welcome to contact Robyn Michael (50707) or Jenelle McMahon (50714) . The Employment Assistance Program service is an independent workplace counselling service available free of charge to all staff and is totally confidential. A brochure on the EAP is available here today RMIT University©yyyy People and Culture

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