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Quad-Tree Motion Modeling with Leaf Merging

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1 Quad-Tree Motion Modeling with Leaf Merging
Reji Mathew and David S. Taubman CSVT 2010

2 Outline Introduction Quad-tree motion modeling
Quad-tree representation Quad-tree motion modeling Motion vector prediction strategies Pruning algorithm Merging principle Motion signaling R-D performance results Hierarchical and polynomial motion modeling Scalable motion modeling Conclusion

3 Quad-tree Representation
Image modeling Image to be recursively divided into smaller regions, each region represented by a suitable model. Sub-optimal: dependency between neighboring leaf nodes with different parents is not exploited

4 Quad-tree Representation
Image modeling Rate-distortion optimization, allowing a Lagrangian cost function(D+λR) to be minimized using tree pruning with leaf merging step. [1] R. Shukla, P. Dragotti, M. Do, and M. Vetterli, “Rate-distortion optimized tree structure compression algorithms for piecewise polynomial images,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 343–359, Mar

5 Quad-tree Motion Modeling
forward-only, backward only or bi-directional motion with two reference frames. Motion vector prediction strategies Hierarchical motion coding H.264 spatial motion vector prediction strategy Motion models

6 Quad-tree Motion Modeling
Pruning Algorithm Produce a quad-tree structure that minimizes the Lagrangian cost objective Df + λRf Given a parent node p, the four children ci , 1 ≤ i ≤ 4, are pruned away if When pruning occurs, and Otherwise, and =Rp in hierarchical coding =0 at all times in spatial coding R-D optimally pruned quad-tree: Tree pruning yields a globally minimal value for Df + λRf for hierarchical coding; while it is somewhat greedy for spatially predictive coding.

7 Quad-tree Motion Modeling
Merging principle possibility of jointly coding and optimizing neighboring nodes that belong to different parents. Merge target contains nieghboring node located at a higher level or at the same level. Merging is allowed to take place only if it reduces the overall Lagrangian cost. The same parent

8 Quad-tree Motion Modeling
Motion signaling Anchor node: Hierarchical: the only member node of the region that is not signaled as being merged Spatial: the first node in the region that is encountered during decoding.(the top-left block)

9 Quad-tree Motion Modeling
R-D performance results 25% 35% 35% 45% once merging is included the performance of hierarchical motion representation can be brought close to that achieved by spatial prediction with merging.

10 Hierarchical and Polynomial Motion Modeling
Further improve the performance of hierarchical motion representation by polynomial motion models. Formation of larger regions during merging process Smoother motion representations Motion models The parameters of the motion model are obtained by a weighted least squares fitting procedure. Pruning phase Merging phase : mv belonging to node b at level k : motion corresponding to translation, linear and affine flows

11 Hierarchical and Polynomial Motion Modeling
Motion compensation Generate a set of MVs for each descendants at level K (4*4 block) R-D performance with motion models depend on the motion model and the central location of block b’

12 Scalability Motion Modeling
Scalability objective Modified Lagrangian cost function When terminating decoding at an intermediate resolution level, motion compensation is performed using leaf nodes that may already be available; in those cases where leaf nodes are not available, information contained in branch nodes is utilized. : The total distortion of all nodes for which motion compensation is performed Level k : : The costs for each level k of the quad-tree : The weights assigned to each level, and Leaf node b Branch node b Contribution to terminate

13 Scalability Motion Modeling
Scalability performance α0 = α1= α2=0.1, α3=0.7

14 Scalability Motion Modeling
Residual coding JPEG2000: full resolution motion compensated residual frames Total rate for coding motion and residual frames

15 Scalability Motion Modeling
Wavelet-based video encoding results integrate the quad-tree motion model with the wavelet-based scalable interactive video (SIV) codec[9] [9] A. Secker and D. S. Taubman, “Lifting-based invertible motion adaptive transform framework for highly scalable video compression,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 1530–1542, Dec

16 Conclusion The merging step can be incorporated into quad-tree motion representations for a range of motion modeling contexts. R-D performance that can be gained by introducing merging for the two cases of hierarchical and spatially predictive motion coding (such as that employed by H.264). Report on the benefits of polynomial modeling and hierarchical coding, once merging has been incorporated into the conventional quad-tree approach.

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