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Environmental Science

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1 Environmental Science
Mrs. Pearson Semester One *For those watching by recording, watch for questions on the slides throughout the presentation. me the answers to the questions within two days of the lesson being presented in order to receive credit for watching the recording.

2 Environmental Science Unit One

3 Unit One Today’s Plan General Course Information
Research Paper Assignment Parameters

4 Who wants to be a Millionaire Scientist?
Science is all about thinking and questioning and reasoning out answers. I will be asking you LOTS of questions and will be making you think about what we are learning. Scientists don’t work alone (otherwise we’d have some real life “mad” scientists) so I don’t expect you to work alone either. We will start at the top of our participant’s box and take turns with questions BUT, if you are struggling with the answer or just want to be sure you are on the right track, ask the “audience” and they are able to chat you some help. You MUST use your microphone to answer the questions – otherwise, we will all be waiting way too long to get through the lessons in decent time. If your mic is not working properly, you MUST contact tech support to get it fixed AND you must me the trouble ticket number to verify they are working on the issue if it is not fixed before classtime.

5 DON’T FORGET! Run Word’s grammar and spell check on your paper
If Word underlined something in red, it is misspelled Click on the word Right click Check to see if one of the words listed fits what you meant If not, break out your dictionary or check in with a friend for the correct spelling If Word underlined something in green, there is a grammar error. Click on the area underlined Read the description of the error and suggested repair If there is no suggestion, you may need to check in with a friend for some help

6 Save and Submit Save your paper in a place and with a title that you won’t forget It’s helpful to have a separate folder for each course you take Save your files like this: lastname firstname course assignment name pearson ann biology unit one assignment Do NOT use punctuation in the file name **Those watching by recording, include in your why you should not use punctuation in the names of files you are saving.

7 Written Assignment Parameters
Unit One Written Assignment Parameters SCIENCE!! Study of the natural world Specific set of parameters for studying and validating Peer review Scientific journals Essentially – prove it and reprove it and prove it again

8 What we are not studying
Unit One What we are not studying Beliefs Supernatural Opinions

9 Unit One Issues of Controversy Established science of issues
You can contradict these established facts IF You prove, reprove and prove again 3 Experts to support the statement you make What makes an expert?

10 What Makes an Expert in Science?
Unit One What Makes an Expert in Science? Have achieved a doctorate or higher degree in the specific branch of science with which your statement deals. Not law, math, theology, philosophy Not chemistry if your statement deals with archeaology Have received their degree from an established university. UC- Berkley UW- Madison MIT Not a private college that 10 people you randomly ask at the mall would not all recognize

11 What Makes an Expert in Science?
Unit One What Makes an Expert in Science? Conducts primary research Original experimentation and/or discovery Not reading others work and drawing conclusions from it Publishes the results of their research in a professional scientific journal Not a popular magazine Not a privately held publication

12 Unit One If you want to make a statement opposing the science presented in our course Make your statement Directly underneath that statement list… your three scientists the degree that each holds the university that granted that degree the name of the scientific journals in which they have published the name of the article dealing with the research you are citing the year in which that article was published *Those watching by recording, include in your a description of what you will need to do if you wish to contradict what is presented in the course.

13 If you submit a statement without these criteria
Unit One If you submit a statement without these criteria The assignment will be returned to you to resubmit EVEN if the rest of the assignment is accurate There will be no points lost You will have one week to resubmit Change your answer to reflect the current scientific understanding Add your scientists and sources

14 Unit One Questions?

15 Unit One Text Book No worries if you have not yet received your textbook K12 has been slow in shipping materials We will cover all the information you need to stay on target with all the assignments and quizzes! When the textbooks are all in place, I’ll expect you to do some digging and studying but until then, I’ve got your back!

16 Unit One Breakout Rooms!
In a moment I will be sending all of you into breakout rooms. You will have five minutes to draw the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the word I’m about to reveal. Each of you should draw on the whiteboard in your room – look at what the others in your group are drawing as well and take note of any similarities I will bring you back to the main room when the timer goes off. And the word is… SCIENTIST

17 Unit One Answer the following…
Did one of the pictures in your breakout room show a person with glasses? Click the green checkmark if YES Click the red X if NO Did one of the pictures in your breakout room have wild hair? Were any of the drawings in your breakout room of a woman?

18 Unit One Answer the following…
In the first images that came to your mind, did you see a lab coat? Did you envision chemicals and/or a microscope? *Those watching by recording, include in your a description of the first image that came to your mind when thinking of a scientist.

19 Back to the drawing board…
Unit One Back to the drawing board… Do you know a scientist? I’m going to send you back into new breakout rooms and I want you to list on your whiteboard as many different jobs that are held by scientists as you can. You will have five minutes to list as much as you can – when the five minutes are up, I will bring all of you back into the main room and I want to know how many your group was able to list.

20 Unit One Are you a scientist?
As you go through your textbook for this course, you will notice that they take into account different perspectives. The environment is for everyone – we are all stakeholders in its health and status How would a chemist help monitor the health of the environment? How would a biologist monitor the health of the environment? How does the health of the environment affect you? Your neighbor? Someone in China? *Those watching by recording, include in your your description of how the environment’s health affects you.

21 Unit One Tempestuous Terms
As you study Environmental Science, you will find many new and unfamiliar terms. Your text does a good job of pointing out new terms How will you remember them? What are some study techniques that could help you?

22 Unit One Course Objectives
After you have completed this course, you will be able to: 1. Describe human interaction and its impact on the environment. 2. Explain the various sciences that contribute to the study of environmental science. 3. Describe the relationship between all organisms within an ecosystem. 4. Explain the concept of a biome as a region characterized by a specific climate, plant life, and animal community. 5. Identify the properties of populations and how they affect and respond to their environment. 6. Recognize the diversity of life on Earth–biodiversity.

23 Unit One Questions? We will meet for our regular lessons on Mondays at 11:00a.m. We will have a second meeting on Fridays at 11:00a.m. strictly for questions and answers – whether for help on assignments or for talking about environmental issues of special interest to you!

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