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Recirculating CO2 System

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1 Recirculating CO2 System
Cold Operation of a Recirculating CO2 System at Aachen Lutz Feld, Waclaw Karpinski, Jennifer Merz, Michael Wlochal RWTH Aachen University, 1. Physikalisches Institut B CMS Upgrade Cooling and Mechanics Meeting

2 Outline Description of CO2 test system in Aachen
Specifications of new chiller Dryout measurements at room temperature First measurement at low temperature Conclusion and outlook Jennifer Merz

3 CO2 Test System Aachen - Specs
Goals: Gain experience with a recirculating (closed) CO2 cooling system Find the lowest possible operating temperature Determine ideal operating conditions ( stable operation) depending on heat load and coolant temperature Specifications: Maximum heat load: 500W Coolant temperature at detector: -45°C - +20°C Precise temperature control and flow measurement Continous operation Safe operation (maximum pressure 100bar) Jennifer Merz

4 Schematic of Test System
Chiller 1: Chiller temperature  vapour pressure  system temperature Expansion Vessel: Filled with saturated mixture of CO2-liquid and -vapour -45°C ΔQ 2 3 ΔQ 1 4 6 5 Burst Disk CO2 Bottle Heat Exchanger 1: Heats liquid CO2 to appropriate temperature Partial condensation of returning CO2 Vacuum Pump Chiller 2: Heat removal Burst Disk 5 Heat Exchanger 2 6 Heat Exchanger 1 -50°C Heat Exchanger 2: Removes heat from the system Cools incoming CO2 down to about -50°C 3 4 Detector: 500 W heat load 1 Flow Meter CO2 Pump Burst Disk 2 4

5 CO2 Cooling Test System CO2-Bottle CO2-Flasche Vacuum-Pump CO2 Bottle
Expansion Vessel Detector Heat Exchanger 1 Vacuum-Pump Jennifer Merz

6 Cooling of Expansion Vessel
CO2-Flasche Copper piping replaced by copper shell Improvement of thermal contact Reduction of flow resistance Vacuum-Pump Jennifer Merz

7 CO2 Cooling Test System CO2-Bottle CO2-Flasche
6m long stainless steel pipe with 1.5mm outer diameter, in insulated box 14 thermistors to measure temperature distribution over pipe Electrical connections to simulate heat load Vacuum-Pump Jennifer Merz

8 Chillers: unistat 815 Originally ordered chiller had to be replaced; cooling power was not sufficient New chiller was damaged during transport “Old” chiller had to be repaired by company Chillers now achieve required low temperatures CO2-Bottle CO2-Flasche Delay in commissioning, system is fully operational since end of January Chiller specifications: (both chillers identical) unistat 815 Company: Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau, Offenburg, Germany Temperature range: -85°C to 250°C Cooling power: -20°C -40°C -60°C Pump: max. 40 l/min, max. 0.9bar Jennifer Merz

9 Dryout Measurement at Room Temp.
Dryout: Pipe walls not in touch with liquid anymore  no power dissipation by evaporating CO2 temperature rises Heat load: 70W Liquid Gas 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 Vary revolutions per minute of CO2 pump  variation of CO2 flow Keep heat load constant Determine when temperature rises over certain level Heat load: 70W

10 Dryout Measurement at Room Temp.
30W 40W 50W 60W 70W  The lower the flow, the earlier a rise in temperature is observed The higher the heat load, the more flow is needed Vacuum-Pump Jennifer Merz

11 First Measurement at Low Temperature
Expansion vessel at -27°C Chiller 2 at -44°C No stable operation Fast variations in CO2 flow Beginning of dryout visible System behaviour not yet understood Operation at low temperatures possible (down to -45°C) if bypass is open; nearly no flow through detector pipe Chillers work fine (see also next slide) Flow resistance too high? More investigation and measurements needed Vacuum-Pump Jennifer Merz

12 Chiller Performance Chiller 1 Both chillers show excellent performance
Low temperatures Stable operation Nominal Temp. Internal Temp. Chiller 2 Nominal Temp. Internal Temp. Temp. at Exp. Vessel Vacuum-Pump

13 Conclusions and Outlook
CO2 test system in Aachen is finally fully operational First measurements show that system works in principal New chillers manage to reach low temperatures No stable operation at low temperatures possible yet Investigate how to bring low temperature to detector Install filter to avoid water and other disturbing particles in system Determine pressure drop and temperature distribution for different pipe routings and diameter Jennifer Merz

14 Back Up.... Jennifer Merz

15 CO2 Enthalpy-Pressure Diagram
Design of cooling plant in p-H-digram Enthalpy: H = U + pV “internal energy + expansion work” ΔH is exchanged heat at constant pressure liquid Pressure, bar liquid + gas gas Enthalpy, kJ/kg

16 CO2 Enthalpy-Pressure Diagram
Re-Circulating System (closed system) Design of cooling plant in p-H-digram Enthalpy: H = U + pV “internal energy + expansion work” ΔH is exchanged heat at constant pressure liquid 4 1 6 5 3 2 ΔQ Detector load (4-5) Pressure, bar liquid + gas gas Enthalpy, kJ/kg

17 TEC Total Material Budget
CO2 Cooling System Advantages: CO2 : low density  small contribution to material budget Operation at high pressures  small pipe diameter Low temperatures (-45°C)  good for sensor performance Current tracker (C6F14) vs. tracker with DC-DC converters cooled with CO2 Power consumption with DC-DC converters: 84W per petal Including 18.8W power loss of converters, due to converter efficiency of 80% One aluminium cooling block per converter implemented to dissipate converter power loss TEC Cooling TEC Total Material Budget -38.5% -14.3% Current tracker with C6F14 Layout with DC-DC converters with CO2 A total reduction of 14.3% seems possible with CO2 cooling and DC-DC conversion. Jennifer Merz

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