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Presentation on theme: "PRESBYMANIA 2018 TEL AVIV, ISRAEL 25/26 APRIL TO 1ST MAY"— Presentation transcript:



3 Israeli Facts. OK, so we know quite a bit about Israel; the places to go, the food to eat and the beaches to visit. But here are a few more interesting facts about the Holy Land that you probably weren’t aware of. Yes, yes, hidden behind the BBC and CNN headlines there’s just so much more…

4 1. Twenty-four percent of Israel’s workforce holds university degrees – ranking third in the industrialized world, after the United States and Holland – and 12 percent hold advanced degrees. 2. Israel has the third highest rate of entrepreneurship – and the highest rate among women and among people over 55 – in the world. 3. Israel is the only country in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain in its number of trees. 4. With more than 3,000 high-tech companies and start-ups, Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world (apart from the Silicon Valley). 5.Israel has been at the forefront of some of the major technological advances in recent years, including: some of the development for the very first cell phone was believed to have been done in Israel by Motorola (which has its largest development center in Israel), most of the Windows NT operating system was developed by Microsoft-Israel, the Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel, and voice mail technology was also developed in Israel.

5 6. Israel has one of the the highest percentages in the world of home computers per capita. 7. Israeli bank notes have brail on them so the blind can identify them. 8. Israel has the fourth largest air force in the world (after the U.S, Russia and China), including an aerial arsenal of over 250 F-16’s. 9. The glue on Israeli stamps is kosher. So, you need to be convinced that Israel is an interesting place to visit and not just a suicide-bombers paradise somewhere in the Middle East?

6 Living in Israel means you’re going to grow old – the above average life expectancy in Israel is 82.2 years for women and 78.5 years for men. Israelis are slowly becoming a nation of wine lovers – there are now over 200 wineries in Israel producing red, white, vintage, and sparkling wines. Both Israeli women and men must serve in the IDF. But have you ever seen a cuter bunch of women recruits? 20% of Israel’s citizens are Muslim. Israel’s agricultural output over the past quarter century has increased sevenfold with hardly any increase in the amount of water used. Israel is one of few countries in the world to have itself a decent space program. It can design, build, launch and operate its own satellites. The average palm tree produces 17kg of dates a year. Israeli palm trees produce over ten times as much – an average 182kg a year!

7 welcome to israel

8 Passport control Upon arrival in Israel, visitors go to passport control and must present a passport that is valid for at least six months from the date of their departure. Please note, Israel has incorporated a new and modern technological system instrumental in meeting the needs of the various Immigration, security, Airport and Tourism authorities as well as providing the tourist with the credentials necessary to prove his visa status without stamping the passport. At a press of a button, the Border Control station will print a card including the principle details of the traveler as in the first page of the passport. The card will also depict the date of arrival and visa informat ion. This card is called The “Electronic Gate Pass”. The Gate Pass is an official form of identification while in Israel. We ask all tourists to keep the card at hand at all times as proof of their status.

9 welcome to tel aviv

10 welcome to orchid hotel

11 Provisional Program Wednesday 25h April:
Visit to Hanita Lenses at Kibbutz Hanita and a winery. FULL DAY PROGRAM, EVENING AT OWN DISPOSAL

12 THURSDAY 26TH APRIL Tour to Jerusalem with visits to the Old City and Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum). Full day tour

13 Friday 27th April Presbymania from 9am to 4 pm.
Ladies and children programme, beach or shopping. Shabbath dinner at 7.30pm

14 Saturday 28th of April Presbymania from 10am to 2.30 pm. The rest of the day free and evening to own disposal. Shopping Swimming Sight-seing tour of Tel Aviv It is shabbath so not all shops will be open. Go to Jaffa!!

15 Sunday 29th April DEAD SEA MASSADA

16 Monday 30th April Study visit to Ein Tal,private eye hospital in Tel Aviv Your guide Ehud Assia Rest of day free Farewell Party tba.

17 1st May bye bye bye


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