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LARGE SCALE ESTATE REGENERATION Creating a tenure blind sense of place

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1 LARGE SCALE ESTATE REGENERATION Creating a tenure blind sense of place
MARY PARSONS Group Director – Placemaking & Regeneration, Places for People Chair – Town & Country Planning Association

2 A place for everyone

3 Mixed tenure is part of UK life
Tenure integration does not reduce property prices A range of house types and sizes could help to stabilise Neighbourhoods The management of mixed- tenure developments is complex and under-researched The impact of the boom of the private rented sector on mixed tenure developments is particularly under-researched

4 What do people think today?
We’ve surveyed … Architects & design professionals on how Clients/Developers brief them on tenure 2,000+ people through ComRes/Smith Institute to understand their attitudes to tenure and their area

5 Starting with “the professionals”…






11 So what do the public consider most important? ….

12 Top 3 most important factors when choosing where to live…

13 If you were moving to a new home, would you be more/less likely to move to an area with a high proportion of …

14 Who do you think should have responsibility to make your area a better place to live in? (max 3)

15 Park Hill, Sheffield

16 Park Hill, Sheffield


18 “…in the fifties our work was all about the issues of social concern, housing, health or education, whereas [Architecture Association] students … in 2000 were concerned with ego-trips and icons” Prof. Ivor Smith – Park Hill Architect (speaking about Mohsen Mostafavi)

19 the progressive origins of planning
The origins of planning in Victorian England… the progressive origins of planning

20 Progressive planning was inspired by the mapping of poor environmental quality and its relationship with health and social exclusion…

21 UK Garden Cities and the planning movement
1898 To-Morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform 1899 Garden City Association (later the TCPA) 1902 re-published as Garden Cities of To-Morrow 1903 first Garden City (Letchworth) 1909 Housing, Town Planning Etc. Act 1946 New Towns Act 1947 Town and Country Planning Act

22 “Planning has the power to create wonderful places and multiple benefits for our society.
However, the persistent deregulation of planning is removing this power and is damaging our ability to deliver the high quality places that the nation needs.” Kate Henderson, Chief Executive - TCPA

23 Re-creating social town planning
@socialtownplan #planning4people

24 Research: Planning out Poverty (2013)
This report poses a simple question: ‘What role can planning play as part of wider public policy interventions to tackle entrenched poverty?’

25 Planning Out Poverty Case study locations
Anfield in Liverpool Middleton in South Leeds Tottenham Hale in Haringey, North London Shirebrook in Bolsover, Derbyshire

26 In 2013 we asked: What are the social objectives of the planning system today?

27 In 2013 we found: ‘…planning has become increasingly disconnected from people’s lives and from a key founding objective of the planning movement, namely to secure greater social equity.’

28 In 2013 we found that: …reducing inequality is no longer one of the aims of national planning policy in England.

29 In 2015 TCPA launched #Planning4People,
putting people back at the heart of planning In 2015 TCPA launched #Planning4People, a coalition of organisations and people who share a common believe in the value of place-making to achieve a just and sustainable future Kate Henderson and Hugh Ellis

30 1200 90,000 350 150 @socialtownplan #planning4people
Over 1200 followers… and rising! Tweets have reached almost 90,000 people Mentioned 350 times on Twitter Over 150 engagements on #Planning4People 1200 90,000 350 150


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