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Exploration of Titan with the Huygens spacecraft

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Presentation on theme: "Exploration of Titan with the Huygens spacecraft"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploration of Titan with the Huygens spacecraft

2 Titan as seen in a small telescope
Titan larger than Earth’s Moon

3 Titan as seen by Voyager

4 Inferences about the surface of Titan
Conditions at surface Are close to “triple Point” of substances Such as Methane and Ethane (oceans of Gunk?)

5 25 years later…another spacecraft on a mission

6 The Cassini and Huygens spacecraft
The Huygens lander

7 Concept of the Huygens lander…an artist’s conception

8 Pictures of Titan from the approaching Cassini spacecraft
Image at infrared wavelengths

9 A new view of Titan (from close up)

10 The view from Huygens on the way down

11 Closer to the surface

12 Titan has flow channels, too

13 On the surface

14 Cassini radar shows lakes of methane

15 The surface of Titan: an artist’s view

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