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Wicca: A Nature Based Practice

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1 Wicca: A Nature Based Practice
Rachel Krogstie 10/15/2014

2 Purpose To educate the student nurse on the belief system of the Wicca. To help eradicate misconceptions and stereotypes following this belief system. To help the student nurse become more culturally and spiritually aware.

3 Objectives Belief In Higher Being The Moral Conception
The Form Of Worship Icons Of Wicca Misconceptions And Stereotypes

4 Belief in Higher Beings
Wiccan have a Pantheistic or Duality based faith practice. This all depends on the practitioner: They honor the old Goddesses and Gods, including the Triple Goddess of the waxing, full, and waning moon, and the Horned God of the sun and animal life, as visualizations of immanent nature. (Covenant of the Goddess, 2014)

5 The Wiccan Rede (the short version)
Morality Guidelines for the Wiccan way of life can be found in the “Wiccan Rede” or more formally “The Rede of the Wiccae.” Strictly opposed to evil ways and evil magic The Long version is included at the end of the presentation. The Wiccan Rede (the short version) Bide ye Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give. Form the circle thrice about to keep all evil spirits out. Soft of eye, light of touch, speak ye little, listen much. Deosil go by the waxing moon, singing out ye Witches' Rune. Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting out the baneful rune. When the Lady's moon is new, kiss your hand to her times two. When the rippling waters flow, cast a stone and truth ye'll know. When ye have and hold a need, harken not with others' greed. With a fool no seasons spend, lest ye be counted as his friend. Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind ye threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is anow, wear the star upon thy brow. True in Love ye must ever be, lest thy love be false to thee. In these eight words, the Wiccan Rede fulfill "An' it harm none, do what thou wilt.“ (Shultz, 2013)

6 Worship Most Wiccan worship does not deal in “worship” or “adoration” as the Christian faiths do. “Worship is paying honor to the Gods, through ritual, prayer and devotional practices” (Goodall, Williams, & Goodall, 2013) Wiccan worship can be in a group (Coven, Grove) or Individually (Solitary, Eclectic) (Cunningham, 1989) 8 Major holidays (Sabbats) - four major agricultural/pastoral festivals (October 31– Samhain, January Imbolc (Oimelc), April Beltaine , July Lughnasadh or Lammas)  and four minor solar festivals of the solstices and equinoxes (December 21 – Yule, March 21– Ostara, June Litha or Midsummer, September Mabon or Harvest Home) (Cunningham, 1989) Wiccan worship can take whatever form the practitioner chooses!

7 Icons The Triple Moon is one of the Triple Goddess symbols - the Divine Feminine as Maiden, Mother, and Crone… the Triple Moon symbolises all the aspects of female Power united: intuition and psychic insight, creative energy, wisdom and mystery. (Dragonsong, 2014) The five points of the Pentacle stand for the four directions and four elements, plus Centre/Spirit. A Pentacle is a 5-pointed Star contained within a circle. (Dragonsong, 2014) Anything can become a icon of Wicca or Witchcraft if that object is special to that particular Witch!

8 Misconceptions and Stereotypes
Wiccans are not evil witches, the Rede forbids it. Wiccans are not devil worshippers, they do not even acknowledge the existence of a devil! The pentacle is not a demonic symbol, it is a symbol of unity and knowledge.

9 Relevance to Nursing “Witches” throughout history have been the medical experts. They preformed the healing through the use of herbs and rituals. The first Midwives were witches according to the societies to which they belonged. Wicca is often misunderstood and portrayed in a negative light. This can lead to biases in care.

10 The Rede of the Wiccae (The Counsel Of The Wise Ones)
Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust; Live ye must and let to live, Fairly take and fairly give. True in love, ever be, Lest thy love be false to thee. With a fool no season spend, Nor be counted as his friend. Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak ye little, listen much. Ever mind the rule of three, What ye send out comes back to thee. This lesson well, thou must learn Ye only get what ye do earn. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill - An it harm none, do as ye will. Deosil go by waxing Moon, Sing and dance the invoking Rune; Widdershins go by waning Moon, Chant ye then a freeing tune; When the Lady's Moon is new, Kiss thy hand to Her times two; When the Bow rides in the eve Turn to what you would achieve; When the Moon rides at her peak, Then thy heart's desire seek; When the Sickle shows Her face Release the old with proper grace. Greet the Days and greet the Nights With joy and thanks for all delights. Sing the seasons all around Til wondrous awe and love abound Heed the North wind's mighty gale, Lock the door & trim the sail; When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth; When the wind blows from the West, Hearts will find their peace and rest; When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast. Nine woods in the Cauldron go, Burn them quick and burn them slow; Grape and fir and apple tree, And Hawthorn are sacred to Thee, Willow, hazel, rowan, birch, And oak will guide your every search; Elder be the Lady's tree - Burn it not or cursed ye'll be. Birchwood in the fire goes To tell us true what Goddess knows. Oak trees tower great with might, Burn the Oak for God's insight. Rowan is a tree of power Causing life and magick to flower. Willows at the waters stand To help us to the Summerland. Hawthorn burn to purify And draw the faerie to your eye. Hazel tree, the wisdom sage, Lends strength that comes with honoured age. White the flowers of Apple tree, The holy gift of fecundity. Grape grows upon the fruitful vine, Sacred gifts of joy and wine. Fir's ever greenness declares life Succeeds beyond any strife. Heed ye flower, bush, and tree, And by the Lady Blessed be. Where the rippling waters flow Cast a stone and truth ye'll know; Four times the Major Sabbats mark In the light and in the dark: As the old year starts to wane The new begins with dark Samhain. When flowers blossom through the snow Fair Brighid casts her seed to sow. When winter yields to warmth's return Let the Beltane fires burn. As summer turns to Lammas night First fruits and Grain Gods reach their height. Four times the Minor Sabbats fall Use the Sun to mark them all: At Yuletide, with feast and mirth We celebrate the God Child's birth. Spring Equinox, Eostara's fest, All newborn creatures will be blessed. When the Sun has reached its height Celebrate the greatest Light. Offer thanks at second reaping; Mabon poised for winter's sleeping. Cast the circle thrice about, To keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, Let the spell be spake in rhyme. Follow this with mind & art, Bright the cheeks and warm the heart, And merry meet & merry part And merry meet again! (Cunningham, 1989) Original Origin Unknown

11 Questions????

12 References Covenant of the Goddess. (2014, October 1). Basic Philosophy. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from Covenant of the Goddess: t.html Cunningham, S. (1989). Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications. Dragonsong, E. (2014). What is a Witchcraft and Wicca Symbol? Retrieved October 13, 2014, from Wicca Spirituality: Goodall, J., Williams, E., & Goodall, C. (2013). Pagan Prayer and Worship: A Qualitative Study of Perceptions. The Pomegranate, 15(1/2), doi: /pome.v15i Shultz, A. (2013, October 4). Wiccan Prose. Retrieved from Goddess Grove:

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