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IRBA Annual Report

2 Agenda Strategic Focus Objectives Highlights for the year Report on Financial Statements Report of the Auditor-General Performance Information Questions

3 3 Strategic focus To protect the financial interest of the public by ensuring that only suitably qualified individuals are admitted to the auditing profession and that registered auditors deliver services of the highest quality and adhere to the highest ethical standards.

4 Objectives Developing and maintaining auditing and ethics standards which are internationally comparable; Providing an appropriate framework for the education and training of properly qualified auditors as well as their on-going competence; Registration of auditors who meet the registration requirements; Monitor compliance with reportable irregularities and anti-money laundering; Monitor registered auditors compliance with professional standards; Investigating and taking appropriate action against registered auditors in respect of improper conduct;

5 Highlights for the year
5 Highlights for the year The IRBA celebrates 10 years of independent audit regulation. South Africa achieves 1st position for its auditing standards in the World Economic Forum’s 2016 Global competitiveness rankings for the seventh consecutive year. The IRBA issues its Public Inspections Report: Striving for Consistent, Sustainable High Audit Quality. In May 2015 the Audit Development Programme (ADP) was launched. The IRBA publishes its third Integrated Report. The IRBA researches measures to strengthen auditor independence. The IRBA conducts an independent survey to explore and quantify factors driving and limiting professional advancement in auditing.

6 Financial statements STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE YEAR 2016 2015 Government Grant 29 999 34 577 Total other income 62 326 64 163 Expenses 95 494 91 258 Surplus/(Deficit) (3 169) 7 482 Transferred from/(to) reserves 132 28 Acc Res Surrender to NT (2 745) Surplus/ (Deficit) (3 307) 4 765

7 Financial statements INCOME SOURCES Government grants
7 Financial statements INCOME SOURCES 2016 2015 % Variance Government grants 29 999 34 577 -13.2% IRBA - Uncontrollable fees 5 617 8 242 -31.8% Disciplinary fines and expenses 5 117 1 702 200.6% Examination fees - 4 740 -100.0% DTI for B-BBEE 500 1 800 -72.2% IRBA - Controllable fees 53 015 52 354 1.3% Inspection fees 25 747 23 397 10.0% Fees from Registered Auditors 20 182 19 057 5.9% Monitoring Fees 461 419 Training contracts and levies 6 625 9 481 -30.1% 88 631 95 173 -5.5%

8 Report of the Auditor General
FOR 2016 AND 2015 YEAR ENDS Clean Audit report for 7 consecutive years regarding REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REPORT ON OTHER LEGAL REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Predetermined objectives Compliance with laws and regulations INTERNAL CONTROL

9 Performance information
Strategic Measurable objective Performance Targets 2015/16 Achievement 31 March 2016 AUDITING AND ETHICAL STANDARDS Developing and maintaining auditing and ethical standards which are internationally comparable Issued auditing pronouncements, auditor reports and comment letters.  85% Achieved 100% Issued additional guidance on ethical issues, comment letters and Code amendments.

10 Performance information
Strategic Measurable objective Performance Targets 2015/16 Achievement 31 March 2016 PROGRAMME EDUCATION AND TRANSFORMATION Providing an appropriate framework for the education and training of properly qualified auditors Processes to manage the development and assessment of professional competence of candidate auditors. (ADP) 90% adherence to the Workflow process. ADP process was changed and objective not achievable Monitoring reports of the recognised Programmes of accredited professional bodies. 100% adherence to assessment programme Achieved

11 Performance information
Strategic Measurable objective Performance Targets 2010/11 Achievement 31 March 2011 INSPECTIONS Monitor registered auditors' compliance with professional standards To inspect and review the work of registered auditors on a regular basis 100% adherence to review plan Achieved 93% was achieved INVESTIGATIONS To investigate and take appropriate action against registered auditors in respect of improper conduct To finalise all complaints received timeously 80% of complaints received closed within 18 months 92% was achieved. .

12 Performance information
Strategic Measurable objective Performance Targets 2010/11 Achievement 31 March 2011 OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Strengthening the IRBA's organisational capability, capacity and performance to deliver on its mandate in an economically, efficient and effective manner, in accordance with the relevant regulatory frameworks Systems, policies and processes that ensure compliance, accountability and sound management of revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities. 100% clean report. Achieved

13 13 Thank You Questions


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