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Case 3:Templeton Growth Fund

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1 Case 3:Templeton Growth Fund
Presented By: Zhu Zhu Mehmet Can

2 Assignment Analyze Templeton Growth Fund in terms of international diversification, rates of return and determine its risk Construct an internationally diversified optimal portfolio Build an optimal constrained portfolio Compare the performance of construct optimal portfolio and optimal constrained portfolio & with Templeton’s Growth Fund, the MSCI USA,and the MSCI World Index. Use 2010 new data and compare the out-of –sample performance

3 Constructing the OP weight USD rt rWORLD SD ßWorld RVAR RVOL U.S.
35.48% 24.2% 0.92 15.5% 0.89 1.558 0.271 U.K. 14.77% 37.3% 0.73 22.5% 1.1 1.657 0.339 France 8.99% 27.6% 0.78 22.6% 1.2 1.221 0.230 Switzerland 6.72% 22.9% 0.74 18.5% 0.93 1.237 0.246 Germany 5.77% 21.3% 0.75 21.8% 1.12 0.975 0.190 Netherlands 4.41% 37.9% 0.83 19.1% 1.07 1.980 0.353 South Korea 3.72% 69.4% 0.06 39.4% 1.31 1.761 0.530 Sweden 60.2% 0.67 17.1% 3.516 0.771 Italy 2.77% 0.61 25.4% 1.06 -0.318 0.213 Singapore 1.97% 67.3% 0.58 21.7% 0.95 3.099 0.708 Japan 1.82% 4.4% 0.66 22.0% 0.99 0.199 0.044 Spain 1.62% 36.5% 0.65 1.618 0.303 Hong Kong 0.86% 55.20% 0.48 36.1% 1.18 1.528 0.467 Ireland 0.80% 9.91% 22.7% 1.09 0.434 0.090 Brazil 0.59% 121.25% 0.07 53.7% 1.49 2.257 0.813 Total Equity 99.00 0.323 Cash & Notes 1.00

4 Constructing the OP RVAR RANK RVOL RANK 3.516 Sweden 0.813 Brazil
3.099 Singapore 0.771 2.257 0.708 1.980 Netherlands 0.530 South Korea 1.761 0.467 Hong Kong 1.657 U.K. 0.353 1.618 Spain 0.339 1.558 U.S. 0.303 1.528 0.271 1.237 Switzerland 0.246 1.221 France 0.230 0.975 Germany 0.213 Italy 0.434 Ireland 0.190 0.199 Japan 0.090 -0.318 0.044

5 Driving the OP Portfolio Variance: sp2 = bp2sm2 + sep2
= (Sjwjbj)2sm2 + Sjwj2sej2 Reward to Market Volatility RVOL = (ri – rf) / b ri = country return rf = risk free return bi = Systematic risk

6 Driving the OP Unsystematic Risk: sei2 = si2 - bi2sm2 where
si2 = Variance of country return sm2 = Variance of market index bi = Systematic risk Cut off ratio: Ci = Cnum / Cden Cnum = sm2Sj=1i(rj – rf) / (bj / sej2) Cden = 1 + sm2 Sj=1i (bj2 / sej2)

7 Driving the OP Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis
Ranks assets according to RVOL from highest to Lowest The optimal portfolio consists of investing in all stock for which RVOLi > C* C* is the last value of Ci that is less than the RVOL of an individual country. Zi = (bi/sSi2)(RVOLi – C*) This Z is then used to calculate w Where: wi = Zi / SjZj

8 Constructing the OP Market (rI-rf) ßWorld RVOL si2 (ri-rf)ßi/s2ei
s2mßi2/S2e Ci Included Brazil 121.2% 1.49 0.7802 0.241 7.4921 0.1963 yes Sweden 60.1% 0.78 0.7072 0.016 0.9933 Singapore 67.2% 0.95 0.6557 0.028 1.6840 South Korea 69.4% 1.31 0.4917 0.119 7.6583 1.9923 Hong Kong 55.2% 1.18 0.4255 0.101 6.4668 2.2872 no Netherlands 37.8% 1.07 0.3071 0.012 4.3081 U.K. 37.3% 1.1 0.2940 0.025 5.3468 Spain 36.4% 1.2 0.2622 0.020 6.8869 U.S. 24.2% 0.89 0.2158 0.007 9.2515 Switzerland 22.9% 0.93 0.1928 France 27.6% 0.1887 Italy 22.6% 1.06 0.1663 0.041 5.8988 Germany 21.3% 1.12 0.1456 0.021 Ireland 9.9% 1.09 0.0451 0.026 4.1020 Japan 4.4% 0.99 1.5785

9 Constructing the OP Calculation of Weights Zi = (bi/sSi2)(RVOLi – C*)
wi = Zi / SjZj Zi wi Brazil 1.5689 0.8639 Sweden 0.0368 0.0202 Singapore 0.1989 0.1095 South Korea 0.0114 0.0063 Hong Kong Total 1.816 100%

10 Optimal Portfolio Optimal Portfolio Zi wi MSCI USD ri SD rf
Weighted ri Weighted Bi RVAR RVOL Brazil 121.25% 0.537 0.1% Sweden 60.17% 0.171 Singapore 67.29% 0.217 South Korea 69.42% 0.394 Hong Kong 55.20% 0.361 Total

11 Deriving the weights of the Constrained Optimal Portfolio
Countries with weights above the cap are reduced to the cap limit of 6.5% and a floor of 35% for the US

12 Optimal Portfolio Zi wi MSCI USD ri SD rf Weighted ri Weighted Bi SD RVAR RVOL Brazil % % Sweden % % Singapore % % South Korea % % Hong Kong % % Total Constrained Optimal Portfolio Optimal Constrained Portfolio RVARi = (ri - rf) / si RVOLi = (ri - rf) / ßi. Weight Beta Return Weighted ri Weighted Bi RVAR RVOL sd U.S. 0.35 0.89 0.0847 0.3115 Brazil 0.065 1.49 0.0788 0.0969 Sweden 0.78 0.0391 0.0507 Singapore 0.95 0.0437 0.0618 South Korea 1.31 0.0451 0.0852 Hong Kong 1.18 0.0359 0.0767 Netherlands 1.07 0.0246 0.0696 U.K. 1.1 0.0243 0.0715 Spain 1.2 0.0237 0.0780 Switzerland 0.93 0.0149 0.0605 France 0.0180 1 0.4328 1.0402 0.2318

13 Comparison of Various Portfolios
Portfolios under comparison: Optimal portfolio Constrained optimal portfolio - Floor for US weights: 35% - Caps for other country indexes: 6.5% MSCI world index MSCI USA

14 Comparison of Various Portfolios
2009 2010 Return B RVOL RVAR Templeton 32% 0.97 Optimal 114% 1.42 0.80 2.304 6.67% 0.79 0.08 0.382 Constrained Optimal 43% 1.04 0.42 1.865 1.13% 0.01 0.049 MSCI World Index 27% 1.00 0.27 1.845 2.75% 0.03 0.181 EAFE 28% 0.28 1.799 -0.02% 0.00 -0.008 MSCI USA Index 29.68% 0.30 1.840 5.23% 0.05 0.318

15 Conclusion: Even though the optimal portfolio worked very well in 2009, the year when it was constructed. However, the superior performance is not guaranteed for the future years. The composition of the optimal portfolio should be continuously re – adjusted over the investment horizon to reap better returns with lower risks.

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