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2 POLITICAL VISION President Juncker’s resolve to:
support the many socially minded young people to make meaningful contributions to society and show solidarity, help them gain invaluable experience and address unmet needs in Europe’s communities in the shape of a corps of like-minded citizens and organisations willing to be active agents of positive change. State of the Union speech 2016

European Solidarity Corps Portal: one-stop shop Young people (age 18-30) register in the database and are matched for projects by organisations Approved organisations develop projects, apply to participate and select young people from the database for their projects

4 WORKFLOW IN PRACTICE DATABASE Young person registers to
Approved organisations get access to DATABASE Organisation searches for suitable candidates .. or registrants apply for advertised opportunities Organisation offers a placement through one of supporting programmes Organisations provide certificate upon completion Participant carries out the activity WORKFLOW IN PRACTICE Candidates are contacted and interviewed

5 1st Phase 2016-2018 Negotiations End 2017, early 2018 2nd Phase
Corps supported by 8 EU funding programmes 2nd Phase Preparation: as of 2017 Implementation: Negotiations End 2017, early 2018 1st Phase European Commission, Council and Parliament agree on the legal base One funding programme, coherent application rules

Phase 1 CONTRIBUTING PROGRAMMES Placements supported by eight EU funding programmes in Phase 1: Erasmus+/European Voluntary Service EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation: EaSI LIFE programme EU Health programme Europe for Citizens Programme European Regional Development Fund (Interreg Volunteer Youth Initiative) Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Accreditations, applications and awarding of grants happen in accordance with the evaluation rules of each programme.

Phase 1 VOLUNTEERING DIMENSION Volunteering placements: mainly Erasmus+/European Voluntary Service Implementing bodies: Erasmus+ National Agencies for Youth in programme countries Projects run by partnerships between accredited organisations Other contributing programmes in 1st phase: Interreg Volunteer Youth Initiative, LIFE/EAFRD, EU Health programme, AMIF and Europe for Citizens

Phase 1 OCCUPATIONAL DIMENSION Occupational placements: jobs and traineeships Budget: up to EUR 14,2 million from EaSI Facilitators: Two Public Employment Service (PES) led consortia with lead applicants from IT and FR and co-applicants from different countries Target: up to 6,000 cross-border placements Other contributing programmes in 1st phase: AMIF, Europe for Citizens

Volunteering, jobs and traineeships can take place in various sectors: Education, health, social entrepreneurship, youth work, social assistance and welfare, provision of food, support and integration of migrants and refugees, environment and nature protection, disaster prevention, rural development.

10 WHERE DO WE STAND? About 46,000 registrations (January 2017)
Highest number of registrations: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany Main age group: years 75% show interest in both volunteering and occupational strand Around 2,500 mainly through EVS (December 2017)

11 *Statistics retrieved on 5 December2017

12 *Statistics retrieved on 5 December2017

13 BUILDING A COMMUNITY European Solidarity Corps app
Allows to access profile on mobile devices, create journal entries (only participants on placements), comment and link to social media Facebook page and group Provides updates, experiences, inspirational videos, platform to interact Newsletter to registered participants Informs about state of play of the Corps, new opportunities, latest IT, mobile features, etc. My house of European History platform Gives opportunity to participants to write about Corps experiences

14 How to get involved as an organisation?
Phase 1 How to get involved as an organisation? FOR VOLUNTEERING STRAND, contact: National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth in your country for Erasmus+/EVS supported projects: Association of European Border Regions for Interreg supported projects: OCCUPATIONAL STRAND, contact: FR-led project (Pôle Emploi): , IT-led project (ANPAL):; FOR OTHER PROGRAMMES IN BOTH STRANDS: follow information on calls of other supporting programmes on relevant websites The accreditation, application mechanisms and awarding of grants happens in accordance with the evaluation rules of each programme. Access to the Solidarity Corps database is granted only to approved organisations.

15 Phase 2 PHASE 2: 2018-2020 An own LEGAL BASE – Why? More coherence
More opportunities More impact More to offer On 30 May 2017 the Commission presented a proposal of the European Solidarity Corps regulation for the years The Council and the European Parliament has to agree on the proposal before it enters into force.

Phase 2 PROPOSAL OF THE CORPS REGULATION: HIGHLIGHTS Volunteering and occupational strands Full time and part time placements Cross border and in-country Youth led or developed by supporting and hosting organisations On-line and offline training, guidance, support for young people and organisations

Phase 2 Proposal: SOLIDARITY PLACEMENTS Volunteering placements Volunteering teams Traineeships Jobs Cross border or in-country, full time Cross border or in-country full time Individually Groups of people 2-12 months (exceptionally minimum 2 weeks) 2 weeks – 2 months 2-6 months (exceptionally up to 12 months) 2-12 months Travel costs, food, accommodation, pocket money and support by organisation Travel costs, food, accommodation and pocket money Travel costs, integration programme and remuneration by the host organisation Travel costs, integration programme and salary by the employer

Phase 2 Proposal: SOLIDARITY PROJECTS What Youth-led volunteering activities, mainly part time Where In-country, locally How Set up and carried out by groups of at least 5 participants How long 2-12 months

Phase 2 Proposal: QUALITY AND SUPPORT MEASURES Quality measures Quality label of organisations, certificate for young people, Resource Centre, insurance Networking activities Activities to raise awareness of the Corps, transnational and national networking activities, alumni networks, community building Training for participants Pre-departure and on-arrival training, mid-term evaluation, annual event, post-placement support, Online training, on-line linguistic support Support to organisations Training for new organisations, info support and guidance to all

European Commission: overall strategy and monitoring Erasmus+ National Agencies for Youth in the Member States: provide organisations with Quality Label and award EU grants, dissemination and information Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA): implements horizontal services such as online training and insurance European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre: deals with certification and documentation of skills

21 More information on the European Solidarity Corps
Webpage European Solidarity Corps Logos and visual identity guidelines of the Corps: "Communication "European Solidarity Corps" (December 2016) Press Release Commission proposes more than €340 million to enable placements by 2020 (May 2017) Proposal for a regulation (May 2017) Publication "Spotlight on the European Solidarity Corps" (updated June 2017) Q&A European Solidarity Corps Facebook Factsheet "European Solidarity Corps: One Year since take-off (December 2017):


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