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Please take notes on the following information

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1 Please take notes on the following information
Use Italics for Longer Works Use Quotes for Shorter Works Books Melville’s most famous novel, Moby Dick, was just about a stupid white whale. Plays This summer, while visiting New York City I got to see Wicked. Movies Samuel L. Jackson’s chain smoking, one liner character makes Jurassic Park hilarious. Chapters In the chapter, “The Unbreakable Vow” we learn about Snape’s enduring love for Lily Potter. Songs Pharrell’s song “Happy” no longer makes me happy because it’s been so over played. Articles/Essays Hughes’ essay “Salvation” explores a young boy’s guilty conscience. Poems Poe only received 14 cents for his most famous poem, “The Raven”. Please take notes on the following information

2 Little Brown Handbook Chapter 4 Review
The Body Paragraphs Little Brown Handbook Chapter 4 Review

3 The body of your essay is composed of paragraphs that support the thesis statement.

4 Thesis: The library reserve facility is difficult for students to use.
1. Unpredictable hours 2. Poor staffing 3. Inadequate space Each body paragraph usually contains one major point in the discussion promised by the thesis.

5 Each major point is presented in the topic sentence of a paragraph.
Thesis: The library reserve facility is difficult for students to use. 1. Unpredictable hours 2. Poor staffing 3. Inadequate space Topic Sentence 1: The library reserve facility's unpredictable hours frustrate the most dedicated students. Each major point is presented in the topic sentence of a paragraph.

6 Make sure that each topic sentence is focused.
Unfocused: Too many people treat animals badly in experiments. [What people? Badly how? What kinds of experiments?] Focused: The cosmetic industry often harms animals in unnecessary experiments designed to test products. Unfocused: Grades are an unfair pain in the neck. [Too broad, what grades? Unfair how?] Focused: A course grade based on two multiple-choice exams doesn’t accurately measure a student’s knowledge on the subject. Make sure that each topic sentence is focused.

7 Where to place topic sentences?
Most frequently placed as the first sentence in the body paragraph May be the second sentence May be the last sentence Where to place topic sentences?

8 Most common problem among novice writers is the lack of effectively developed body paragraphs.
The library reserve facility’s unpredictable hours frustrate even the most dedicated students. When you have an assignment you go to the library to finish it, but this week the library is closed on Tuesday, and now you can’t get your work done. This happens a lot causing a great amount of frustration. Each paragraph should be adequately developed with clear supporting detail.

9 The library reserve facility’s unpredictable hours frustrate even the most dedicated students. Instructors who place articles or book on reserve usually ask students to read them by a certain date. Too often, however, students arrive at the reserve desk only to find it closed. The facility's open hours change from week to week: students who used the room last Tuesday morning may discover that this Tuesday morning the desk is closed, which means another trip. Perhaps even more frustrating are the facility’s sudden unannounced closures. Some of these closures allow staff members to have lunch or go on breaks, but again they occur without notice on no regular schedule. A student arrives, and sees a “Be Back Soon” sign, waits an hour, and still no one returns. Overall, the reserve facility would be much easier for students to use if it adopted a set schedule of operating hours, announced these times each semester, and then maintained them. Each paragraph should be adequately developed with clear supporting detail.

10 Every sentence in the paragraph should support the topic sentence.
The library reserve facility’s unpredictable hours frustrate even the most dedicated students. Instructors who place articles or book on reserve usually ask students to read them by a certain date. Too often, however, students arrive at the reserve desk only to find it closed. The facility's open hours change from week to week: students who used the room last Tuesday morning may discover that this Tuesday morning the desk is closed, which means another trip. Perhaps even more frustrating are the facility’s sudden unannounced closures. Some of these closures allow staff members to have lunch or go on breaks, but again they occur without notice on no regular schedule. A student arrives, and sees a “Be Back Soon” sign, waits an hour, and still no one returns. Overall, the reserve facility would be much easier for students to use if it adopted a set schedule of operating hours, announced these times each semester, and then maintained them. Every sentence in the paragraph should support the topic sentence.

11 The library reserve facility’s unpredictable hours frustrate even the most dedicated students. Instructors who place articles or book on reserve usually ask students to read them by a certain date. Too often, however, students arrive at the reserve desk only to find it closed. The facility's open hours change from week to week: students who used the room last Tuesday morning may discover that this Tuesday morning the desk is closed, which means another trip. Perhaps even more frustrating are the facility’s sudden unannounced closures. Some of these closures allow staff members to have lunch or go on breaks, but again they occur without notice on no regular schedule. A student arrives, and sees a “Be Back Soon” sign, waits an hour, and still no one returns. Overall, the reserve facility would be much easier for students to use if it adopted a set schedule of operating hours, announced these times each semester, and then maintained them. There should be an orderly logical flow from sentence to sentence and thought to thought.

12 Recognizable ordering of information
Order of time Order of space Deductive order (generalized to particular) Inductive order (particular to generalized) Transitional words and phrases within the paragraph Repetition of key words Pronouns substituted for key words Parallelism (same grammatical structure) Use a variety Avoid whiplash There should be an orderly logical flow from sentence to sentence and thought to thought.

13 There should be a smooth flow from paragraph to paragraph.
Thesis: The Gator is one of the worst cars on the market Transitions between paragraph: When you buy a Gator, you buy physical inconvenience. Repetitions of key word Another reason the Gator is a bad buy is the cost of insurance. Transitional word + key word You might overlook the inconvenient size and exorbitant insurance taxes if the Gator were a strong reliable car, but this automobile constantly needs repair. Key words from preceding paragraph + transitional word The more serious draw back, however, is the Gator’s safety record. Transitional word, key word Transition word + old information + new information/new reason. There should be a smooth flow from paragraph to paragraph.

14 The body paragraphs should successfully persuade your reader that the opinion expressed in your thesis is valid.

15 Thesis Review

16 The thesis statement declares the main point or controlling idea of the entire essay.
The thesis briefly answers the questions, "What is my opinion on subject X?" and "What am I going to argue/illustrate in this essay?" Definition

17 A good thesis states the writer's clearly defined opinion on some subject.
A good thesis asserts one main idea. A good thesis has something worthwhile to say. Also, don't merely state a fact. A thesis is an assertion of opinion that leads to discussion; don't select an idea that is self-evident or dead-ended. A good thesis is limited to fit the assignment. A good thesis is clearly stated in specific terms. A good clearly located, often as the last line in the first or second paragraph. Guidelines

18 Using any two of the pieces of literature we’ve read “Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford, “Upon the Burning of Our House” by Anne Bradstreet, or “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards, write an essay examining some common feature in the text. You must include some reference to one of the literary techniques we’ve discussed (allusion, diction, similes, metaphors, personification, theme, assonance, consonance, alliteration, rhyme). Prompt

19 Intros and Conclusions
Little Brown Handbook Chapter 4 Review

20 How to begin and end an essay can become trite but there are a few things to remember: 1. Many essays profit from a lead-in, the first sentences of the introductory paragraph that will smoothly set up the thesis statement. 2. Essays should end convincingly without being repetitious or trite.

21 Lead-Ins Paradoxical or intriguing statement Shocking statistic
Question Famous quote Relevant story Description/emotional appeal Factual statement Analogy/comparison Before-and-after scenario Personal experience Catalog of relevant examples or facts Statement of the problem or popular misconception Brief dialogue Proverb, maxim, motto Revelation or insight Appeal to common or imagined experience Lead-Ins

22 Introductions need to introduce
Keep lead in brief Don’t begin with an apology of complaint Don’t assume your audience knows the subject matter Stay clear of overused lead-ins Introductions need to introduce

23 In Langston Hughes’ autobiographical essay, “Salvation”, Hughes is a young boy at a church revival waiting to be saved. As a young child he was told that in order to be saved he would see and feel Jesus come into the church that night, but when it starts to get late and Hughes begins to get hot and tired, he lies and pretends to be saved. Hughes is forced to act because of peer pressure and a miscommunication that causes the young boy to ultimately lose faith. Lead In: Introduce Subject/Topic 1-2 sentences to clarify or narrow the subject THESIS Funnel Introduction

24 The Puritans were a group of people who came to America seeking religious freedoms in the 1600s. Anne Bradstreet wrote a poem “Upon the Burning the of Our House” during this time period to share her Puritan beliefs, and later Jonathan Edwards wrote “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” to articulate his religious beliefs. In both texts there is a common theme about how powerful their God which is illustrated through the author’s use of figurative language. Lead In: Introduce Subject/Topic 1-2 sentences to clarify or narrow the subject THESIS Funnel Introduction

25 Conclusions

26 The Conclusion Paragraph
The last paragraph in an essay that neatly wraps up the paper Contains 3 main parts Restate the thesis Lead-out Clincher The Conclusion Paragraph

27 A Visual Think of the Conclusion as a triangle. Specific
Restatement of Thesis Lead-out A Visual Clincher General

28 Conclusions Summary of thesis and essays major points
(Only useful for longer essays) Evaluation of importance of essay’s subject Recommendation or call to action Warning based on essay’s thesis Quote from an authority Anecdote or brief example that emphasizes Image or description that lends finality to the essay Rhetorical question Prediction based on essay’s thesis Ironic twist, witticism, pun, or playful use of words Return to technique used in intro Conclusions

29 Restate the thesis Summarize the thesis without repeating yourself
The most specific part of the conclusion Should include a transition to indicate that this is your concluding paragraph Restate the thesis

30 The Lead-out Just like the lead-in only backwards
Makes the topic larger to become more general and less specific Smoothes out the conclusion paragraph The Lead-out

31 The Clincher/ Call to Action/ So What?
Last sentence of the last paragraph Give the paper finality Similar to an attention getter because it should make the reader think and leave an impression Most general part of the conclusion paragraph The Clincher/ Call to Action/ So What?

32 Errors to Avoid in Conclusion
Boring mechanical endings Introduction of new points Don’t tack on the conclusion – needs to be logical flow Don’t change your stance Avoid trite expressions (“As you can see, this essay proves my thesis “) Don’t insult your reader Errors to Avoid in Conclusion

33 Summary and opinion that leads to a broader scope
Hughes was forced to act due to a miscommunication and peer pressure. As a young boy Hughes did what any young boy would do, but tragically he is consumed with guilt that causes him to lose complete faith. This of course is the exact opposite effect that the church, his aunt, and community wanted for the boy. We see this happen all the time with many young people; an overwhelming pressure to act or do something when there isn’t a clear understanding of why. Perhaps adults should spend a little more time explaining the why behind the actions, before expecting the young to blindly comply. Then we can truly “see” what we are supposed to. THESIS Summary and opinion that leads to a broader scope Call for action, or answer to why this is important or valuable. What is the larger context of this essay? Funnel Conclusion

34 By the end of the period complete the following
1. Pick one of the following thesis statements. Pretend you’ve just written an essay defending this thesis statement. A. Being raised by robots is far superior to being raised by dinosaurs. NFL players should not be punished for kneeling during the National Anthem. Cell phones should be completed banned from school campuses. All high school students should not have to wear uniforms to school. 2. Write down the two arguments you used to defend that thesis statement. 3. Write a solid introduction & conclusion paragraph to end your pretend essay. By the end of the period complete the following

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