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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

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1 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
MENTORING SKILLS All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 11/11/2018

2 If you have only plans, you will remain only in the plains.
Glory comes to the person who breasts the tape 11/11/2018

3 Is transformational and personal journey in learning
MENTORING Is transformational and personal journey in learning Is helping the next generation to develop and grow Is a discipline 11/11/2018

4 ‘Gurukul’ system of education in India
The word Mentor is the name of young Telemachus's adviser in Homer's Odyssey. The earliest documented use was in 1750. ‘Gurukul’ system of education in India 11/11/2018

5 Mentoring is a mutual learning partnership in which individuals assist each other with personal and career development through coaching, role modeling counseling, sharing knowledge and providing emotional support. 11/11/2018

6 Mentoring helps people understand and work through change and contributes to the achievement of the mission. Mentoring aids in self development. 11/11/2018

7 Your MENTOR? Who took an interest in my welfare and development at a time when I was taking on challenges? Who has been a useful role model in my life? Who helped me to uncover and use a hidden talent or capability? 11/11/2018

8 Your MENTOR? Who helped me face and resolve a difficult situation in my educational, personal or professional life? Who challenged me to acquire a new vision and take a new direction? 11/11/2018

9 Mentoring High degree of trust
Mentor helps the mentee to become what that person aspires to be The mentor helps the mentee to realise his or her potential Subroto Bagchi called himself the ‘Chief Gardner’ 11/11/2018

10 Mentor builds bridges Communicate through touching people.
“If we sow the thoughts of abundance, of plenty, we shall tend to reap prosperity; while we sow the mean, pinched, stingy failure thoughts, we shall reap a poor harvest.” Orison Swett Marden 11/11/2018

11 Touching mentees Think WIIIFM - Reach out to people Show care and concern Law of Reciprocity You get in multiples of what you give Use the right body language Empathize 11/11/2018

12 Mentors should Have Personal Commitment
Be Energized and Energize others Be Decisive on tough issues Get things done through others They follow through Have integrity

13 MENTORING – Phases Orientation Mentoring Evaluation Redefinition

14 Find the Core Competence
Write your dreams Do your SWOT once in three months List what you enjoy doing List what you are good at List your achievements 11/11/2018

15 Mentoring - TIPS Maintain regular contact.
Always be honest and transparent. Avoid being judgmental. Recognize that you have your own need for support. A mentor may need a mentor as well. Do not expect to have all the answers. 11/11/2018

16 Mentoring - TIPS Help your mentee access resources and further support. Be clear about expectations and boundaries. Stand back from the issues your mentee raises, but work together on them. Respect confidentiality and privacy. If the relationship falters – hang on in there. 11/11/2018

17 The Mentor’s Seven Essential Behaviours
Know your people and business Insist on Realism Set clear goals and priorities Follow through Reward the Doers Expand people’s capabilities Know Yourself 11/11/2018

18 Being a Change Agent Tell mentee the expectations
Discuss how to reach there Coach the mentee Reward results 11/11/2018

19 Orientation - Steps Meet the mentees informally
Discuss about the orientation programme Introduce yourself Find out about the mentees Create a book/file/folder for each mentee Listen and take notes/negotiate an agenda Empathise, empathise, empathise 11/11/2018

20 Mentoring - Steps Listen and challenge
Recognise strengths and weaknesses Establish priorities Identify developmental needs Give information and advice Share experiences and tell stories 11/11/2018

21 Mentoring - Steps Encourage problem solving through creative thinking
Help in decisions by giving information and short listing and selecting from ideas Agree on action plans and review in every meeting 11/11/2018

22 Evaluation - Steps Monitor progress in every meeting Evaluate outcomes
Praise generously Give constructive criticism Never ignore failures 11/11/2018

23 Redefinition - Steps Were the goals achieved Have you fixed new goals?
Did you change and discover new aspirations? Problems that you encountered and solutions provided Continue/terminate/hand over mentoring 11/11/2018

24 MENTORING The self actualizing mode Fifty years from now…
“It isn’t the incompetent who destroy an organization. The incompetent never get to a position to destroy it. It is those who have achieved something and want to rest on the laurels who are forever clogging things up.” – Henry Ford 11/11/2018

25 Role Model Brand Icon Legend

26 Flat tyre leadership of Ratan Tata
“Most leaders and managers know how to get things done through people, to turn people into tools, but not how to direct them, inspire them or motivate them.” Flat tyre leadership of Ratan Tata 11/11/2018

27 The Champion’s Creed The 10 most important words:
I won't wait for others to take the first step. The 10 most important words: If it is to be, it's up to me. The 9 most important words: If not me, who? If not now, when? The 8 most important words: Let me take a shot at it. The 7 most important words: I will not pass the buck. The 6 most important words: 11/11/2018

28 The Champion’s Creed You can count on me. It IS my job! Just do it!
The 5 most important words: It IS my job! The 4 most important words: Just do it! The 3 most important words: I will. The 2 most important words: Me The most important word: 11/11/2018

29 Some people bring happiness wherever they go
Some people bring happiness wherever they go! Some people bring happiness whenever they go!!

G.Balachandran 11/11/2018

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